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Bush Flip-Flops On Winning the War on Terror


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Bush Cites Doubt America Can Win War on Terror


Published: August 31, 2004

NASHUA, N.H., Aug. 30 - President Bush, in an interview broadcast on Monday, said that he did not think America could win the war on terror but that it could make terrorism less acceptable around the world, a departure from his previous optimistic statements that the United States would eventually prevail.

In the interview with Matt Lauer of the NBC program "Today," conducted on Saturday but shown on the opening day of the Republican National Convention, Mr. Bush was asked if the United States could win the war against terrorism, which he has made the focus of his administration and the central thrust of his re-election campaign.

"I don't think you can win it," Mr. Bush replied. "But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world." As recently as July 19, Mr. Bush had drawn a far sunnier picture. "I have a clear vision and a strategy to win the war on terror," he said. At a prime-time news conference in the East Room of the White House on April 13, Mr. Bush said: "One of the interesting things people ask me, now that we are asking questions, is, 'Can you ever win the war on terror?' Of course you can."


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Bush has made winning the war on terrorism the centerpoint of his administration's first 4 years in office, and the centerpoint of his re-election campaign. Given his persistent criticism of John Kerry for flip-flopping on his positions, does anyone else find his recent statement as astounding as me?

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I have no idea, but I respect him for actually telling the truth.

He's right; terrorism is a mindset.

You can't "eliminate" it.

However, I think the absolute best thing to do (regarding the Democratic Party) is to slam this statement down everyone's throat through as many ads as possible.

This isn't "Swift boat veterans for not winning the war on terrorism", it's actual issue fodder and truthful. This hurts Bush, which makes me scratch my head. The Bush I’ve seen is a fake, a liar.

His whole admin. is a big contradiction between the "good" image and his and el vice president's dirty business dealings with all sorts of people (including terrorism sponsors and corrupt oil companies). Not to mention his disregard for "outsourcing" (with a combo of not doing anything about unfair labor practices like slave labor and paying someone 50c a year to make those $120 shoes you see in stores), his disregard for leveling the playing field tax wise and helping wealthy individuals by making sure they don't have to shell out more taxes, his lack of public speaking skills, the CIA fuckups, the abuse by government law enforcement/military agencies from everything to increased "Big Brother" activity to enforcing wealthy business’s copyrights to other things like torture and possibly murder of people detained in war scenarios (speaking of which, not awarding them POW status and not agreeing to abide by the Geneva conventions), pulling out of numerous treaties and environmental considerations, and finally, purposefully capitalizing and encouraging stupidity through simplistic, inaccurate propaganda like tactics……………namely the biggest cancer to human thought today, Fox News.

Ok, i'm done now.

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After Citing Doubt, Bush Declares 'We Will Win' Terror War


Published: August 31, 2004

President Bush tried today to stop the political fallout over his comments last weekend that the war on terror might not be winnable. Indeed, “we will win” that war, Mr. Bush told the national convention of the American Legion in Nashville.

“We meet today in a time of war for our country, a war we did not start yet one that we will win,” Mr. Bush said. He spoke on the second day of the Republican National Convention in New York City, where Mr. Bush will deliver his nomination-acceptance speech on Thursday.

The president and his campaign aides have tried to polish Mr. Bush’s credentials as commander in chief, and portray him as a resolute leader who can protect the country in dangerous times. That theme will surely be prominent in his acceptance speech on Thursday night, as it was today before the American Legion.


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Bush has made winning the war on terrorism the centerpoint of his administration's first 4 years in office, and the centerpoint of his re-election campaign. Given his persistent criticism of John Kerry for flip-flopping on his positions, does anyone else find his recent statement as astounding as me?

:rofl: Oh, my goodness :lol: he seems to be....ahhhhh..... doing just what the GOP says Senator Kerry is reportedly doing :rofl::rofl::rofl:

:o Isn't that interesting :o

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more drunken monkeyboy flip-flops here.

