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Everything posted by vernarial

  1. She won't think it's so cool when she is 25-30 and living on welfare.
  2. Stress Free Family - Incredible Hulk http://cdbaby.com/cd/stressfreefamily
  3. I sent Irma a message through her website asking if it was her and if so what the name of the song is. This is what I got back. I'm still looking, but most of my resources are spent on this one.
  4. I agree. They need to decriminalize herb. This is a waste of taxpayer money to give a teen what will probably amount to a fine and probation, or even worse ruin an good kids life because he had a bit of weed. FFS! Of course all you stoners out there need to use some common sense. Don't bring your weed to school or anywhere else you think it might be discovered by the Man. Keep it where you can smoke it in reasonable safety.
  5. Maybe Nina Simone - To Love Somebody Hear a clip of it here at Amazon.
  6. WoooHooooo. This is what I'm doing. http://www.northamericanbrewers.org/BeerFest2007.htm
  7. I'm really partial to all of the Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, Cary Grant, and James Bond flicks. I'll admit I haven't seen all of the movies on your lists, but you all have some pretty good taste in films. Here are a few more to add. Dark City Breakfast Club Happy Gilmore Delicatessen Wasabi Brazil 13 Monkeys ok gotta go help a friend learn p2p
  8. Governments have been pulling crap like this for a long time. Fear allows governments to control their population. If they can distract the populace enough they will get away with it. If they keep doing it they can and have ruined some very great civilizations. It's really a matter of someone wanting to have too much dictatorial type power. Whether they believe they are working for the ultimate long range good of the people, or if they just want more power for themselves. They want to do something and they don't want to have to legitimately ask for permission or even use logic to convince people they are right in wanting to do it. I hope that was readable. My mind is running in 10 different directions on this one. On a side note, is there any other reason besides the wealth to be made in China, that it is alright to do business with communist China and not communist Cuba? I thought the whole reason we have been imposing all of the embargos, boycotts, and sanctions was because Cuba is communist. China is communist also, and yet we deal with them.
  9. Yellowman and Buju Banton are another couple of good reggea groups.
  10. OMG. Why does Bush keep trying to get these morons into positions of responsibility? Maybe it makes him feel smarterest.
  11. I'll pass on this one. I'm not a fan of Nelly, Timbaland, or Justin Timberlake.
  12. 35) Hey DJ! You suck! Damn straight! Good list. Makes me wanna hit the nudie bar. :)
  13. vernarial

    Then and Now

    Beastie Boys.....Then.... ....and now.
  14. I wonder if she is hot? I've been lookin' for a sugar mama. :)
  15. Reminds me of this one I saw recently. http://www.liveleak.com/player.swf?autosta...=1f4_1179038976
  16. With the luck that guy was havin', he should have asked one of Barker's Beauties to marry him. :)
  17. What? Now Gonzales needs permission? Laws never stopped him from spying before.
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