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Malicious Intent

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Everything posted by Malicious Intent

  1. Who? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahhaahahalolololololollolololololollolololololololololololololololololollololollolololo ollolollolollololollololollohahhahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahalmaolololololololololololo ololo I'm DAMN funny.
  2. Third chance Ken - don't forget the whole great flood thing. I hate disarster films.
  3. :smokin: #I'm in love with you, and I feel fine :strumma:
  4. I saved it first, now I'm playing it...
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY METHOD! Have a famntastic day.
  6. You gotta celebrate your birthday, however late. So enjoy your birthday celebration!
  7. Ah, that explains it. I thought they said on TOTPs that he wrote the song when he was 16. Perhaps that was something else.
  8. Yep, just me. It seems that it decided to delete the record of all the posts I hadn't read yet. "If you were searching for new posts since your last visit, it's possible that there are none to show." That is the only thing I can think of.
  9. When I click view new posts: "Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, but we did not find any matches to display. Try again and broaden your search criteria. If you were searching for new posts since your last visit, it's possible that there are none to show. " It may be just me or temporary problem, but I didn't want no one to say nothing to the admin, who may be unaffected.
  10. Will do RN4S. Says it all DAIC. By the way, I put you in my acknowledgements! I only managed to get one of those songs that you recommended (i didn't have time to search for the rest), which I had on repeat in the background. Once I had stopped noticing it, my productivity increased loads! That and I was short of names to add...
  11. Party time is tommorrow night after it is actually handed in. It was all last second, but I doubt that I'm the person who pushed it closest to the deadline. Probably isn't the best publication in the world, but right now I'm glad it is done!
  12. I've finished it, printed it and packed it up safely to take in for binding and handing in tomorrow morning. 9102 words, 900 short, but it is a limit, not a target. I don't find out the result for over two months. I'm not going to even guess how good it is.
  13. "Princes William and Harry" I'm all for invading their privacy, (they have the ultimate life at, at a cost), but this is too far. I remember them walking formally along behind their mums coffin, with millions and millions of people watching.
  14. " beloved member of royalty and her family " I doubt many members of the royal family would agree with that!
  15. ZP is a place lots of us have in common, so it is bound to get spoken about. Stopping it is like telling people not to talk about work at the office party.
  16. Or me. Same effect. Shit - dissertation. If you catch me posting again, shout!
  17. Puts to shame my project on graphical distortions in annual reports. 8400 words done, 1600 to go. One day left to finish, check, print and hand in...
  18. Welcome cjules13, welcome to the house of fun, welcome to the lions den... "started a new thread for myself" And I am so happy to see you, I've welcomed you in both places!
  19. Congrats Hunter! You and Janett999 are the king and queen of ZP!
  20. Wasn't this Isus' plan? I remember someone at ZP talking about making a wooden computer.
  21. Oh shit, this is becoming fractionally off topic, and I just made it worse! So, a signing hobbit thing then....
  22. When he is in his cowboy hat and talking with a Texan accent, how can anyone want to vote against him?
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