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I wish someone on the national press was looking at his campaign promises before the last election and compared it to his platform today. The whole tenor of this administration is to say one thing and do another... In fact, this whole show of moderate Republicans at the convention, when their platform, leaders and congress are reactionary in reality, makes this convention a total sham... Shame on you, GW and Karl Rove :reallymad:

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Rush's Interview with President George W. Bush

August 31, 2004


RUSH LIMBAUGH: Ladies and gentlemen, we have been saying President Bush will join us at 1:45 this afternoon, about 12 minutes from now, but he can't wait. He's so excited, he's here now. President George W. Bush, welcome to the program, sir. Nice to have you with us.

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Thank you, Rush. It's an honor to talk to you.

RUSH: Where are you right now?

THE PRESIDENT: I am in Des Moines, Iowa.

RUSH: And you are going...?

THE PRESIDENT: I just came from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm on my way to a big rally with some of our farmers and then I'm going to go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where I will be participating in the convention from afar. After all, the First Lady Bush will be addressing the nation, and I want to welcome her to the podium.

RUSH: Let's talk about the American Legion convention. I watched your speech there this morning, and the Democrats are harping on something you said yesterday, or that was aired yesterday on the Today Show with Matt Lauer about your comment about we can't win it, meaning the war on terror. I think I know what you meant but John Edwards is out there saying (paraphrased), "A-ha! Bush is now flip-flopping, and we, John Kerry and I, we can win this, and Bush is..." What did you mean by this?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I appreciate you bringing that up. Listen, I should have made my point more clear about what I meant. What I meant was that this is not a conventional war. It is a different kind of war. We're fighting people who have got a dark ideology who use terrorists, terrorism, as a tool. They're trying to shake our conscience. They're trying to shake our will, and so in the short run the strategy has got to be to find them where they lurk. I tell people all the time, "We will stay on the on the offense. We will bring them to justice in foreign lands so we don't have to face them here at home," and that's because you cannot negotiate with these people. And in a conventional war there would be a peace treaty or there would be a moment where somebody would sit on the side and say we quit. That's not the kind of war we're in, and that's what I was saying. The kind of war we're in requires, you know, steadfast resolve, and I will continue to be resolved to bring them to justice, but as well as to spread liberty. And this is one of the interesting points of the debate, Rush, is that, you know, I believe societies can be transformed because of liberty, and I believe that Iraq and Afghanistan will be free nations, and I believe that those free nations right there in the heart of the Middle East will begin to transform that region into a more hopeful place, which in itself will be a detriment to the ability to these terrorists to recruit -- and that's what I was saying. I probably needed to be a little more articulate.

RUSH: Well, it's like saying that they're all over the world. You're not fighting a country here, a series of countries. You're fighting a movement that will hide out anywhere it can, and you're always going to have a renegade terrorist. Even if, let's say, we wipe out Al-Qaeda. There's some other group or individual that may spring up and blow up a bomb somewhere. That's always going to happen because it always has.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. Really what I was saying to Lauer was, is that this is not the kind of war where you sit down and sign a peace treaty. It's a totally different kind of war. But we will win it. Your listeners have got to know that I know we'll win it, but we're going to have to be resolved and firm, and we can't doubt what we stand for, and the long-term solution is to spread freedom. I love to tell the story, Rush, about a meeting with Prime Minister Koizumi. He's my friend. He's the prime minister of Japan. It wasn't all that long ago that my dad, your dad, and others dads were fighting against the Japanese, but because after World War II we believed that Japan could self-govern and could be democratic in its own fashion, Japan is no longer an enemy; it's a friend, and so I sit down with him to help resolve issues like the North Korean peninsula. In other words, we're working together to keep the peace. The same thing is going to happen in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that's when I say the transformational power of liberty. That's what I'm talking about.

RUSH: Well, I remember you also said in one of your first speeches after the 9/11 attacks that this is going to go maybe beyond one or even two terms that you might serve.

