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Opinion - Ann Coulter On 9/11 Commission - Opinion


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I just received this from another site...most of it is pretty interesting, though i'll admit some of the Clinton stuff is unfair (testifying vs. bombing timeline)...what do y'all think...

We don't need a "commission" to find out how 9-11 happened. The truth is in the timeline:


In 1979, President Jimmy Carter allowed the Shah of Iran to be deposed by a mob of Islamic fanatics. A few months later, Muslims stormed the U.S. Embassy in Iran and took American Embassy staff hostage.

Carter retaliated by canceling Iranian visas. He eventually ordered a disastrous and humiliating rescue attempt, crashing helicopters in the desert.


The day of Reagan's inauguration, the hostages were released.

In 1982, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut was bombed by Muslim extremists.

President Reagan sent U.S. Marines to Beirut.

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut were blown up by Muslim extremists.

Reagan said the U.S. would not surrender, but Democrats threw a hissy fit, introducing a resolution demanding that our troops be withdrawn. Reagan caved in to Democrat caterwauling in an election year and withdrew our troops ? bombing Syrian-controlled areas on the way out. Democrats complained about that, too.

In 1985, an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, was seized and a 69-year-old American was shot and thrown overboard by Muslim extremists.

Reagan ordered a heart-stopping mission to capture the hijackers after "the allies" promised them safe passage. In a daring operation, American fighter pilots captured the hijackers and turned them over to the Italians ? who then released them to safe harbor in Iraq.

On April 5, 1986, a West Berlin discotheque frequented by U.S. servicemen was bombed by Muslim extremists from the Libyan Embassy in East Berlin, killing an American.

Ten days later, Reagan bombed Libya, despite our dear ally France refusing the use of their airspace. Americans bombed Gadhafi's residence, killing his daughter, and dropped a bomb on the French Embassy "by mistake."

Reagan also stoked a long, bloody war between heinous regimes in Iran and Iraq. All this was while winning a final victory over Soviet totalitarianism.


In December 1988, a passenger jet, Pan Am Flight 103, was bombed over Lockerbie, Scotland, by Muslim extremists.

President-elect George Bush claimed he would continue Reagan's policy of retaliating against terrorism, but did not. Without Reagan to gin her up, even Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went wobbly, saying there would be no revenge for the bombing.

In 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.

In early 1991, Bush went to war with Iraq. A majority of Democrats opposed the war, and later complained that Bush didn't "finish off the job" with Saddam.


In February 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by Muslim fanatics, killing five people and injuring hundreds.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

In October 1993, 18 American troops were killed in a savage firefight in Somalia. The body of one American was dragged through the streets of Mogadishu as the Somalian hordes cheered.

Clinton responded by calling off the hunt for Mohammed Farrah Aidid and ordering our troops home. Osama bin Laden later told ABC News: "The youth ... realized more than before that the American soldier was a paper tiger and after a few blows ran in defeat."

In November 1995, five Americans were killed and 30 wounded by a car bomb in Saudi Arabia set by Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

In June 1996, a U.S. Air Force housing complex in Saudi Arabia was bombed by Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

Months later, Saddam attacked the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, lobbed some bombs into Iraq hundreds of miles from Saddam's forces.

In November 1997, Iraq refused to allow U.N. weapons inspections to do their jobs and threatened to shoot down a U.S. U-2 spy plane.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

In February 1998, Clinton threatened to bomb Iraq, but called it off when the United Nations said no.

On Aug. 7, 1998, U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

On Aug. 20, Monica Lewinsky appeared for the second time to testify before the grand jury.

Clinton responded by bombing Afghanistan and Sudan, severely damaging a camel and an aspirin factory.

On Dec. 16, the House of Representatives prepared to impeach Clinton the next day.

Clinton retaliated by ordering major air strikes against Iraq, described by the New York Times as "by far the largest military action in Iraq since the end of the Gulf War in 1991."

The only time Clinton decided to go to war with anyone in the vicinity of Muslim fanatics was in 1999 ? when Clinton attacked Serbians who were fighting Islamic fanatics.

In October 2000, our warship, the USS Cole, was attacked by Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.


Bush came into office telling his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, he was "tired of swatting flies" ? he wanted to eliminate al-Qaida.

On Sept. 11, 2001, when Bush had been in office for barely seven months, 3,000 Americans were murdered in a savage terrorist attack on U.S. soil by Muslim extremists.

Since then, Bush has won two wars against countries that harbored Muslim fanatics, captured Saddam Hussein, immobilized Osama bin Laden, destroyed al-Qaida's base, and begun to create the only functioning democracy in the Middle East other than Israel. Democrats opposed it all ? except their phony support for war with Afghanistan, which they immediately complained about and said would be a Vietnam quagmire. And now they claim to be outraged that in the months before 9-11, Bush did not do everything Democrats opposed doing after 9-11.

What a surprise.

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I hate Ann Coulter - everything she publishes is rubbish. If you believed her pov, people like me would be considered traitors. Sorry, ASU, but this woman rubs me the wrong way... There is absolutely no balance or objectivity in anything she writes. I don't care how many books she sells, I don't believe a word of it - its all slanted to the right. :blink:

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I actually joined I hate Ann Coulter website on Yahoo - I never go there, but.. you get my sentiment :D I do listen upon occassion to Robert Novak, Rush Limbaugh and that Shrill on Fox -- every once in a while they surprise me. Not so with Ann Coulter..

