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Everything posted by DudeAsInCool

  1. In your list of ingredients, you forgot to add deviant Jippers as the designer--God know what he would put on that toast, but I doubt I would eat it. And I dont have any butter left, cause I used it all up buttering that spud Potato yesterday
  2. Welcome to Beatking :strumma: :scratchin:
  3. Thanx and welcome to Beatking! :strumma:
  4. WOOOWWWWWWWW! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!! :good job: :jammintwo: :jammin: :thumpin: :dancin: :dancin: :Here's to you: :frog: :frog:
  5. Good question, MX. FYI, this is also mentioned in the NYTimes article we posted on IRC shat rooms...
  6. The dumpster is already full with Chuckie 'Cheeze' Heston's films...
  7. Redneck--why the hell would you want to put white lightening in that piece of crap when you could drink it?
  8. Yeah, it's an environmentally friendly hybrid (it wont run on Texan crude), it speeds up when it hears sound reasoning & slows down when it hears seat-of-the pants conservative dribble, so it wont work for conservative drivers. It comes fully equipped with sonar & zeroes in and fires whenever it hears an opponent use the names or words 'Hollywood', 'left' or ' (damn) liberal' inappropriately. :duck hunt:
  9. I once worked at a film archives--cd's and dvd's will not last a lifetime. The shelf-life is better than tape...but expect degradation over time.
  10. F*ck this s*hit! I ain't going down easy: :duck hunt: :shootin: :duck hunt: :shootin: :duck hunt: :shootin:
  11. No one had ever done an in depth story on corporate irresponsibility and the abandonment of loyal, hard working corporate communities like Flynt, Michigan, when he did his expose of General Motors. And I'd like to see how he handles the Bush relationship with the Saudi's and Bin Laden. Did you know that Prescott in the Bush family was an arms salesman to the Middle East, and that he was involved in the partioning off of Kuwait from Iraq--the Bush family has been involved with the conflicts there for decades, and keeps dragging this country into this mess. Kevin Phillips (a Republican by the way--this administration doesnt get along well with moderate Republicans) expounds on the subject in his book The Bush Dynasty--I'm curious to see how Michael Moore covers it. There certainly hasnt been alot of stories done on it in the National Press. And can anyone tell me why it was okay for the Bin Laden family members in America to be able to fly out of this country after 911 without being interviewed, when the rest of the nation's airports were closed. I dont know if Moore will cover this or not--I still think its stinks and I'd like to hear some opinions from others, particularly the conservative members here. lol. just because we hail from Hollywood and on the left doesn't mean that we are wrong... :duck hunt: :duck hunt: :duck hunt: You better call on Redneck pretty soon 'cause this war on words is getting heated OMG--I'm surrounded by conservatives--at BK!!!! Where are all the damned liberals on this site tonite????!!! I'm being out flanked by all sides :reallymad:
  12. Saw this kid's album featured in a billboard on The Whiskey, the famed nightclub where the Doors and many other bands started. Came across his album promo at Buzzalong.com, and thought I'd share the feature tune 'On the Way Down'. Kinda popish, but the tune is catchy. I suspect we will hear more out of Mr. Cabrera, who is only twenty, hails from Dallas, Texas, has just signed a multi-record deal with Atlantic, and is touring as an opener for Jewel. You can listen to his tune at his website: http://www.ryancabrera.com/
  13. As part of BK's double-feature billing with The Shining, please don't miss The Bunnie's 30 second re-enactment of The Exorcist: Get your popcorn and view it here: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/exorcist.php
  14. Apparently overwhelmed by Microsoft's aggressive patent-hunting, the government even granted them a patent for an apple tree! You can read the hilarity here: :read this: http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-5205574.html
  15. You are not alone. However, he did win an Academy Award for his work, and I think that puts him above the 'shock jock' category. Love him or hate him, he is an effective communicator and isnt afraid to touch controversial subjects. I wish he could raise his objectity level to say that of 'Frontline' or Barbara Kopple--but he one of the only documentarians to raise touchy subjects--and I thank him for that, even if what I view I have to take with a grain of salt.
  16. NY Times reporter Seth Schiesel takes a look at how the Internet chat-room networks have evolved from a meeting place for 'serious computer specialists', to a haven for file-sharers for all kinds of information and media files--most legitimate, some not--to a place where a number of computer viruses have sprung. Over 500,000 people use them daily, and the numbers are rising. Law enforcement have recently broken illigitimate warez rings in Europe and our now begining investigations in the U.S., mostly for national security reasons. You can read about the Wild Wild West of the IRC Channels here in the NY Times: :read this: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/06/technolo...ml?pagewanted=1
  17. You are corrrect. Chairman Michael Eisner said that Disney is non-partisan and that they did not want to release the film in the middle of an election year. A Disney spokesman said that Moore has known this for sometime--the implication being he is using the controversy to promote the film. On a sidenote, I've heard that Moore does not treat his employees well....which makes me suspect of his compassionate qualities. However, he is an effective documentarian--he does get a reaction from his films. And his work is far from being just a series of opinions--he is a skillful editor. He is a muckraker, but this does not mean that its all lies, either. He just tends to use exaggeration to make his points... And if those points lead to debate, then the real truth can emerge from there... The truth is that the rest of the national press has not delved very deeply into the Bush family connections to the Saudis or Bin Laden family--and I still want to know why the Bin Laden family in American was allowed to fly out of the country right after 911 without questioning, when the rest of the airports were shut down. I bet you Moore at least covers this aspect, which is more than i can say for the NY or LA Times or the Washington, Post, Chicago Tribune, etc. If nothing else, Moore is provocative... and in times where the press tends to senstationalize as much as he does, at least he provides a different point of view, of which he takes no prisoners...
  18. Absolutely disgusting. :reallymad: :reallymad: And while we are at it, the press should go after the former Iraqi leadership, not just Saddam Hussein, who treated their people in humanely :reallymad: :reallymad: Lock em all up and throw away the key
  19. Any MP3 samples or links?
  20. Method says ITS NOT GOOD that artists arent playing anti-war songs these days. I agree - NOT GOOD :reallymad: :reallymad:
  21. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down: http://theband.hiof.no/sounds/wwmusic/rock_of_ages/dixie.au
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