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Everything posted by joeyz

  1. I'll wait till all my teeth fall out and I grow a mullet...maybe then I'll give it a shot
  2. Well I am a Georgia boy.. I just don't chew tobacco, drink natural light, vote for greedy oil fiends, or have sex with my sister.... so I guess good ol boy time is similar to Redneck time.
  3. Never!!! I would rather suck on a puss filled boil and eat a bowl of bloody HPV warts than vote for GWB in this upcomming election!
  4. Well, God Bless America! I am glad we can both be intitled to our own opinion. Even if mine is better! :bigsmile: :psychofun:
  5. I would have been very conserned if they had found greater nuclear capabilities... Like I said, I think there were more and better options to resolving the problems at the current stage in the game I don't feel that war was necessary. I know he wouldn't be advertizing the fact that he had WMDs...I think Saddam was testing us when he was turning away the weapon inspectors... hence he allowed them back in... yet when the weapons inspectors went back in they didn't have any time to assess the situtation before they were pulled out and we attacked. It's also very easy for you to say that if we hadn't gone to war we would have been nuked.. there's no way for you to know that. Bottom line is--> we didn't exhaust all avenues available... and I think that was a mistake.
  6. He's a dynamic character- he can on take both titles
  7. I think everyone is glad that Saddam is no longer in power. I am aware that he attacked many other countries in his area pre gulf war. Since the gulf war we had him under many restrictions no fly zone, economic sanctions, etc... He was contained and had been contained for years before we decide to attack him... Pre gulf and post gulf war Iraq are very different in terms of offensive action taken on his behalf. Shooting at US planes flying over his country and getting involved in an offensive attack of the US or other surrounding countries is extreamly different. He was not anywhere near having nuclear capabilities.. I agree that we couldn't afford to wait that long.. but there was much that could have been done to avoid war and prevent this from happening before it had a chance to occur. That is one of the main agruments that the Bush Adminstration used to try to convince the public (through fear of WMDs) that they should attack... even when the threat wasn't there.
  8. I understand your argument... but it seems that there was no reason to believe Saddam was planning an attack. If there was a reason to believe he was going to go on the offensive, then it would be somewhat more justified if we decided to "attack to defend".
  9. It is illogical to send our young people off to fight and die in a war in which our involvement is based on a HUNCH that Saddam has WMDs and would use them to attack us. You can't expect people to die just because you BELIEVE Saddam is a direct threat to the US... that's all it was - a belief or a hunch.. nothing more. You don't have to take Saddam's word for it... it's healthy to be skeptical.. but it's not healthy to wage war when a threat has not been revealed. If we have no proof that he is hiding weapons why risk- the soldier's lives, lives of innocent Iraqi civilians, or our good standing in the international community- not to mention the billions of dollars down the drain. why? because there is a possibility that we will be attacked? Possibilities may or may not happen.. but when you wage war... you know that people are going to die.
  10. Yeah we had PROOF of that during the 80's that is a well known fact--> since the gulf war he has been under our very watchful eye... satellite imagining.. etc. I think it's naive to believe that Saddam has the ability to hide his WMD's so well that the US (w/ the best intelligence it the world) can't gather any empirical evidence.
  11. I have the same suspicion, Koop. What is this all about? --> I thought we didn't have any intelligence supporting this? Who is EVERYBODY? He must mean everybody except the US government.. because we sure didn't have any empirical data supporting it. How can they keep saying that stuff on National TV like it's fact?
  12. That sure doesn't look very good...I wonder if she's going to keep her job after that one.
  13. Way to go Jipster! That sure is a lot of ambiguous one liners! WOOOOHOOOOO!!! :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog:
  14. joeyz

    Naked World

    OMG SG and DAIC are hooking up!
  15. Nice to have you here at Beatking Pupu! :jammin:
  16. Disgusting that people from a "civilized nation" are capable of such acts. How did our society produce young people so devoid of compassion and consciousness?
  17. joeyz


    /\/()7 \/3l2`/ l_()/\/6. 1 4/\/\ 7l-l3 l_3375j034l
  18. that is the funniest shit I've ever read!!! I wish BK could do some junk like that!
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