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Everything posted by Redneck4sure

  1. ahhh.....a little breast augmentation with some art work!! But what will all my redneck buddies say?
  2. alas.....this is another thread I am ill equipped to participate in. I have no tats or tits. If you use #1 or #2, it might not be a bad idea to armed...just in case.
  3. to heck with Clear Channel. I don't subscribe to a service because I drive several vehicles and am too lazy and cheap to change the radios. But if I ever start just driving one.......I will hook up!!
  4. my first was a winchester 1897 12 gauge pump. I wish I had it today. It was one the guns stolen from my uncle's house. :(
  5. Me too.....all of the above
  6. I inherited the double barrel from my uncle. His house had been burglarized and all of his better guns were stolen. This is a great site! Guns and tunes!! My 2 favorite hobbies!! And they go together so well!!! Someone plays crappy music....just cap him!!
  7. Yea.......I think I saw his picture at the post office. I'm not sure.......
  8. I am not familiar with all Sears guns but I know they had a remington 1100 manufactured with their name on it. I don't know how much of a gun nut you are but if it is a 1100 with the sears name, it is an excellent shotgun. Most of them shoot 2 3/4 shells but a few were chambered for 3 inch.
  9. I have a double barrel, pump, remington 1100 and a Benelli super 90 tactical entry. All 12 gauge. Lets not even list assault rifles. I am not going there!!
  10. Glock 22 = full size 40 cal? I have 2 model 17 and a 21 and a 23. plus a smith, ruger, colt and so on. Yes shooting while Sleeping is dangerous.
  11. He's lying. Ask him about his suburban for sale.......
  12. Gun competitions are like car races. You have stock, modified stock and so forth. A race gun is one that has had the hell modified out of it to make it easier to draw, fire, reload, aim and so forth. I could go into details but I am not sure other people would appreciate the info that is so far off of the point of this thread. I REALLY am here to make friends and not offend. Also I don't think you want all that info???
  13. I have a compact colt. It makes an easily concealed .45 cal. I prefer Glocks. (I have 4) That is what most people around here shoot at the ranges. Most of the race guns at competions are 1911's. I certainly have nothing against a 1911. It is definately my second choice. Good gun for sure. remember: work is a four letter word and you know what your mother said about that. Besides, I bet you got a quarter million dollars worth of dust off of the furniture!! LOL
  14. note to self: Raise your bid. It seems the vehicle has a nice sound system and lots of ammo included. Vehicle previously owned by a dedicated individual and is probably in excellent condition. Guns should be in good working order and may have been cleaned recently although they have probably been fired since the last cleaning.......
  15. Wow! I am glad us rednecks don't have all those problems. Sometimes I don't sleep to well cause I am thinking bout maybe somebody is gonna steal the tires off of my car sittin up on blocks in the front yard. Or maybe they is gonna break into my mobile home or somethin like that thar. Once I wuz sleepin good and had a nightmare bout a man came an gave me a job. It was terrible. Couldn't get back to sleep for at least another 6 pack.
  16. I don't know but I will keep an eye out. (the other is keeping the sights lined up) Once again, "You guys are too funny!" As soon as I hit this sight and I saw you and rainbowdemon were regulars, I registered. You old farts seem to attract a good crowd.
  17. Now this is the best thread!!!!! I am sorry I can't contribute but you guys are too funny!!!!!!
  18. Yup! But tell the truth......do you own the above mentioned album?? oops.. cd?? I know I ain't got no class but I got plenty o redneck tunes.
  19. Wow! too much culture for me. I am more of oldies/rock kind of guy. :)
  20. Nice way to put it. Voter intimidation and ballot box stuffing has such a negative sound to it. It could also be called "full auto campaigning".
  21. I am rarely right. I was just trying to be optomistic. I hope that he works out his problems to most peoples satisfaction and then has an announcement. I will be disappointed if Crazy Horse has lost his mod. What did he do?? I am not a regular but I always found him 2 cuts above the pack. He seems like the type of person any organization would be proud to have.
  22. Maybe he is still working on it.
  23. Thanks! btw that looks an 89 suburban. Is it a half ton or 3/4 ton? If it is a half ton I will have to upgrade the springs. Dozens of cases of ammo gets heavy you know.
  24. That is too funny!! I think I'll vote for him again!
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