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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Those are none other than rathergood.com 's famous spongemonkeys!!!!!!!!!! http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/
  2. Ken

    Beatking skins

    I prefer DigitalConfusion
  3. You see, $0.50 (fifty cents) and our dear friend M&M chocolate man both have many things in common. In this case, they're both fucking morons. I have this funny, very odd feeling in the pit of my stomach that says fifty cents will not receive the same kind of backlash that double M did. I'm also very sick of hearing that people are not "comfortable" with homosexuality. Being uncomfortable, and being uncomfortable and coming out in support for bans on their marriage is a disaster of human thought. A real narrow-minded thought process, that somehow gets to decide other people's fate. Toughen up, and worry about yourself. "Ewww, they're homosexuals!" Come on, show the rest of humanity at least an ounce of maturity. Some humans make me sick to my stomach. :sick:
  4. Welcome to the future. Censorship, fines, and increasing, blatant violations of individual freedoms and privacy by the U.S. government (see the Patriot act, and the FBI's new increased wiretap push). For our protection of course. Come now comrade, you understand. :shootin:
  5. Morpheus is a full-featured and easy-to-use P2P application that allows users to share content across the Morpheus Users Network. It utilizes open protocols established by the Gnutella developers, and enables users to directly communicate with each other and search for any type of digital file across the network. Users can control CPU utilization, word filters, upload limits, and file sharing. It also simultaneously transfers content files from multiple sources for fast downloads of large files, even from users with slower connection speeds. Changes in Current Version: * Connects to FastTrack and eDonkey almost immediately upon computer restart * Small bug fixes Ken's Comment: This program contains ADWARE (possibly of many types and distinctions). It seems the Morpheus website doesn't wan't or need you to know about updated versions, change logs, or anything about crapware stuffed into the program. Their site is basicly just one big download link. Use at your own risk (pertaining to the health of your system). Source
  6. My mistake. It said most charges were dropped. I thought it said all. Oh well......... bonk
  7. March 12, 2004 Thomas Mennecke ShareReactor has become one of the most popular link sites for the eDonkey2000/Overnet community. This site made the "search" feature irrelevant by using hash codes to directly link an individual with a file. Hash links have proven to be invaluable in the fight against corrupt or false files. However, after approximately three years as the top link site for eDonkey2000/Overnet, its future is drawn into great question. The site has been down for several days, with little in the way of an explanation. The little information that has surfaced has been confined to the ShareReactor chatroom and a few forum posts.......... Read the full article, at Slyck.com Ken's Comments: I would just like to remind everyone, that there is a lot of speculation, as well as mixed responses from people who claim they know the situation better than anyone. The truth is, noone knows what the true fate of SR is. For rumors, emotional flaming, and further speculation, you can read the Slyck.com forum post Here
  8. It's not really stupidity as much as it is LAWSUITS. Ridiculous compensation and litigations is to blame. "Oops, I spilled this hot coffee on my balls. I think I'll sue for $10,000,000,000,000 USD" In other news, it seems rainbowdemon will be suing Delta Airlines for Eleventy Billion dollars, after his chopped nuts appeared in their complementary sac.....er.......bags.
  9. BearShare 4.4.1 is the latest version of our leading file sharing program. BearShare gives you access to countless types of digital media and other files that are made available by other users plus some special professional and independent content providers. Above all, it's completely free for download!!! BearShare is an application that allows you to share and download files with millions of other people across the globe. It is fast and easy to use with the most sophisticated file sharing technology available. * Lightning fast downloads from multiple users simultaneously. * Advanced Search - all types of media files. * Automatic resume feature assures the completion of all requested downloads. * Access and view your friend's shared files. * Chat with friends while downloading. * The most friendly and intuitive interface. * Bandwidth controls * Configurable Parental Controls block access to viruses and offensive files. * Media Player with playlists and full-screen preview mode. * Enhanced Media Manager ideally designed for organizing all your PC's media files. * Ultrapeers make BearShare great for modem users * High speed Downloads retrieve files from multiple sources * Bandwidth Controls let you run 24/7 and still surf the web * Hostile host detector blocks spammers attacking Gnutella * Community forum lets new and experienced users interact * Chat with other BearShare users Download (Free version, with ADWARE/CRAPWARE) Pro version also available.... Source
  10. 2004-03-11: 3.4.1 has been released, which fixes all the major problems in 3.4 and has yet even more tracker bandwidth savings, is now out. Get it here. Source
  11. TorrentStorm version 1.2.1 - Released 12/3/2004 (March 12, 2004). Download using your existing bittorrent client here. or, if you don't already have a bittorrent client download from here. Changes and new features include... Includes the latest client by the Shadow. (version 5.8.11). File priorities for individual files within the torrent. Global upload limit now cannot limit below 3k/sec per download. External Announce added. Piece display is now scrollable, and extra info added. Fixed windows 98/ME issues (hopefully :) ) Source Additional Source (located at the TorrentStorm forums.