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Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

This is a prime example of conservative spin, taking an event and piecing things together, related or unrelated, to make a dramatic line which they cannot show to be true. I would wager any amount of money that Ann Coulter cannot produce a single bit of evidence to show that Richard Clarke, an obsessed terroism fighter, advised Bill Clinton on any of these incidents to "do nothing". Absolute chicanery.

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Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

This is a prime example of conservative spin, taking an event and piecing things together, related or unrelated, to make a dramatic line which they cannot show to be true. I would wager any amount of money that Ann Coulter cannot produce a single bit of evidence to show that Richard Clarke, an obsessed terroism fighter, advised Bill Clinton on any of these incidents to "do nothing". Absolute chicanery.

yes...but advised doesn't necessarily mean Clarke told Clinton to do nothing...it just means that while Clinton was making such decisions, Clarke was an advisor. Clarke could have said "go invade iraq" and Clinton could say no and do nothing...he WAS advised by Clarke, but whether he followed advice or didn't, that is unknown

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That's the whole point ASU...her implication was that Richard Clarke advised him to do nothing. Why else would she put his name there? How can anyone reasonable feel comfortable reading such spin, knowing what she's saying by implication is untrue. Her only goal is to try to discredit Richard Clarke, as all conservative lackies are doing. Ironically, the White House is now backing off many of their claims against Clarke's testimony.

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oh my, last thing I knew of ann coulter she was writing historical romance novels or fbi thrillers, I didn't know she was so political, thanks for the info, will see what she's up to and what her credentials are, I never knew she was into political science. Maybe there's 2 ann coulter's?

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Ms Coulter just had back to back #1 best seller on the NY Times.

Interestingly enough, Cheney's wife's just had a sexy romantic book removed from the shelfs that she wrote years ago; apparently it even had a lesbian scene; maybe it was a turn-on for her daughter? They didnt want it out during the election season. Wanna know why? This is the same Lynn Cheney that wanted to bring purity to the NEA and NEH--what a hypocrite!

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Any conservatives that you like, ASU. The closest thing for me are some of the libertarians... George Gilders comes to mind..



Here's the Lynn Cheney book:

Publisher Won't Reissue Lynn Cheney Novel

By HILLEL ITALIE AP National Writer

NEW YORK — A publisher has canceled plans to reissue a racy novel by Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, after she said the book did not represent "her best work."

New American Library, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), was going to reprint "Sisters," a historical romance published in 1981 that includes brothels, attempted rapes and a lesbian love affair.

"We felt interest was growing because it was an election year and we decided it could be a timely book," Liz Perl, executive director of publicity at New American Library, told The Associated Press on Friday. But according to Cheney's attorney, Robert Barnett, she did not even know about the reissue plans until receiving calls last week from the media. Barnett then contacted the publisher, which agreed this week to pull the novel.

"I told them that she did not think the book was her best work," said Barnett, who represents numerous political leaders, including former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Liberals have often mocked "Sisters," noting that Cheney is a longtime conservative and that President Bush supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Her novel was the subject of a recent satirical performance at the New York Theatre Workshop, with actors reading such passages as, "Let us go away together, away from the anger and imperatives of men. There will be only the two of us, and we shall linger through long afternoons of sweet retirement. In the evenings I shall read to you while you work your cross-stitch in the firelight. And then we shall go to bed, our bed, my dearest girl."

"Sisters" has long been out of print and is not mentioned in Cheney's biography on the White House Web site. In 2001, she told a New York Times reporter that she couldn't even remember the plot. Cheney has been active in publishing over the past couple of years, releasing the best-selling children's book "America: A Patriotic Primer," and sponsoring a literary prize, the James Madison Book Award, for the best history written for young people. She was a featured speaker in February at the Association of American Publishers.


I think she once tried to close the NEA/NEH Down. I vaguely remember her being involved in NEH for a while (did she head it for a spell?) To his credit, George W. Jr expanded the NEA's budget this year--despite the wrath of Rush Limbaugh and the hard right. I think this may have something to do with his wife's influence, who is active in spreading literarcy, and who is known to bring liberal writers to the white house. Of course, conservative writers are sort of an oxymoron lol

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I might not agree with everything he says but I enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly, but lately his crusade against rap music kind of put me off. Regardless, he is one entertaining host, and always defends his views well. And you also can never predict what his view is going to be (aka not always a consrv.); I read two of his books and he might be conservative on say immigration, but liberal on the death penalty or the environment. Very interesting guy.

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I might not agree with everything he says but I enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly, but lately his crusade against rap music kind of put me off. Regardless, he is one entertaining host, and always defends his views well. And you also can never predict what his view is going to be (aka not always a consrv.)

That's a pretty good description. I like the fact the when he feels he's wrong, he comes out and says so. As to the Rap issue, Rush would be in favor of fre speech...he recently came out swinging for Howared Stern...

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i think the most scarey thing is that coulter thinks she's 'cute' (by her own admission) and this gives her 'power' (by her own admission)...she's in the eye of the storm & loving it. what an asshole--i know she doesn't believe the shit she spews. i always hated that all-amerikan rah-rah type.

about mrs cheney's book, more evidence of republican hypocrisy.

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