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Everything posted by Redneck4sure

  1. I would too, Koop. The problem is he is not running so he won't get very many votes. You can go ahead and vote for him anyway if you like. Since I live in Texas, I will go ahead and vote for Bush. If I lived in Fla. I wouldn't have to vote at all. One person, one vote everywhere in the U.S.A........except in Fla.
  2. I heard it was a 60" plasma and the computer was a pentium 200 with a bad graphics card. It was a tough choice but he decided to keep the tv.
  3. I bait and feed turtles... I heard you used to bait and feed alligators. Now you have changed to turtles cause they don't move so fast. I know how you feel. :(
  4. I hope they don't ask Teller to testify.... Or George Carlin.
  5. Is that the way you liberals do it?? Switch and Bait?? Us rednecks still do it the old fashioned way. Bait and Switch! ;) j/k :)
  6. Blood, Sweat and Tears - Spinning Wheel (1969?) David Clayton Thomas and the boys.....good tune. :)
  7. close.....add Christian to the end. Illiterate corporate redneck christian.
  8. and the rest of the Animals I guess.
  9. I know you choked on that story Koop. Are you okay?? koop.....koop.......KOOP!!!! Someone call 911!!!
  10. I will repeat something I posted somewhere else around here. The only thing worse than drunk, disgruntled redneck with an assault rifle is a religous zealot with the same weapon. Remember the tune "Sky Pilot"?
  11. Well, this bunch can change that for you. j/k I love it here. btw I like your sig :rolleyes: I think I have made it all the way through the digestive track. :(
  12. Welcome! Look around and stay awhile!
  13. The tree will decompose but the plastic will not. Plastic is made largely from oil. Once oil is gone, it is gone. You can plant another tree and in a few years you are back to square one.
  14. It appears that it is not illegal to be homeless or to eat (today). You just can't give someone the food at a public park. Very interesting.
  15. .......the rednecks capped em all!!!! :shootin:
  16. I already am a blind gun tottin redneck with a shot up bunch of neighbors.
  17. The next time I go to the polls!! :rolleyes:
  18. wow! Goddess you might have a hard time scanning those. Try a digital camera instead. (easy for me to say, my wife has both items and I am not bright enough to use either one)
  19. Sounds kinda like a tv evangelist!!
  20. Ken Posted on Apr 18 2004, 10:29 PM I was a little confused at first, but I think I get it now. A parasite, that dwells in the stomach of SOME sandflies, cause this problem. Yeah!! Kinda like "rednecks, that dwell in SOME trailer parks, cause most problems. And Rob you can push the button but I need my glasses back first so I can see what happens.
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