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Everything posted by slum_goddess

  1. late as usual, but happy b-day, kiwi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. they've been 'talking' about rebuilding New Orleans for years --- i ain't seen no action yet. fucking fuckers.
  3. 'Florida --- America's Wang' *in a Homer voice*
  4. they say 'Dallas' but i'm wondering if they really mean Crawford. yes, these dudes should be all rounded up and rot in jail/hell forEVuh. fuckin assholes.
  5. :lol: :lol: apart about the 'we are the Sioux nation' thang which is almost sacrilege. suck it up, you greedy pricks!
  6. RD, there's this wonderful (?) invention called 'rubbers' which serve as receptacles for dicks. just sayin'.
  7. :lol: about the rainbow-mohican'd granny above, i've seen older/more punky around these parts. and that'll be me if i make it that old. :)
  8. fer fuck's sake, you're beginning to sound like me...not good.
  9. 'take away the word 'fuck' and you've taken away the ability to say 'fuck the government' (John Lydon paraphrasing Lenny Bruce)
  10. whomever the hell he is, maybe he can, once and for all, put to rest that WE (the Jews) killed him. as Lenny Bruce said, 'it's a good thing there wasn't electricity when Christ was around, cause if there had been, all 'Christians' would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks.'
  11. umbrellas in drinks? sex in toilets? now that's class
  12. neither can mine. :( ages ago we tried to get her an email (only) machine but she wasn't interested. sad sad sad, for the residents there and for other old people who have no interest in e-communicating. you're very lucky, porky.
  13. and the WF/SG lovefest continues... i know; let's take over EVERY thread, i'll send it along in a bit, when i sit down on sofa and see his and Jamie's cards on coffeetable. of course! what i do here, what's acceptable public adult behavior i so totally wouldn't do back there (beginning w/riding shopping carts and shouting out wheeeee! faster and faster down the long sainsbury's aisles and ending talking to new people; people are NOT the same all over. i didn't wanna drag you down w/me---i did it for YOUuuuuuu. :) ahhhh, get yer ass over here as my guest --- believe me, you won't regret it. and you'll see people older than i raising the bar of acceptable adult behavior. at one point when she was near sane, my mother asked 'what are you trying to prove?' and i'm all 'i'm trying to subvert the dominant hierarchy of acceptable adult appearance and behavior'. this did NOT go down well w/her. i rolled my eyes and walked out to have yet another cig on her front porch. she hid behind the curtains peering out, watching to see if the neighbors were looking, lol. i wished they had been but it was the middle of one of the afternoons and nobody was home.
  14. this is the first time i've seen this...she NEVER told me that you called. fuckin' cunt she is. but it was YOU who got me into big trouble. *snigger* can't quit laughing now, i wanna do it all over again. :) ugh, those pics are awful (of me, not of you), and i couldn't spike up my hair thanks to monster mommy. Chris is coming over to stay this bank hol weekend w/his new camera; he's the only person i trust to take my pic propertly. nyah, WF. not any more...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuckin' Asperger's syndrome (mouth) ruins EVERYTHING. but grrrrrrr anyway. they're only grey w/brown shit in them sometimes when i'm ripped. when i was young they looked like explosions (and this was w/o the tripping effect). how the hell you could see them in the dark makes YOU the scarey one and not me that's a nice way of putting it: 'fell into a puddle'. but in all seriousity, i'm sorry. in other news, SEND ME YOUR DAMN CD ALREADY! THANK YOU, DUDE AND KOOP! BTW, is that Wayne i see in that pic where i'm hiding? slurp drollllll glurghlllllllllll hahahahahahaha Jamie was soooo nice and cute i wanted to eat her up. and y'all can tell Diane (one of the sweetest most friendly, if not THE most beautiful barmaids i've met in NYC), in the famous words of Der Gropinator: 'i'll be BACK' and i will. *threat mode* :)
  15. they call it 'producer' (forget what they called it in the States; maybe 'developer'?); he makes user interfaces and test drives them for usability in ALL browsers; after being there for nigh on 7 months, a month or so back they gave him a raise and made him head (yuk yuk) of the producers' group.
  16. lol, Dude. none of those whom i know can... :)
  17. i, for one, can't wait to hate him. just talking to that Brit in that Band and he told me that GBrown was more into socialism than he might appear but there's no way he'll defy bu$hCo. this i wouldn't know, but like an idiot i hold some hope. but British people like MI would know better than i.
  18. i'm w/you, Kooperman, on both counts. btw, i'm still cracking up at your av &c.
  19. thank you, WF. i hate to be vague but i'll explain more in mail and not in public yet.
  20. yes, i distinctly said 'fabaroo'. :) actually i was conscious of trying to keep my made-up words to a minimum and other shite i picked up here, but there came a point when i said something to you (or Wayne or Jamie the cute chick photographer) when i was so gone, i either said 'fabaroo' or something else. raised eyebrows do NOT go down well w/me so i tried to keep my big mouth shut after that. ps, YOU FORGOT TO GIVE ME THE DISC OF YOUR MUSIC! DAMMIT! i wanna hook you up w/Rob and Mark for them to hear your voice (and i want you in my i-tunes pronto). you VILL fit in my i-tunes!
  21. my 2p: someone on some other site, analysed the themesong (originally written about a British woman who killed her husband for years of him abusing her) and predicted that as the original song goes, Carmella or Janice would end up running the entire thing. nb: i laughed my ass off reading his analysis, it was very lengthy and i just wondered about the writer, the time he spent 'analysing' and the 'thought' he put into it. about Paulie, i always thought he was a petty, vengeful spiteful thug, totally not to be trusted. but what do i know? btw, is there anyone else here who considers this show a comedy as i do? it took about two viewings of the first season for me to realise it but all the hints are there in (i believe) the pilot, especially w/some of the music behind the action.
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