THE PRESIDENT: I think so. On the other hand, we're making great progress. Today at the Legion I said, "We're winning the war on terror, and we will win the war on terror." There's no doubt in my mind, so long as this country stays resolved and strong and determined, and by winning, I just would remind your listeners that Pakistan is now an ally in the war on terror. Saudi now takes Al-Qaeda seriously, and they're after the leadership. Libya is no longer got weapons of mass destruction. Afghanistan, I don't know if you've discussed this on your program, but there are over ten million people who have registered to vote in Afghanistan, which is a phenomenal statistic when you think about it. And then of course Iraq is now heading toward elections as well, and we're making progress.

RUSH: Let me ask you --


RUSH: Let me ask you about Iraq, because as I look at your opponent and his party, it seems to me that they want to separate the war on terror as something that's localized in Afghanistan, and that Iraq is a rogue war that you started for whatever reasons they've concocted, and they are trying to make the American people believe there's no linkage whatsoever --


RUSH: -- between Iraq and the war on terror. Now, I've heard you not only today, but in previous addresses that you've made, there clearly is a linkage in your mind. Could you explain to the American people who are listening to this program, what is that linkage, war on terror to Iraq, why we're there? What your vision is for the war in Iraq? In your second term, what do you hope –


RUSH: -- happens and when?

THE PRESIDENT: First, let me address my opponents. They all, they saw a threat in Iraq, and they voted to remove Saddam Hussein by force if necessary. So, in other words, you know, John Kerry looked at the same intelligence I saw and saw a threat and voted for the authorization of force.

RUSH: Before he voted against it?


RUSH: Before he voted against it?

THE PRESIDENT: (Laughing.) Well, that was -- you're talking about the actually funding of troops.

RUSH: Right.

THE PRESIDENT: He made, in my judgment, a big mistake by saying yes, we can use force but we're not going to provide the troops the equipment necessary to fight the war.

RUSH: That's what it was.

THE PRESIDENT: Now, Iraq. You see, one of the lessons of September the 11th is that we gotta deal with threats before they fully materialize, and we saw a threat in Iraq. I say "we." The Congress saw a threat, I saw a threat and the United Nations Security Council saw a threat. In other words, the world took a look and said, "Saddam is a threat," and here's why they thought he was a threat. One, he used weapons of mass destruction, and one of the most dangerous parts of this new war is that if the enemy were ever to acquire the capacity to use a weapon of mass destruction it would make September 11th, you know, pale in comparison, and so we saw that threat.

Secondly, he had ties to terrorists. Abu Nidal was housed in Iraq, his organization. He was the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer. He was a known terrorist. Zarqawi -- who's now, you know, the person beheading people in Iraq today -- was in and out of Baghdad and Iraq, as were members of his organization. So he had terrorist ties. As a matter of fact, not only did he have terrorist ties, he used to subsidize families of these suicide bombers, which is a terrorist act.

Thirdly, he invaded his neighbors. Fourthly, he was an enemy of this country, and we had been to war with him once. He had invaded others in the neighborhood. He was a source of great instability. So I saw a threat, and given the lessons of September the 11th, we decided to remove him from power, having tried diplomacy. See, I think it's very important for your listeners to know, Rush, that the commander-in-chief ought to try all avenues of diplomacy prior to committing troops and we did that. And so I'm sitting in the Oval Office, and I've seen a threat. I now see that he's ignoring the demands of the free world, he had no intention of disarming, as a matter of fact was systematically deceiving inspectors, and so I made the decision, a very difficult decision.

The way forward, which was to remove him from power -- and, by the way, we weren't "alone" going in. As a matter of fact, I talked to Tony Blair this morning, which I do on a regular basis, and Tony Blair saw the same threat. And so now the way ahead is this. We will work with Prime Minister Allawi to enable a political process to develop. In other words, we'll provide as much security as we can to help a political process forward which means elections in January, but more importantly we will train Iraqis so that they are capable of providing their own security, and that's an important ingredient about enabling me to say that troops will be there as long as necessary, but not a day longer -- and by that I mean when the Iraqis are capable of defending themselves and as the political process emerges, we will then be in a position to say the mission has been completed, which is a democratic Iraq, an ally in the war on terror and a source of stability in a part of the world that needs stability and freedom.

