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Posts posted by Excrement_Cranium

  1. I see that as freedom of speech. Words never killed anyone

    Meh... kinda.

    Remember, Charles Manson never commited murder... his words swayed people to commit murder for him.

    Kill whitey!!!

    The weak minded can always be swayed into action... but removing this junk from google isn't going to stop it from happening.

  2. Heh. We fought and fought and fought... but WalMart greased enough city government palms to put a second Supercenter on the other side of our town of maybe 100k people.

    They sidestepped every concern presented, even the fact that the placement of this Supercenter will prevent any future expansion of our airport because of federal zoning laws.

    If that's not bad enough, our last contract, as well as our current contract, puts our union grocery jobs in a position where WalMart is a better employnment oppurtunity in the short run.

    It's hard to see those pay and benifits 6 years down the road when you need to pay the rent NOW.

    Then again, the unions have become just as greedy and corrupt as any of the Corporations. That's why I am dragging my ass through school.

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