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Everything posted by DudeAsInCool

  1. Bump (This was a good one - shouldnt be missed)
  2. In this exclusive for the NY Times, James Fallows of the Atlantic Monthly takes a look at the race for humans to control the information over their computers and networks. You can read the full article here: :read this: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/18/business...ney/18tech.html
  3. Spring Break in sunny Florida turned grey with the cops arresting over 5000 underage kids for drinking violations and confiscating over 1000 IDs. Jeb Bush had over a 1000 police across the state ready for the melee, and arrests were up over 57% from last yeasr. You can read the full story here: :read this: http://interestalert.com/brand/siteia.shtm...National%20News
  4. lol. fw always has the best gifs and attachments... :good job:
  5. I'd be more interested if Wolfie would throw in some gold-plated machine guns leftover from the House of Saddam
  6. Good post. Unlike Microsoft, I think Apple will eventually resolve these problems re: for car use, MP3s, etc. I think this may be a case where technology moves faster than they can adopt. I could be naieve, but Apple is generally more flexible than most companies. Cant say I disagree with Apple re: the knockoff IPods...
  7. I think I've read that guy, CTC. By the way, the Russians were ahead of the curve when it came to science fiction stuff... And then of course, there is Bulgakov--he was and still is ahead of everyone
  8. I made a film with the rights holder and director who have this property-i think it will be an uphill battle to get this one off the ground--unless they turn to the guy who made the last one happen :)
  9. What kind of boombox comes with this thing, Wolfie? I like blasting people with bad rap, britney and backstreet boys music before I blow them away.
  10. You are probably right...but lets see..
  11. Happy Birthday dude!!! :good job: :good job: :psychofun: :jammintwo: :jammin: :scratchin:
  12. Got it. Dont you think Jorge should have made an official announcement re: the mods and changes?
  13. I see what you mean--no rickio, no shawn, no ch, etc... that doesnt make any sense to me
  14. Hmmm... Was there an official transfer from ZP back to Moonie and crew? I thought the idea was to separate off so there wouldnt be future problems..
  15. must be an error. looks like a full set of mods to me... try it again..
  16. Lock em up at Guantanomo. We cannot tolerate behavior of this sort and setting the wrong example for our young people! :reallymad:
  17. i wish i had a burner and could send the cd. sampling is still kinda crude over the internet... but thanx for the listen :)
  18. Im not sure what the gun laws are. But there have to be some limits as to what an individual should be able to own.. Otherwise, Wolfie will be combing the streets with machine guns on his front hood
  19. Woooooaaaa!!! Congrats Janet!!!!!!! Welcome back, Moonie :strumma: :good job: :jammintwo: :jammin: :scratchin:
  20. Well, the Jews were already there, and the idea was to create a separate homeland for both the Jews and the Palestinians. And remember, it was created a few years after the holocaust. As I understand it, none of the other Arab countries wanted the Palestinians either. That said, I dont know if there will ever be peace in that area of the world..
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