RUSH: A couple quick things. I know your time is short. The Democrats -- one voice I know for sure Elliott Spitzer, the attorney general of New York, warned, literally warned the Republicans not to mention the September 11th attacks at the convention.

THE PRESIDENT: (Laughing.) Well, they -- evidently Rudy didn't heed his warnings.

RUSH: (Laughing.) I was going to ask you, because they did. They, of course, were allowed to do what they did on their first right. I thought it was tastefully done last night --

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. I tell you, I'm traveling with John McCain; I thought he gave a great speech. Look, September 11th is a defining moment in our history, and it'scertainly a defining moment in my presidency, and the question is whether or not we've learned the lessons. Three quick lessons. I've already given you one lesson that I think is important to remember. We deal with threats before they fully materialize. What that means is that in the old days you could see a threat, and you may deal with it or you may not deal with it, but you never thought a threat would come to harm us. Those days are gone.

Secondly, if the United States ever says something we better mean it, and I say, "If you harbor a terrorist, you're just as guilty as a terrorist." When you say something you gotta act on it. And by acting on it not only is Afghanistan free, but the world now knows that we mean what we say, which makes the world a more peaceful place in my judgment, and the third thing is that these killers are people you can't negotiate with. You've got to find them. So that's why I told Matt Lauer what I told him. It's an unconventional war. In other words, these are people that, you know, they use terrorism as a tool to support and promote their ideology of hatred. And, you know, we must bring 'em to justice, and we are. Thursday night I will tell the people that three-quarters of the known Al-Qaeda leadership has been brought to justice. And we're still obviously on the hunt.

RUSH: Okay, final point. I remember your campaign for president, 2000. You mentioned some specific things that you would do if you were elected. One of them was tax cuts, and there were a couple other things. You talked about Social Security reform -- and after you were elected and inaugurated, you set out to proceed to do those things, and I remember reading that the Democrats were surprised that you were actually doing what you said you were gonna do. Now, my last question: are you going to trick them again and actually do in your second term what you're going to campaign on doing? And what is that? What is your agenda the second term?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I'm going to save some of it for the speech if you don't mind.

RUSH: All right.

THE PRESIDENT: I mean, you're a good friend and I would hate to let you down, but --

RUSH: I understand. I understand totally. But I had to ask. I'm curious.

THE PRESIDENT: Having said that -- no, no, I understand completely. Look, what we're going to do is we're going to have government -- look, the world has changed. No longer does just one person, generally a dad, work for the same company and receive a pension plan or health care from the same company. People change jobs. Women are in the workforce and therefore the role of government ought to be to enable people to be able to live in a changing world. Now, that means promoting policies that say you can own your own health care account like health savings accounts, promoting policies that says younger workers should be able to take some of their own money and set up a personal savings account as a part of Social Security, so they can call it their own. They can take it from job to job and they could pass it on to another generation, and so those are the kinds of things I'm going to address. It's how government doesn't give order to people, but how government can enable people to realize dreams in a changing world.

RUSH: Mr. President, thanks so much for your time. It's always an honor and a thrill to speak to you --

THE PRESIDENT: How you feeling? Most importantly.

RUSH: Never better. I've never been happier. I've never been better, and you sound like you're ebullient as well. It's great to hear. I'm getting all kinds of comments about the optimism that was on display last night at the convention. People are very, very upbeat and ecstatic. People wish you the best and they're praying for you every day.

THE PRESIDENT: That's the most important thing people can do is pray, and I appreciate that. I tell you the crowds we're seeing out here are really big. I believe something is going on here in the hinterlands, in the heartland that is going to mean a victory come November, but I want to assure you I'm going to keep working and keep laying out my vision, so people understand exactly why I've made the decisions I've made.

RUSH: Well, make no mistake about something. I can't speak for everybody, but I can speak for quite a few. They love you out there, Mr. President, and they only wish you the best.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, sir.

RUSH: Alright. George W. Bush.



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On the record

How can voters believe the president's convention promises, when he's broken so many in the past?

