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Posts posted by Excrement_Cranium

  1. It's a good start to something you will look at when you are 45 and go: "What the fuck was I thinking?"

    Actually, might not take that long. I have some old rhymes and poetry in spiral books still hanging around that made sense when I wrote them... but have since faded into retardary.

    Your structure and such is good. Chorus/verse/chorus is decent... maybe a bridge?

    Waiting on verse 2...

  2. Lol!

    A lot of the residentials in Portland have hills, though the city on a whole isn't as hilly as Seattle.

    Add to that the fact that neither Seattle nor Portland often deal with snow, and you should have plenty of tragic comedy when it comes to traffic.

    I remember a few years back... Seattle got 6 inches of snow, and they had to declare a state of emergency... while on my side of the hill, schools won't even close untill we have 12 inches come down in 1 day, and then only if it happens at a time that the plows can't clear the roads very quickly. If they can, schools are usually just delayed.

  3. I suppose it depends on your definition of animal cruelty.

    Are they worse than someone lighting a cat on fire? No. That sort of thing isn't their principal enemy though and it's covered by law anyway. They see different enemies and I can't support their definition of animal cruelty.

    And it isn't just the fact that their definition might be different. PETA will not stop at all out lying in trying to make people conform to their beliefs.

    I mean... PETA attacks animal conservation groups that do far more good for animals than PETA could EVER wish to do.

  4. I didn't recognize the guy playing the Jew untill my freind told me who it was. I then had to slam my head into the wall and blur my vision to see past the hairdo... and I finally got it.

  5. I loves the debate!

    I read a rolling stone article recently where the writer got to go in the studio during a recording session. The whole process was tightly controlled by James Brown, and he went against the grain of playing on key or in tune. He WANTED the music to sound off, to sound grimy, dirty, filthy.... funky.

    Then there is Jimi. Maybe not the BEST guitarest ever, but he innovated styles and distortion methods which wer e not used before, but have been used ever since.

    I guess it depends on how you define influence. Someone who everyone recalls and name-drops, or someone who genuinely contributed something to music which will continue on.

  6. I think the Wii is for people who are gamers, but not "HardCore" gamers.

    I played Excite Truck for a while, and it was a blast. I'm actually enjoying feeling more involved in the game.

    Dunno... but I'll buy a Wii for 2 and a half bills before I spend 5 or 6 hundred on Sony or M$.

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