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Everything posted by slum_goddess

  1. happy birthday, Mike, mrs K and everyone else. :)
  2. where at? this is supposedly your first and only post.
  3. christ on a crutch, we have totally different definitions of 'cool' and 'design'. i see no accessibility, no way to turn off the horrendous soundtrack. and the first two are done, i believe, in flash. didn't bother checking out the 3rd.
  4. from here: It's all Virginia Tech, all the time, now. Our own glorious Crawford Caligula and his reverse cameltoe pantsuited Laurabot Xanax 6000 are reportedly going to Blacksburg to attend this afternoon's convocation at Virginia Tech, likely to subconsciously associate themselves with the danger and stench of senseless, random death... Meanwhile, this faux-codpiece turdhair hasn't attended a single funeral for a serviceman killed in his excellent Global War on Brown People. But if there's politically exploitable death, you need not look far for some Booshes wearing bad pantsuits and idiotic smirks. and skunk's post before: '...it happens just in time to completely obliterate from the news cycle Abu G's congressional testimoy regarding the political takeover of the Department of Justice. But really. This time we're taking the global prize for bloodiest school massacre. Looks like a guy with a couple of pistols and an assload of spare mags took a stroll through a building shooting people after he chained some doors shut.'
  5. sorry, but i believe what i believe. yeah, i wonder where and why? i thought it was understood that i was horrified and think it's tragic, not only for my tinfoil hat shite.
  6. my dad's favorite tune. i still can't hear it w/o getting all teary.
  7. IMO this is yet another distraction begun by the cheney regime, to take the heat off AG's head, as he's been rehearsing 'the truth' for like five hours a day and his timellines and incidents haven't yet added up properly. what's 31 students to over 3,000 people killed due to their negligence? NOTHING. :(
  8. i walk under ladders &c on purpose. whooooo *scarey music*, it was friday 13. big whoop.
  9. ebookers.com and Delta airways.
  10. hey it's only 3,000 miles away, dude. ;)
  11. if it's w/the gov't's blessing i'm totally suspicious of whatever they have planned. knowing them, theirs plans are shite and concern censorship of what they call 'objectionable material' e.g., subversive anti-bu$hCo sites.
  12. Marianne flew in to visit me from Dublin yesterday. we've been rocking around in Bristol ever since.
  13. fucking Rednecks and everyone else up the ass since 2000. hahahahahah.
  14. just from a usability viewpoint, i shall never use the underlining function. i keep thinking there's a link and there's not. just sayin'.
  15. holy shit, no matter how she did it, her stomach and those lines under her right breast look awful. and i dig Courtney.
  16. today i love that Marianne's flying over from Dublin to spend the weekend w/me. watch out Bristol!
  17. why? cause he's skinny when wet? oh wait, lol, you have my permission to jump in my bathtub anytime. if that's what you mean (dunno, i'm confused for a change).
  18. Hunter looks bigger than he is cause of his furryness. when he jumps in the bath w/me after he's toweldried he's this skinny little thing. WF, i have heavy doggy envy going on over here. :)
  19. and that's supposed to help whom? i know attention whoring when i see it and this seems to help/change nothing but this group's self-promo.
  20. lovely. i don't want GPS or whatever in any car i drive and i don't want them to know where i've been or what i'm buying at shops.
  21. lol, Shawn. i saw what's now known as the Tennesee 3 (sp?) a few weeks ago w/Alabama 3 opening for them (J Cash's back up band). the T3 were totally like a tribute band, AFAIC. A3 totally blew them out of the water. they were so pissed, they refused to let Larry sing w/them as promised in the contract. but then they relented and thank fuck for that. lol, the Band even did 'hello i'm johnny cash' (from their 'outlaw' album) which was recorded a month or so before JC died.
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