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Everything posted by NullsRevenge

  1. What im saying is that the policy that existed well before the current administration didnt work and to rely on it once again would be foolish, and to answer your question im talking in general, not blaming anyone specific. Even though i dont think that playing the blame game is productive, to be fair the Clinton Administration had plenty of time and opportunity to do something too.
  2. My point is with the civil liberities issue aside, what was in place in the past has failed before and so things will have to be changed either way, whether the answer is the Patriot Act or something completely different, is unknown but again what is known is what was being done in the past wasnt enough. If not enough is done and people have to constantly worry about a terrorist attack, i dont see how that can be called freedom. I dont think a true balance is possible because no matter what is done, it will be critized and seen as evil, and against civil rights anyways. Whether or not if that critism is of any ligtimate concern or not. That and the ideal of balance is completely different to each person so what is completely acceptable to one would be considered too much by some and not enough by others.
  3. I find it funny because this is one of the things that i see the same people who critize how the war on terrorism is going and not enough progress is being made who also want to take away some of the ability to hunt down the terrorists efficiently. Obviously how things where being handled before 9/11 failed, thats why it happened.. I dont think the answer is to go back doing things that failed before, so if it goes then something else has to be done. Because waiting until after an attack and after lives have been lost is not a viable option IMHO. Other than that this whole privacy arguement and going on about the government has been happening since this country was founded and some of the things done in the past here in the US was much worse when it comes to civil liberties than anything today. IMHO it's when you can no longer bitch about it then, that is time to really start worrying.. The site linked on slashdot looked to me being a conspiracy site, at the very least looked kinda fishy to me. But since it was posted on Slashdot then it MUST be true...
  4. I always found her annoying reguardless of whatever "side" she is on. Im not surprized you care because its merely telling you what you want to hear. Oh yeah it influenced policy that isnt in effect because its still in the senate and has no effect on anything because its not in use. The only policy thats working now is the same old policy as before and i dunno about you but i wouldnt be calling it a success lately. I would like to think that decisions are made with some knowledge about it and not by politicans completely ignorant of what they are doing, the result of that can be seen especially in P2P with ignorant politicans making statments when its clear they dont have a clue on what they are talking about. Yet it could wind up affecting alot of people. Point being you wouldnt want a plumber performing surgery on you. Your comments that the policy is less consumer-orientated doesnt make much sense because the only handouts would be no different than the handouts the Democrats would give to the labor unions for example.
  5. Anonymous P2P i dont think is the future and i dont think is really needed. Encryption does nothing because the problem isnt people intercepting traffic between two hosts, its that the other host is one of the trade groups bots. The concepts behind waste is realistic, its decentralized small networks much like gnutella which it was created by the same group, this does have a future because its small and involves a small private networks between people to transfer files. Its like ordering a pizza and telling them to deliver it to the blue house and expecting it to get there. Mute on the other hand is just like any other "anonymous p2p" program to date, trying to implement a crowds type proxy idea into p2p, making guarentees that is safe, and promoting it before its finished and before any of the claims are true or not. It would be foolish to assume that Mute is secure or is even credible. The only real security that MUTE has right now is that its so small that its hasnt really gotten the attention of the trade groups. P2P never came from the "underground," and was never a part of the underground. Your talking about something completely different.
  6. Who really cares about editorials written people like this? No different than getting the truth about lung cancer from the Cigarette Companies years ago. SUVs became widely popular during the Clinton years so if they were so bad then why wasnt anything done then? The number of refineries hasnt increased in decades, yet why hasnt anyone before look at that. This is just finger point one person for things that are so spread out that its really pointless to try to associate blame to anyone and doesnt lead to any real solution. Her editorial also isnt clear like the 100 grand tax write off for small businesses and not just for SUVs but for any kind of truck i believe. God forbid you use a truck for work. The orginal topic i think it shows how even though the government might have good intentions on things like protecting small businesses, it can backfire and why its not good to have alot of things like this because if theres too much of it, then it will just make a bad thing much worse.
  7. All networks, mainly by the trade groups and "Cyber Police" firms. Lawsuits have only been filed against people SHARING, if you dont want to get sued then just dont share mp3s unless you know for certain that its ok(like a independent artist who is profiled on some file sharing programs). There is plenty of things that you can share and is completely legal and safe to do which will still allow you to contribute to file sharing networks. So take a few deep breaths and calm down. You have to understand what Sharing is and its really Publically hosting files on your computer to anyone on a specific network(that being the file sharing network). In everything you do online your IP address is used because it has to be, that is where your computer is on the internet and for you to recieve information from anything on the internet your IP address is needed. The only sure way to "hide" your ip address is to not use the internet, anyone claiming that their wonder program will hide your ip is probably full of crap and is making promises that they cannot guarentee.
  8. I think its foolish to expect people who got caught for committing a crime, and convicted beyond a reasonable doubt to expect them to admit that what they did was wrong. Even when i was moderator do you know how many people that were booted who came back under different names or bitched on other sites admitted that they were doing something wrong? NOT ONE. Even though there was clear proof of what they posted which gets archieved, they would deny the entire thing and make up some conspiracy theory about oh the mods are out to get me and etc. Even "long term" members were doing this crap, which is a pain to deal with because more people take their word on everything.. Considering how many people get sent to prison or jail, being wrongfully convicted is a very very rare occurance because of things like DNA testing and etc is much more less likely to happen than it was in the past. What is the really barbaric here is the people who committ violent crimes like rape, murder, and etc. If people stopped doing such horrendous and barbaric acts then there would be no death penalty.
