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Everything posted by slum_goddess

  1. i'm sure they anticipated this --- great cheap promo.
  2. the master of the new A3 album that went to be pressed last week. i'm horrified, hoping it's disinfo. :(
  3. welcome to BK, rubbish. WF, your sign should be pointing to me
  4. i wannit it w/it saying NRN afterwards.
  5. whoa, that's me (apart from the 'normal person' label.
  6. reading your post, Koop, i'm laughing through the tears. :(
  7. the trick is to live far off from where everything's happening. of course, i weep copious tears when shit's going on for which i can't afford to visit London (like this weekend). as well, being in a place like the UK w/my American accent helps somewhat as people (including strangers) have been lovely to me, offering me rides and places to crash. but the trick of it is, one must act like a NY-er (which i was up until almost 7 years back) and be all pushy to get one's way w/one's favorite band. *proudtard* oopsy, quiet part out loud again. oh well, lol. btw, i think you'll find that on most of the weekend threads, i've posted how i'm doing nothing apart from playing w/Hunter kitty and watching films and smoking et al.
  8. MY EYES! deeeee--pressing.
  9. OMG, Umma --- we agree on something
  10. jesus h christ...will someone send these pics to the preznit or something? fuckin' bloody hell, this shit is crazy, it seems the fires start earlier and earlier every year. over here it's been in the 50s and low 60s in Bristol and the 60s to low 70s in London. 4 distinct seasons, and now everything's blooming, just like when i was a kid growing up in NYC.
  11. amen to that, Koop. i think it was Wm S Burroughs (or Lenny Bruce) who said that if aliens or whatever came down and took a look at the inequities of the world's people, they'd demand to see the manager. and then institutionalise him/her/it.
  12. thank you. i've loved her since the beginning of her career.
  13. i honestly don't remember. on friday morning, one of my oldest friends here (my guest) Dave and i headed into London. Ms Freebase met us at the pub at Victoria station and we began to drink. then Dave split to meet up w/Electric Landlady and Freebird, i mean Freebase and i went down to the hotel i booked to dump our stuff, then on to Chris's to restock, refuel and reload. then it all turns into a happy haze...i know i was w/about 20 old friends on friday night and stayed up till about 12 noon on saturday, checked out late and headed down to Brixton. happy haze continued...somehow i managed to sleep from about 18,00 saturday night to 08,00 yesterday and Chris got me to the Shame Train at Victoria. but a good time was had by all. :)
  14. old Film Noir is my very fave genre; two of my most-enjoyed books are Dark City and The Dark Side of the Screen.
  15. took the words right outta my mouth. :) me last weekend, trying to multitask in Captain Paranoid and the Delusions' dressing room in Cardiff.
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