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Everything posted by slum_goddess

  1. LOLOLOL! you Brits! hahahhahahaha, you sound like all my friends here. tell me about it. i rented it from amazon, kept it a month, saw it alone and/or w/friends about 30 x and then ran out and bought it (most expensive DVD i ever bought --- 7,99£).
  2. congrats. method. :)
  3. no shit...i'm thinking The Flintstones and the Jetsons. then years later, The Simpsons.
  4. good on her...i wish there were more who'd take roles like this.
  5. this 'Christ' dude is amazing --- all you have to do is, anything you want and he'll forgive you and you're back to zero.
  6. lol, where to begin? Lebowski, all other Coen Bros films Usual Suspects Reservoir Dogs V for Vendetta Pulp fiction Natural Born Killers JFK People v. Larry Flynt Fight Club &c &c &C
  7. DESMOND DEKKER! (died before his time, most famous for 'The Israelites' used in the film 'Drugstore Cowboy'
  8. if all the morons in the States could be fit into the bu$hCo misadministration...oh wait.
  9. above object of my love affair, seen in partial context here:
  10. moving right along, this is the not-so-obscure object of my desire:
  11. it would be nice to say, 'i smell a trend coming' but i know better. too bad for US. THAT'S ALL? surely there must be other reasons, but still, i live under the (possible) stereotype that the Japanese have a very high regard for that which's known as 'honor'. disclaimer: i know just about NOTHING of history and most other countries' values.
  12. \GOOD. it's long past due. lovely. yet another reason to avoid *buck's and McCartney simultaneously.
  13. PAUL NEWMAN FOR PRESIDENT! (i'm joking but really, at least he admits his shortcomings. and he had a long and rather fabaroo run.)
  14. to all vets, especially in our current war, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart --- GOOD LUCK AND KEEP SAFE.
  15. hey shithead! very pleased to finally see the person w/whom i've been talking for ages now. ps, you don't look like a shit head, just sayin'.
  16. GAH! believe it or not, everytime i see a pic of you i miss you more. damn, we /did/ have a good time that night, wish it could've lasted longer (and i was the independent adult others mistake me for, lol). you look great, as usual. btw, WHERE'S THAT CD ALREADY? i wanna show you off, i mean, show off your voice &c and talk about that magical night ('magical' to me --- it was prollly just another night out for you) ps, this should be in mail, but still --- i finally got up the stones to mail Wayne. told him it was dif to talk in mail, hardly knowing him but dug what little i found out by talking to him that night). invited him over and told him that if he'd feel more comfortable, then you should come over as well (plenty of room here). and i do mean it (though i think i might've scared him away, lol --- that happens a LOT). but you're always invited; Bristol Int'l Airport's just 20 mins. from here. oopsy, am i embarrassing you? i torry ---- don't worry, i don't expect an immediate YES neither outta Wayne nor from you. ps, i came back here looking for that pic of me in Capt P's dressing room and saw your post and immediately got distracted.
  17. today i hate the master of the new Alabama 3 album. it's all wrong. and so, i hate everything about it, everyone who took part in it, including myself (on what was once known as KKK but is now called 'the klan'). i hate this so much, i won't be going to any of the festies this summer (and there are lots of them) and won't be around for the september tour. just waiting for Mark to call so i can tell him (hate him too).
  18. toga party! i read that DM fired Saatchi, the advert people.
  19. really --- i thank y'all as well. what th'?
  20. LMAO! i'm doing glorious nothing --- gonna try to sleep late this wkend and experiment w/sparkly things. and it's a long weekend here, a bank hol monday.
  21. 'occurred'? as in, happened already? then again, the cynic in me wants to believe they're bullshitting and not really bro and sis and giving phoney ages. but if true, IMO, it's disgusting (didn't bother watching the vid, once i saw the chick)
  22. i was offline since friday but in london saturday - sunday.
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