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Everything posted by NullsRevenge

  1. I dunno i saw the trailer for the sequal to Ocean's Eleven and i dunno what to think anymore... whatever i see from now on im checking on rottentomatoes.com before going.. Im not a big fan of shrek either.. The Chronicles of Riddick looks interesting, so does I,Robot.
  2. My point is while people are caught up in the politics who knows how much more of this stuff is out there, and how it will be used which could cause alot of deaths. Pretty much by focusing all the attention all the time internally and on politics, diverts attention to the ones carrying out the attacks and who will still cause harm to our soldiers and to innoicent civilians over there. So i think you assumed much more than what i meant in my previous post.
  3. Yeah and if you kept it to just the school then i wouldnt have said something. I dont recall ever saying anything like that to any religious or ethnic groups, certainly didnt do anything like that on purpose or conceniously at that time. Im not a huge fan on PC either. However i dont like being told that i dont support personal freedoms(which i do) based solely on my religion and i dont think you would either. Since it seems that at least i hope you now understand that, then im not going to drag this out and let it go and move on because everyone does makes mistakes.
  4. high school teaches need to be more open and present both sides like how its done in college discussions in classes by professors. Its much better, and since students at least in my opinion feel that they arent being preached too, i come out with a lot more than before. Showing the beheading video which i havent seen and dont want to see it, was morally wrong to do because there is plenty of movies(saving private ryan, black hawk down, enemy at the gates and etc.) that could have been shown to illustrate any point that the teacher wanted but i dont think any have claimed that yet. The difference between this and other instances when covering things like the holocaust, is usually waivers go out and require a parents approval and its part of a class where the teacher is suppose to analize what students are seeing and help them to better interpt it. These are just from what i see random acts without any of that which is at the least very irresponisble of the teachers at least.
  5. I thought it was very long and focused too much on the love story aspect of it especially in the beginning. The music got annoying for me after a while. I would have liked it stay more true to the illaid too. After seeing the previews for other summer flicks, this is going to be the summer of shitty movies. Very few of them i actually want to see and others that look cool im starting to be more skeptical that they will end up another van helsuck.
  6. That would be a first.. Anyways back on topic, what i would be worried is the possiblity of seeing more of these kinds of attacks using nerve gas which could be devestating. While everyone here is doing the i told you so or going on about conspiracy theories who knows how much damage the next attack will cause.
  7. Maybe Ken needs to find better things to be "facetious" about and at more appropiate times, than to make those kinds of comments. Which makes him seem that he is intolerant of people based solely on their religion, i dunno how exactly that is funny or how it would be appropiate for a thread like this either but then again i didnt post it. Dudeasincool i graduated from school a few years ago, i dunno when the last time you were in high school but i bet things have changed alot since then.
  8. Thats just a old sterotype and is offensive/outright ridculeous to imply that catholics dont support personal freedoms and the human body just because their beliefs are different than yours. Anyways back to the story this happens every year, about dress code at some school, usually public schools not allowing usually a girl to not go to prom or graudation. Not part of just one religion and i bet if a person did a search for this on google news they would find many many other instances of this. You dont have personal freedoms in school, any school, thats how its been, and thats how its going to be, because they are done or seen at least in the interest of safety or the learning enviroments of students, or like at colleges and their anti-p2p filters, bots and etc. to cover their ass and to "protect the students." If you want personal freedoms then stay off campus. Dress code is especially touchy and is the one thing that when alot of students or parents bitch usually nothing happens, most schools have stupid dress code rules. Usually what happens in stories like this every year is that the public attention the pricipal changes it or they take it to court and usually win or dont win and end up doing something else.
  9. This was tested on the TV show Mythbusters and they tested it and said it was a myth, they taped a cell phone to a gas tank and not only that but put a cell phone in a sealed chamber and sprayed a fine mist of gas and called that cell phone trying to get it to ignite. What does cause these types of accident is static electricity causing a spark that ignites the gas fumes from the gas tank and people's first reaction is to pull out the gas nozzle which just causes a larger fire which is what they found out on the show.
  10. Yeah i saw just the end of the show since i dont really watch any of them in their entireity except the first ones with the really bad singers. I think the only reason why Jasmine wasnt booted was because she got very bad reviews from all the judges since she did bad, starting crying and got the sympathy vote by those who felt sorry for her. Judging by the booing tonight i dont think she will be able to cry her way into the finals.