  9. My theory is that, this is what happens when Gore misplaces his lockbox.
  10. Ok but i call the green bulletproof hat, and the cigars.
  11. It takes a long time to go from basically nothing to being secure. Kinda seems like whoever was saying there is no security at all which is wrong because there had been improvements and its just fearmongering for votes. Bush created the Homeland security department and things are better than they were before, so these claims that basically nothing has been done at all is incorrect but no one is going to argue that there is alot more that could be done. This is just politics and things are going to be improved probably whether Kerry is unfortantely elected or not. But that depends on what personality of Kerry which would really be running things.
  12. It is, alot of the songs are really good and i think its some of the best stuff trance ive herd. I dont think there is a song on this albumn that i didnt like.
  13. You could always go join the stoner communists over on zeropaid LOL... Even all the people who hate Bush has to deep down realize that the person who replaces him has to be good, not just a even more extreeme left wing equilivent that is equal to worse than Bush depending which personality of Kerry you believe. That and the differences between what Kerry and Bush would continue to do in Iraq in the future which was shown on CNN last month is almost the exact same thing. So either way if people are looking for dramitic change in policy towards Iraq are going to be dissapointed no matter which way they vote.
  14. Im sure Kerry can also promise us sunshine on every day, a money tree in every yard, and anything else because promises are cheap.
  15. Rep. Charles Rangel(D) and Sen. Fritz Hollings(D) are two democrats who supports a draft and both have submitted draft bills. http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/01/27/...raft/index.html Kerry's program sucks too btw, a college student who goes to school full time which is a full time job in itself and some who also work have no time to do the extra crap that Kerry wants and still be able to persue things like clubs, internships and etc. It just sounds good to the people whom it doesnt affect though which is why he put it out.
  16. Doesnt seem like it since its been Democrats who have wanted more troops abroad for a while now. They claim that they will be able to get a ton of international support but it seems that they dont think that would be enough. I read a different article a few months ago and the democrats sponsoring the bills said something like they wanted "young people"(which i hate that term) to serve their country before school, and before careers. The ideal that they want to intimidate the public to support their views by drafting men who not based on actual need but for their own political gain makes me sick and i think will servely backfire.
  17. No, and i think its sad and pathetic that you would assume that i meant anything like that. Im sure you believe these groups are wrong, immoral and stand completely against the ideals and principles of this country. Free Speech doesnt guarentee them the right to take others rights away which isnt protected in the consitution so this is not about constitutional rights at all as you insisted that it was. Even if it is my point is that these groups dont respect these rights and shouldnt expect to be protected by the same rights they disrespect and want to take away from others. Why should they be allowed to disrespect the rights of others and yet its expected of everyone else to respect their "rights" to preach about taking about the rights and freedoms of others even if we dont agree with them. It makes absoluetely no sense to me.
  18. http://www.mooreexposed.com/ Found this site on slashdot and i think its a good site and should be seen to be able to put this bozo into prespective rather than taking everything he says at face value. I wont argue that its entertainment but its fiction or may as well be by butchering comments and creative editing being presented as facts in a documentary when its more his political commetary.
  19. I think its pretty funny that your beginning sentence is "In a free society, you have to live with everyone." but your talking about groups that are completely against that about how they should have a right to spread their message of hate, intolerance and violence. Not only that but also taking away the rights of others too. No only is it completely against what free societies stand for, its not protected by the constitution either and in fact other admendments were added to protect the rights of citizens that these types of groups and other hate groups try to take away.
  20. What i didnt like from the newer movies than the older ones was that IMHO they tend to focus more on showing off the special effects than the orginal ones. Since people already know that Anakin Skywalker is going to be Darth Vader i dunno why they want to try to make him out to be a hero when that really isnt what people think about when they think of Darth Vader. So far we see Vader as a kid and a punk teenager.. I would have much rather seen more focus, from when he decides to become Darth Vader and more on the Rise of the Empire and how the setting for A New Hope came about interests me alot more than the robot fights now. I think everyone could have done without Jar Jar too in the first one who was just annoying. The age difference between Amadala and Anakin IMHO makes it seen unconvincing too.
  21. Oh come on, like democrats even some on this forum havent used labels against Republicans or conservatives. And like the DNC doesnt spin things also and really invent this whole "they are calling us unamerican how dare they" response which they are using just as much as trying to spin everything to be about the President's compentence, or credibility. Even when some democrats use even worse terms to describe republicans who they refer as conservatives. If anyone needs to pull back the curtain and take a look at reality its politicans.. Because they are the ones who that are out of touch with things. This statement is nothing more than politics bashing bush and the democrats trying to promote Kerry. Its pretty easy to see that.
  22. That wasnt really the fault of people submitting news there, moreso the orgainzation and people running the news at that time. Which ultimately that was another thing left for me to deal with even though i knew nothing about it. If worse comes to worse here then the news forums could be set to moderated and each one would have to get reviewed, and modified before posting it. I think the default forum skin should be grey style because it looks pretty sweet.
  23. From other news reports ive seen women and children have been used for cover by insurgents when getting things like weapons and ammo, so its not out of the relm of possibility that they were being forcibly used for cover there. If thats the case and this whole wedding party thing is just propoganda to try to get others to incite violence. If thats not the case then it was probably a accident because i dont believe that they would a hit a group of civilians like with no reason at all. But I dont think anyone really knows what went on yet, so who knows what really happen..
  24. I never took drivers ed, I dunno how much it costs in your state to get a license, but in FL your first one is free in FL because you pay the 30 dollar fee when you get your learners permit. Anyways thats nothing. You want to see madness wait until you see how much youll have to pay for insurance...
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