  12. BitSpirit v2.0 RC2 [Date: 2004-03-12] Download (via torrent) Download (via HTTP) Fixed: bug fixed when download '.torrent' file Fixed: simplified job operation Fixed: when 'remember seeds' enabled, it would take a long time to resume a job Fixed: some minor bugs concerned in oops Added: Drag-Drop support for Mini-Bar Added: check virus when download finished Updated: better performance, lower CPU usage, lower Memory usage Modified: show mini-bar when app isn't the foreground app BitSpirit v2.0 RC2+ [Date: 2004-03-12] Download (via HTTP) BitSpirit v2.0 RC2+ is special version of RC2 for the users who access network via Proxy Source
  13. Mar 13, 10:47 AM (ET) By TED BRIDIS WASHINGTON (AP) - Technology companies should be required to ensure that law enforcement agencies can install wiretaps on Internet traffic and new generations of digital communications, the Justice Department says. The push would effectively expand the scope of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, a 1994 law that requires the telecommunications industry to build into its products tools that U.S. investigators can use to eavesdrop on conversations with a court order. Fearful that federal agents can't install wiretaps against criminals using the latest communications technologies, lawyers for the Justice Department, FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration said their proposals "require immediate attention and resolution" by the Federal Communications Commission. They called wiretaps "an invaluable and necessary tool for federal, state, and local law enforcement in their fight against criminals, terrorists, and spies." "The ability of federal, state, and local law enforcement to carry out critical electronic surveillance is being compromised today," they wrote in legal papers filed with the FCC earlier this week. "Communications among surveillance targets are being lost.... These problems are real, not hypothetical." The FCC agreed last month to hold proceedings on the issue to "address the scope of covered services, assign responsibility for compliance, and identify the wiretap capabilities required." Critics said the government's proposal would have far-reaching impact on new communications technologies and could be enormously expensive for companies that need to add wiretap-capabilities to their products, such as push-to-talk cellular telephones and telephone service over Internet lines. The Justice Department urged the FCC to declare that companies must pay for any such improvements themselves, although it said companies should be permitted to pass those expenses on to their customers. Stewart Baker, a Washington telecommunications lawyer and former general counsel at the National Security Agency, complained that the government's proposal applies broadly to high-speed Internet service and puts limits on the introduction of new technology until it can be made wiretap-friendly. Baker said the plan "seeks to erect a brand new and quite extensive regulatory program" that gives the FBI and telephone regulators a crucial role in the design of future communications technologies. Source
  14. Ya, but regardless of who or what he is, how talented he is, the fact remains. The article said a whole lot, without really saying anything. I can only guess that his actions were rude and disorderly, but not severe enough to draw criminal charges, in which case....... Who gives a fuck? :shootin: :duck hunt: bonk wasntme
  15. I feel giddy.. Ken must have, Ken must have....
  16. I was going to add this earlier, but I couldn't find a changelog, and DC++'s sourceforge page didn't even have this version available for download in any form. Anyway, I would avoid this, and see what bugs get worked out first. Like they said, a lot of core code has been changed, meaning a high probability of major bugs. Now, if you're into testing out the client, and reporting bugs, well..........
  17. The LimeWire 3.9.2 beta is released, with the pro version available from a link on your Pro download page, and the free version available from the LimeWire download page. Changes in 3.9.2 include: - Filters for search results! - A brand new "community" search! - Many more sources in search results! - Improved firewall detection. - Many code optimizations (submitted by Philippe Verdy). - Upload Slot Memory, to ban greedy clients (submitted by Gregorio Roper). - Use of a new X-Feature's header in uploads & downloads (submitted by Gregorio Roper). - Revamped GWebCache handling (to stop hammering GWebCaches). - MAGNET support on Linux and other Unix OSes. Just copy the magnet link to the clipboard and go back to LimeWire -- it will recognize the link and ask if you want to download the file. - Revamped iTunes integration on OSX, to fix a possible cause of crashing (submitted by Roger Kapsi). - Fixed many bugs related to the addition of icons in 3.9.1. - Improved "reselection & view-moving logic" for when search results are pouring in. - Fixed the spinning lime to stop spinning after a reasonable time. - Fixed placement of popup menus (submitted by Roger Kapsi). Please give this beta a heavy workout, and remember that none of the interface changes are set in stone, so you if have any suggestions, let us know! Comments on any bugs, problems, things that aren't intuitive, etc... are always welcome and appreciated. There will be more betas with more features added as the 3.9 series progresses. Thanks again to all open-sourcers and beta testers in helping to make LimeWire into the best file-sharing program worldwide. Thanks, - The LimeWire Team Source
  18. Oh, really? Duh. The problem is, that a lot of computer buyers/users don't know a damn thing about them, or they are a wasteful corporation, who's best economic option when dealing with old computer equipment, is to throw it away. I work in a 7 story office building with many tenants. One of them is Citibank. Recently, they've decided to buy new systems for their employees, and what do you think they did with the old equipment? You guessed it, trash. They threw out 3 laptops (96 MBs of RAM, 120 MHZ processors), and one desktop with 15 inch monitor (Pentium 2, 330 MHZ, 96 MB ram). They currently reside at my house, and my sister uses the desktop as an internet, and word processing PC. The Laptops, eh, I don't know what i'm going to do with them yet.