  11. I dont get this whole "baiting"/trolling crap your going on about either, is it because i questioned what you posted to me. If you dont mean it and dont want to stick by what you say then dont post it and yes it really is that simple. Since there is no real difference between "baiting" and trolling i dont like being accused of being a troll for merely stating my opinion and its outrageous and insulting. Which if thats was even remotely true then why are your still responding and futhermore why did you respond my post in the first place if i was baiting or trolling in your opinion? I dont see how you have been trying to have a reasonable conversation either, i went back and read my first post here and yours and what i posted my opinion and then you responded to pretty much tell me how my opinion is wrong and convince to myself that my own opinion is wrong which is impossible to do to any person.
  12. What exactly do you know about this "conservative dogma" that your going on about when you not a conservative. Your continuing to assume crap about me that just isnt true about things you dont have a clue about. I think its sad and pathetic that you would accuse me of being a puppet because i refuse i agree with your beliefs, which are your beliefs not mine or anyone elses. Which your starting to come off as a bit pushy to me too. I dont see how that is being objective, which by saying your objective, your assuming that your always right which is the wrong attitude to have in a discussion. Where the focus isnt who is "right" or "wrong" and thats not my focus when i post my opinions, if its yours or others than good for you, i merely post why i see things a bit differently or question something that doesnt make sense to me. Maybe if you actually put some more thought into your ideas and presented them better than just the Bush Bashing insults all the time and pretty much saying the same things ive seen others say on tv or in the newspaper. Im not a republican because i agree with everything about the republican part, im a republican because they have the same views as i do on most issues.
  13. That was the first sentence the reamining part of your post was even more partisan banter. Its halarious that your calling me partisan and unable to have a objective viewpoint when thats all i ever see you do, and even though i dont agree with you at least im afraid of your opinion enough to demand you stop just because your a moderator. The only Public Relations that i think the Government ought to worry about is with the US public. DudeAsInCool manifest destiny has nothing to do with the current because i dont think the majority of americans really want to move to iraq even if things were going perfectly and is a extreemely bad example to use. I think Al Queda was already pretty inflamed for a while now, i dont see how you can make a group that wants to kill Americans and have committed numerous terrorist acts madder than they already are. If you want to talk about the money used then you must talk about congress, they appropiated the money and many democrats voted to give Bush the ability to invade iraq and the funds to do it. Its easy to sit back and point fingers and have the "i told you so i was always against this and for that" attitude but that doesnt help anyone now and trying to use every bad thing for the past year for political gain isnt helping this country, isnt helping the iraqis, and certainly isnt helping our troops and come november i dont think it will have helped the democrats much either.
  14. Im going to ignore your attempt to try to change the subject. I see, because the Democrats lost so badly in the midterm elections, the ones still in congress dont have to do the job they were elected too and dont have to be held responisble for what happens. But the same people who arent doing anything now are the same ones who supposely have the answers to all our problems and can fix everything.. And its ok because they somehow deserve a chance even though they dont have any plans, and only offer the same partisan rethortic day in and day out and have done absoluetely nothing to prove they deserve a chance and are acting in the best interest of the country which if they were then they would be doing something today and not just for their own careers or personal gain.
  15. Yeah and there is order of that leadership, the people who want to exploit this and all other problems for political gain rather than coming up with a solution or compromise all want take it to the top when that that is really a reckless thing to do since no one knows who along that order of leadership fcked up. Part of that oversight includes congress and im sure democrats as well. So if your going to blame Bush then shouldnt you blame those members in congress whose job it is to oversee everything for now knowing too, including the democratic members? Its not like there havent been democrats in office this entire time and so if things are really in as a bad of shape as they are then they deserve equal share of the blame, which i think its pathetic that democrats want Americans to believe that they alone can fix everything when the ones in office now havent really done anything other than the constant finger pointing and daily Bush Bashing.
