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Everything posted by vernarial

  1. vernarial

    Then and Now

    Robert Smith of The Cure 1981 1983 Now
  2. It seems to me that the women might start out as the nurturing woman or marrying type, but rarely do they end the film that way. Either they start out as the femme fatale or they evolve into one by the end of the movie.
  3. I don't think the industry was mentioned enough. Alot of times artists are forced to put out crap that the producers or managers or labels tell them will sell. Also the industry looks for artists with the simple catchy tune instead of the artistic merit. Alot of the musicians that get picked up by the major labels just aren't very good artists. It is like the Louvre wanting some of my paintings because thay are flashy and colorful even though I don't have much artistsc talent. Like the article said, there are alot of good underground/local artists out there, but the people running the show don't seem to be able to tell art from a whole in the ground. Or they don't care, or they only care about making a buck themselves.
  4. Damn! Now we still don't have a winner. Who is gonna be the tie breaker?
  5. I'll be sure to break out my rebel flag liscence plate frame while I'm here. :)
  6. Damn. I'm moving to Belgium tomorrow. I wonder if I'll get picked?
  7. Damn! You guys have all the good shit over here. Cool, Dude.
  8. I can't think of anything I would hate to see or hear more. She sure is no Madonna and Marilyn outclasses her by far. I wish the best for that nutty broad, but I have absolutely no interest in her anymore. Well maybe some of her older pics are still hot. :)
  9. Cool song. Excellent video. Thanks for the heads up, Dude. :)
  10. I wish I could play as good as her at my age.
  11. Happy Birthday, Janett. :)
  12. Damn. I was soooo close to posting on the front page that Beatking was closing at the Consortium. Good thing I read into the thread a bit before I did. Sly devils. I'm still getting hit with april fools jokes.
  13. Is anyone still in the soulseek room?
  14. Man. They give away titles over there like they give out presents at Christmas. I'm sure he has done some good, but what about the thousands of people who do the same or more, but weren't already famous. They don't get knighted. Oh well.
  15. I think I'm getting sick. Probably gonna relax and get some rest this weekend. I hope I don't get too miserable.
  16. Thanks guys for the info. I don't think Pete or Albert are the exact fella I was looking for, but some good leads there. :)
  17. I figure this is as good a place as any to ask this seeing as how posters here sure listen to alot of music. Several years ago I was listening to some radio show and they were highlighting this guy that played a steel guitar. Well this guy could make his guitar talk. I mean he was damn good at it. He would make it sound like a baby crying and all sorts of cool shit. Anyway I tried for awhile to find anything like that and I haven't had much luck. Does anyone know of any artists that do this kind of thing with a guitar? Maybe someone could point me in the right direction.
  18. Thats pretty funny, but the subject is serious. :)
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