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Everything posted by slum_goddess

  1. you go James. :) i spoke out from my little site to anyone who chanced on finding me and it's about damn time people in the public eye spoke up as well. :)
  2. photo by Seany Lynch w/whom i'm totally in love now after finally meeting him (taken on his Nokia phone tuesday night; my Razr couldn't do that ---> fit all 9 of the Band in):
  3. the Tripod in Dublin on tuesday night was totally fabaroo (as was all of beautiful Dublin and its extremely friendly people). one of the huge things for us is meeting others w/whom we've been talking for ages; this time 'round, we met the Irish Contingent and they were as cool and friendly (and generous) in meatspace as they've been online for over four years now. we were all on the guestlist (for a change) and sailed on by everyone else; i guess i should be used to it by now, but i'm not. the Band --- despite the ridiculous 70s-style M.O.R. white disco sleaze-oid pimp/preacher suits --- was in top form and we were all in the front line, cheering them on while the crowd went wild behind us. at the Afterparty, we were hanging out w/Orlando, Jake and Mark while Larry and Devlin were DJing the new album onstage. when it was time for 'Klan', Larry grabbed his mic and went 'is Rimone in the house?' i ducked down but Chris was shouting out 'SHE'S RIGHT HERE!' and pointing to me...thank fuck Larry was cool and left me alone. :) i got my first 'fan mail' (oy fuckin' vey) today from a friend to whom Mark gave me permission to send the tune i'm blathering on: '...You sound fucking amazing on that by the way, really proud of you! And fucking smiling my fucking arse off! XXXX really proud...' on the other hand, i sent it to Dude a few months back and i imagine he didn't dig it 'and that's cool'. I TOTALLY CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW ALBUM (according to Amazon, it'll be released 3. september) mostly cause i've been hearing it (4 demos and the master) off my i-tunes since last Christmas and i'm dying to talk about it and totally can't (i've never kept a secret this long in my entire life and my big mouth isn't used to shutting the fuck up about anything).
  4. how nice for him, that we love him so much we pay for his conveniences. i won't post what i really wanna say but i'm sure others here know what i'm thinking.
  5. it's shit like this that frightens people away from stepping up to make an opposing force. tell me about it.
  6. method, most of the people are scared shitless ('TERRRAAAAAA!') and totally not into demonstrating or hunger strikes or doing anything dramatic to make a point. personally, i think if enough people stepped up, maybe something good would come of it but that ain't happening anytime soon. i think it's too late, actually and that frightens me. IMO the EU should step in and drag 'em all to the Hague. but what do i know?
  7. no, wait. i'm waiting for a week or so, then all the black eyeliner (Revlon or the better stuff) will be stocked forEVar on the shelves (since i go through like a tube a week, plus pencils).
  8. MICHAEL MOORE IS MY HERO, and nobody can change my mind. B) maybe i should go around BK starting topics just to dis people in the public eye... *snigger* (i'd never finish, LOL.)
  9. what he said, apart from the first bit of the last sentence. :)
  10. we read about a kitty who could do this way back in 2000 or 2001 (and we think it was in the same nursing home). someone brought this to our attention the other day and we thought it was the same kitty until we read that this one is only two years iold. way back when, when i got the flu in DE, Chris pointed out how Peter wouldn't budge from my side and we remembered the Kitty of Death ... i dunno, all we can remember is that the former kitty was also in a nursing home in the NE (of the States) and after his magical powers/ESP or whatever was pointed out, two old ladies refused to have him in their rooms anymore. because of this, i smell a scam as well.
  11. after being in Dublin the first half of this week (and refusing to share the stage at the Tripod, even after i was given a verbal invite and still not doin' it), and not having recuperated yet, i'm gonna lie low and relax here and recharge my batteries. :)
  12. i'm w/sideshow bob --- gonna wait till it's on DVD. but one way or the other, i'll definitely check it out.
  13. i still have issues w/the confederate flag...it's no small wonder Rob asked me to talk (and sing) on KKK/The Klan. nb: if i were Black, i'd have been outta here never to return after seeing that thing posted. just sayin'.
  14. yup, two in a row that i /said/ i'd be home... nothing EVER turns out the way i think it will. not that i'm complaining (for once) :) we're ALL getting old...not that i care. thank you, the weekend was kinda relaxing but fun but monday in london totally blew me away, ended up staying in a hotel w/a friend. *proudtard* wow, like i said in april, if i'd only known you when i was in Brooklyn, i'd have had a MUCH better time there (and so would've Chris). i love that pic of you. hey, did you cut your hair? whatever you did, it looks really good.
  15. the more things change...i'm thinking of those Mr Natural, Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny blotter acids which i'm too lazy to Google for pics. *snigger*
  16. *snigger* no she doesn't. oopsy, i lied; i just got off the phone w/Mark and Jake rang me yesterday --- we're all meeting tomorrow night in Brixton before Outlaw at Dirty South and then Jamm on the saturday. and then we're all in Ireland...they stay and Chris and i split after Dublin. but we're going along w/them to most of the above dates. I TOTALLY CAN'T WAIT FOR THE GODDAMNED ALBUM TO BE RELEASED SO I CAN POST 'MY' TUNE (or at least a bit of it). when D Wayne rang yesterday, it (KKK or 'The Klan' or whatever it's gonna be called) was on here and i had him hang on so i could turn it down and he goes 'you really don't get tired of listening to yourself, do you?' and i went 'look who's talking' and we both cracked up. help me Jebus, stop me now...nobody here has shown much of an interest so naturally, i think i'm having a heart attack actually (one of the good ones), oh yeah, welcome aboard to BeatKing, Rob. um...do we know each other? cause i cannot believe that after like almost four years here, someone else actually digs the Band.
  17. HAH! *laden w/Schadenfreude* obligatory FUCK THE RIAA. :)
  18. late as usual, but i hope you had a wonderful birthday and will have a fabaroo year to come, Koop. :) BTW, Rainbow Demon, WHY HAVE YOU BESMIRCHED KOOP'S TOPIC HERE? and WTF is a, um...that kinda b-day? never mind, i don't wanna know. *exits mumbling and cursing* lol
  19. why am i not surprised? bah...Stateside's not ready for free anything e.g., it still kills me to see the very old/young here and in EU, all w/cellphones which, IMO, have become a necessity for safety's sake these days. but over here, just like w/landlines, only the caller pays for airtime. my mother called me at the airport from her cell to say goodbye --- my charge for that 4 minute call was 20$. then again, my provider's in the UK but still. her charge? like 5$. disgusting.
  20. HOORAH! LONG LIVE LARRY FLYNT! (yes i know, once i got something stuck in my head, i repeat it endlessly) i just shot him a mail w/above quote practically begging him to let it drip drip drip. :)
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