  16. No thats not the case at all, Napster being held liable for the content on its network is why there is no more centralized p2p networks like napster. Decentralized networks like Gnutella were already in existant way before that court ruling came down and like gnutella development was started even before Napster was sued in the first place. P2P in its modern form was well under development a long time before Napster's fall. There has also been no other networks that really specialize in one format(mp3 in napster's case) either, so that and along with there are not centralized programs is all the effect Napster has had. I do not think that proxy systems are the "holy grail" and the amount of security that they provide is questionable. All these "anonymous" networks are all really small and have not yet feel the full wraith of these trade groups and the firms they hire upon them yet. That has happen time after time again with people thinking they are safe on these small networks until they get big enough and then people get busted. Expect with these anonymous p2p networks, people are being told outright that they will be "safe" when it cannot be guarenteed and IMHO people dont really need to be anonymous they just need to feel the illusion that they are anonymous and that is very dangerous.
  17. I think this whole trying to blame the leadership is some of those who are currently court marshalled way or trying to get sympathy to get out of trouble. They are the ones who actually committed the act, which what they did was very disturbing and even though they are soliders they are still human and should have at least questioned what they were doing was wrong. Which going by what ive herd some of them say on tv and assuming its true they were just told to make things hell, meaning they were specifically ordered to do all the crap they did. The only thing i would blame the military for would be for not just letting intelligence handle the breaking of suspects themselves and apparently not just passing it down to the guards with free reign to use whatever methods the guards choose. If the guards are convicted the punishments are alot more serve than a civilian court, could do hard time in a military prison, and get dishonorably dischaged so they wouldnt get any benefits, and would be hard to find a job because of it.
  18. Personally im extreemely skeptical of these "secure" or "anonymous" p2p networks that arent made for small groups. I think there are too many barriers to make it as efficient as other networks, as well as coming up with any real security in the first place which isnt a easy thing to do. Many of these "anonymous" networks are just proxy systems/Crowds and almost all of them go out and promote before its finished which isnt a good sign. People want to believe in them because they sound too good and seems to be what everyone want and have all the answers. Which personally i think people are better off paying the dollar of gig and use newsgroups. Because you can try to hide the source of data, but in the end people are still hosting files and there will always be the possibility even if its slight that a person might get busted. The problem with P2P is that some people associate it with warez which ive seen alot of especially on portal sites like zerobrains. That is not the case, because its the fans of these bands, movies, and etc who are partcipating in p2p and that has been that way from the beginning. Its the groups like the RIAA, MPAA, and how its reported which i think is how people become confused of what p2p is really about. Which is the technology itself and coming up with newer and more efficient ways to distribute data which is becoming more and more important as files get bigger.
  19. I hear this every year seems like a annual occurance that linux is going to take over "soon." Im doubtful because of i dont think alot of the attitudes in the linux community really want windows users, and i dont think that linux has the software support that will actually get people to switch. I expect to know both so the politics, fanboying, fud, and etc doesnt affect me much.
  20. Sounds like this class really blows. hehehe..
  21. Wouldnt have changed nothing, i didnt and still dont agree with their opinions. From what i see alot of people believe in the idealism too much and many on both sides are kinda pushy, that they dont sound realistic at all. I suppose thats just because they are inexperianced.
  22. If the states cant do it then how is the federal government any different? The money to pay for all these things has to come from somewheres. And there are limitations, to what people want and there are physical or other limitations that makes certain things not feasible like technology, costs, and etc. Corporations for the most part are active in the community, they hire people from the community, ran by people who live in that community, most provide a service to the community, and alot do give back to charities, schools, youth sports and etc in the community. There are a ton of businesses out there, of course there is going to be a few bad eggs but they arent really representative of them all.
  23. You dont go to my school do you? The anti-war protest walked by me when i was going to class, id say maybe about a few hundred people, many of them didnt look like they went to the college either. Considering my University is one of the largest in the country(3rd largest i think) it did look pretty sad. Some of them people smelled really badly when they were walking by me too which is what i remember from it the most. Anyways to the thread in general. There are/were some "anti-war" bands. There was Rage Against The Machine which broke up. There was System of a Down with its bombs video that was being played on mtv and some radio stations no freaking stop and havent been herd since. The latest one to "go political" is Incubus with its Megalomaniac song which gets played on the radio(yes on clear channel stations) non stop and on tv alot. That and of course there is punk rock but few punk bands get played on the radio and many dont get alot of exposure because that would mean "selling out." I think the real reason why there is no anti-war artists like in the past is that its more underground like with punk, or with rock bands it seems they are just doing it to get exposure and selling cds because its not many are doing it.
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