  19. Thanks method. (Title fixed)
  20. What is BearShare? The client you've been looking for, BearShare 4.4.0 is here! Intuitive design, millions of users, safety features and quick setup - what more could you ask for? How about Free exclusive BearShare music, Free web hosting, real time help with common questions and Free tools. Come see what everyone is talking about. BearShare utilizes a completely decentralized peer to peer network, and is the most advanced file sharing application around. Trade any type of file: mp3, video, images, software, etc. It runs on Windows. Ken's Comment: Bearshare has two versions, a "free" ad supported version, and a "pro" version. Here is the lame bullcr.........er..........the "pricing plan". Membership choices are: 12 month unlimited access for only $2.99/month – Best Value!* 6 month unlimited access for only $3.33/month* Purchase a membership to BearShare Pro and you'll receive: * No Pop-ups or Banners - Ad-Free! * No Bundled Software * 6 Months Membership, including Updates * Works on All Windows platforms * Email Technical Support * Modern interface is friendly, attractive, and easy to use * Dramatic improvements in performance and system resource usage Plus all the Great Features of BearShare: * Ultrapeers make BearShare great for modem users * High speed Downloads retrieve files from multiple sources * Bandwidth Controls let you run 24/7 and still surf the web * Hostile host detector blocks spammers attacking Gnutella * Community forum lets new and experienced users interact * Chat with other BearShare users * Software is available for download only * BearShare Pro FAQ * Please read our Refund Policy * Get a New Key I must remind everyone that this client runs on the Gnutella network (an open protocol), and that there are other, arguably better clients that are free of ads/adware, at NO cost whatsoever. My stance is this. This client's prominent purpose (whether it's intended or not), is to aid people in commiting copyright infringement in some nations/areas (under the letter of said law/laws). Why should someone receive a monetary gain from the aiding in committing a crime? Download
  21. We've released the LimeWire 3.9.1 beta, with the pro version available from a link on your pro download page, and the free version available from the LimeWire download page. Changes in 3.9.1 include: - Better detection of all unhandled errors. - Support for a future change of requesting certain file types. - OOB Proxying, which means that even hosts that are firewalled can take advantage of super-fast out-of-band queries. - Better use of invalid locations in downloaders, allowing failed locations to be retried after a long enough period of inactivity (submitted by Gregorio Roper). - Better intelligence about when to not do OOB queries, so that hosts who incorrectly set it can still receive results. - Icons for the file types in search results, uploads, downloads, and the library. This currently requires Java 1.4 or higher on Windows to correctly get the native icons -- we're exploring ways for it to work with Java 1.3 on Windows. (It always works on OSX, and will likely never work on Mac Classic.) - A new 'Change Language' mention option under View in the menu bar. As more 3.9 betas are released, more features will likely be added, including: - THEX support. - DAAP support, for iTunes integration on Windows too. - Socks Proxying / HTTP Tunneling support. - Upload slot memory. - Better detection of features on the uploader or downloader. - Many many code optimizations. - ID3v2 support. - Filters for search results. ... and many other additions, both in the interface and internally. Thank you for your help in testing the betas! - The LimeWire Team Source
  22. Dear users, Here is another update for the 0.42 series of eMule. Update and enjoy. Update 2004-03-07: Unfortunatly a new serious bug made it into 0.42c which causes eMule to crash if there is too much load on the UDP Socket. Therefore we have to release another hotfix. So if your eMule crashes, please update to this version. Your eMule-Team Source
  23. I hear what you're saying (and I’m far from being an expert on p2p myself), but in this case, these clients all operate under the Bittorrent protocol. Now, as for the variety of P2P networks, well, I don't really believe the pool is diluted, as the amount of networks, is not really the same comparison as having a bunch of items of identical value, size and properties. Certain networks do certain things better, or have unique content or users (such as ed2k being a network for BIG file downloads, MP2P being a music only network, and other networks like Fasttack, Ares, WinMX offering a variety). More options doesn't mean anything is diluted, it just means you can narrow down what network you're going to use, depending upon what you're looking for. Also, some networks are built around customized communities, where the community is the driving force behind the network or place of organization (like a private DC hub, or something like WASTE). Let us not forget IRC and Newsgroups (my favorite), which aren't techincally lumped with P2P, but where P2P type activity takes place. Diversity, in this case, actually brings an even bigger pool, overall.
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