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By Arianna Huffington

Sept. 1, 2004  |  So far the Republican Convention has been all about courage and compassion -- and lauding our War President for possessing ample quantities of both, including the theater-in-the-round stage designed to highlight the president's strength and authority, and the Deco-inspired presidential lectern meant to invoke the skyscrapers of New York (and, oh, by the way, those two skyscrapers that are no longer there).

But now it's time for the nitty-gritty: the War President's big acceptance speech.

The word is that after a summer of substance-free campaign stumping, the president is ready to tangle with "the vision thing" and roll out his second-term plans for America.

Sounds promising -- until you discover that his vision for the future is little more than a reworked blast from the past.

The 2000 campaign's "reformer with results" is planning to go back to that poisoned well and trot out a domestic agenda that promises to reform everything from Social Security to healthcare to the tax code.

Of course, the last three and a half years have proved that when Bush starts talking about reform, it's time to be very afraid.

His idea of education reform turned out to be the fraudulent No Child Left Behind Act, a massively underfunded federal mandate that truth-in-labeling laws should have required be rechristened the Millions of Children But Mercifully Not Your Own Left Behind Act. And his idea of Medicare reform was a multibillion-dollar gift to drug companies and HMOs disguised as a prescription drug bill.

Now he wants to do the same to Social Security and health insurance, all in the name of "empowering individuals" and creating "an ownership society" -- or, in plain English, privatizing as much of the social welfare system as possible.

The good news is, Bush has decided to run not only on future reforms but on past accomplishments.

"We've got a great record, when you think about it," he proclaimed, as if the idea had just dawned on him.

Now, I'm not sure what record he's been looking at -- maybe Andy Card replaced the dismal numbers from last week's Census Bureau report on income and poverty with Michael Phelps' Olympic stats in his latest morning briefing -- but if the president truly intends to run on his record, I can only say: Bring it on!

I realize that facts mean next to nothing to the fanatics in the Bush White House, but they mean a hell of a lot to the people whose lives they depict.

Here then, for your voting booth convenience, is a quick overview of President Bush's "great record":

Since he took office, 1.2 million people in America have lost their jobs, bringing the total to 8.2 million.

The number of Americans living below the poverty line has increased by 4.3 million to 35.9 million -- 12.9 million of them children.

The number of Americans with no health insurance has increased by 5.8 million -- with 1.4 million losing their insurance in 2003. The total now stands at 45 million.

Forty percent of the 3.5 million people who were homeless at some point last year were families with children as were 40 percent of those seeking emergency food assistance.

Median household income has fallen more than $1,500 in inflation-adjusted terms in the last three years, and the wages of most workers are now falling behind inflation.

Average tuition for college has risen by 34 percent while 37 percent of 4th graders read at a level considered "below basic."

One third of the president's $1.7 trillion in tax cuts benefits only the top 1 percent of wealthiest Americans.

President Bush also failed to fulfill his pledge to get Osama bin Laden "dead or alive," traded the moral high ground for preemptive war and the horrors of Abu Ghraib, never attended a funeral or memorial service for any of the 975 soldiers killed in Iraq, pulled out of the Kyoto agreement on global warming, gutted the Clean Air Act, initiated the rollback of more than 200 environmental regulations, backed a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriages, and refused to follow through on his promise to extend the assault weapons ban.

So let's get one thing straight: Anyone who is lauding George Bush at the Republican Convention -- and, yes, that includes you, Rudy, Arnold, Gov. George and Mayor Mike -- is endorsing his disastrous and wholly immoderate record. Thus, by definition, all these Bush strokers have surrendered their moderate credentials -- no matter how warm and fuzzy their positions on social issues. The president's record betrays both courage and compassion and no amount of lofty rhetoric can change it.



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Listening to Zell and Cheney tonight, you would think that Kerry has no backdown and would be weak on terrorism. They keep talking about how George Bush stood up to the terrorists after 911, and once again pull in the switch and bait, and mix in Saddam Hussein as if he's synonamous with the Al Queda thread. They're either full of shit or dreaming, and if anyone's patriotism should be challenged, it's theirs for leading this country down the wrong track. :reallymad:

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the journos should be blamed as well--they've made a mockery of 'journalistic integrity.'

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