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Everything posted by cjules13

  1. So I never knew all the meaning behind their current flag, but now it seems change is in order... I like it, it makes sense, but will it ever fly?
  2. heh, I bet they got the real show when they saw Daddy's little girl givin head like a champion... :P
  3. oh man, it's gonna be like an AA club there mixed with rehabs and petty ex-cons from the 80s. I'd go just to see the scene... can't be more than a $10 cover at a local bar for these guys.... :bigsmile: Who knows... not me, they may still have a cult following... All 80 of them...
  4. One of the things I've noticed now since I've returned to comics is that the talent is cross functional now. Jim Lee has been working on those DC titles, but he's also done some other work outside of DC. Writers have been working all over the place. Greg Rucka writes a Batman title and Wolverine simultaneously. Mark Millar works for Top Cow and Marvel simulataneously. It's almost like they're contractors for hire and not loyal to any one company anymore. It works for me!
  5. I still collect comics today... I was big into Marvel and DC back from 87-93, and when Image came out it was thought comics would never be the same... well they never were the same for the worse... Now that that era is behind the industry I started collecting again once I found Jim Lee doing Batman in "Hush." His Superman line starts in a couple weeks and I'm really looking forward to that! But the newer series I'm starting to get into is the mature line for The Punisher (MAX) and Mark Millar's Wanted... Even Supreme Power is turning out as a decent series. I hear you on a Silver Surfer movie, but I think the general public would find it too cheesy to have a guy in silver tights riding a silver surf board around the galaxy... too far fetched. Sandman was an excellent Gaiman run... has anyone been keeping up with 1602 by him? It just conocluded and was a great series. I think there should be a Wolverine movie only, just like he gets his own comic... so many good stories where he's just Logan. The Spawn movies could've been so much better! A Sam and Twitch movie might even work too... ultra dark crime saga... I don't think Iron Man or Thor could pull off a winning movie...
  6. I try to do as much as possible online. It saves time. I won't buy food or clothing online though. I have to try on the clothes... And big bulky stuff can't be bought online either without massive shipping charges...
  7. Not a chance in hell that'll pass, I want to moon that guy right now. Tool.
  8. I guess it's down to only 150. Not nearly as bad... That just shows how censored their government is... We have these WILDLY differrent reports.... who knows if this is even true. DPRK gets embarrassed over shit they shouldn't even be... Everything has to be a big giant secret - even when it hurts them cuz they're so stubborn. I bet there was more dead but they didn't want any offeres of aid so they've played it down... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...in_explosion_31
  9. Kerry 74% Kucinich 56% Sharpton 54% Bush 31% I'm kinda surprised... First off, I'm unsure if I even like Kerry personally, and I thought I was more of a hard-ass on social programs... but I thought I'd be more 50-50... Interesting.
  10. Yeah, I buy that too. For any site to remain fresh and keep the users coming back and attracting new ones, you've not to never be satisfied with the site to never do anything to it again. It's fairly appropriate to have a music section at ZP I guess, so they're just trying new things out. No biggie... I agree though it won't be long before it's filled with spam and won't have nearly the volume of music content as this site... tamarisk (ZP) should like those...
  11. It'd be easy for some people to be glad this happened, "...the Red Bastards", but remember these were ordinary people on their way to work and normal commuters just like us. Going to work for their $5 a day under a repressive government, this is a HUGE loss of life and a freak accident. I can't believe so many dead.
  12. Why the hell is this being reported when they haven't even searched their own spent fuel rod cooling pool yet? That's like posting up pictures for my lost cat all over the neighborhood without looking in my basement first. Unneccessary FUD.
  13. Those are some painful photos.... Nowhere near as bad as those mutilation ones a few weeks ago though.
  14. The Audio Magic solution uses Fourier Transform frequency fingerprints to define what songs are what. I imagine they have a huge database of all the popular stuff in it's lookup table. I think there's two ways around this already, one being ZIP or RAR archives, which would mess with the FFT, and another is to use encryption support P2P networks. Plus they'll have to convince the ISPs to install it - which may come by court order if this stuff really works, but would be many years off I think. I can see them being able to crack into ZIPs and RARs, but I dunno about encryption. Good luck is all I can say, and this surely won't affect the home user for what I believe to be many years to come.
  15. Holy crap man, is there a link for that? I'd love to spread that around... It is the truth tho, everybody's scared of something now... Guess what, I still drink tap water and eat carbs, oh crap! btw, good seeing you again rainbowdemon!
  16. Old Don has been under the microscope lately... Almost seems like he's one of the main puppeteers behind Bush and he the real imperialist of them all. He's one sketchy mofo. The Unknown As we know, There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know There are known unknowns. That is to say We know there are some things We do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, The ones we don't know We don't know. Department of Defense news briefing Feb. 12, 2002 I remember reading that one... hysterical. Didn't he win the foot in mouth award for that?
  17. That's what the little piece of paper said that was inside it when I bought it. :righteousdude: Man, I gotta say this forum is tight. The version software is much better than average! .::BeatFactory::. set this up eh? Nice job dude.
  18. Yeah ok, I joined today and haven't made one music related post yet, but I was wondering if anyone was celebrating today's holiday!? It's 4/20 after all... where were you at 4:20pm? Interested to see if this is just a local phenomenon or what... It had to have started in Cali, but I dunno.... Happy New Year! *wobbles back to my Gamecube...heh heh....*
  19. Hey Malicous! I was wondering where you went... I'm a little slow these days, I guess I noticed only a month or two late. Ahh well, thanks for the welcomes guys, hope to post around here more...
  20. Hey thanks... I guess I was ego-trippin already and started a new thread for myself, but whatever! Good to be here, still looking around and getting aquianted.
  21. See a lot of familiar faces around here, just registered and checking it out. Slick look, nice funtions, very smooth so far, except that my company firewall was blocking my reg email... weird, since all my ZP crap gets through. "Stupid company firewall, what do you mean I can't surf the forums at work? Oh cuz I'm supposed to be working? Oh yeah..." *hangs up coat, takes off hat*
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