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Everything posted by DudeAsInCool

  1. This might be a good xmas present for Jipper
  2. Hmmm....brownies are good :good job:
  3. Here are mine: Google.com NYTimes.com DrudgeReport.com Salon.com Slate.com CraigsList.com IMDB.com Yahoo.com boxofficemojo.com mapquest.com fark.com Beatking Member's sites (zp, p2pconsortium, etc) Cnet.com What sites do you visit everyday?
  4. A Martin Scorsese-directed documentary of Bob Dylan will appear early next year, followed shortly by a biopic from "Far From Heaven" director Todd Haynes, starring seven actors -- including a woman and an 11-year-old black boy -- http://www.salon.com/ent/feature/2004/10/06/dylan/index.html
  5. My first time with Dylan Johnny Cash, Joan Baez, Cher, Allen Ginsberg, Jimmy Buffett, Andy Warhol and others on their initial meetings with the folk legend. http://www.salon.com/ent/feature/2004/10/06/dylan/index.html Samples: My first time with Dylan Johnny Cash, Joan Baez, Cher, Allen Ginsberg, Jimmy Buffett, Andy Warhol and others on their initial meetings with the folk legend. - - - - - - - - - - - - Compiled by Dana Cook "I was hired at Gerdes, on West Fourth Street in New York. "... I met up with Bob Dylan again. Dressed in sloppy clothes, with the funny railroad hat and a drink in front of him, grinning at me in the mirror across the bar at Gerdes, hunched over like a bum off the street, slouching up to the stage, he looked like a lost soul. We talked about Colorado and Minnesota. We were both a long way from home." (1960) (From "Trust Your Heart: An Autobiography," by Judy Collins) - - - - - - - - - - - - John Phillips, rock musician "Worked at his 'look'" "We [The Journeymen] were on a bill with a scruffy, anemic-looking kid who had been kicking around the Village. This was his first paid gig. He looked pale and fragile, like he had just gotten over mononucleosis, but his audiences were spellbound. He sang with an angry, nasal whine and seemed to work at his 'look': tousled hair, rumpled shirt, jeans, bots, cap, the watchful, restless squint. When we had met him backstage before the show [band member] Lightnin' was helping him tune his guitar. There were all kinds of wild stories going around about the guy. All we knew was that he was from Minnesota and went by the name of Bob Dylan." (New York, 1961) (From "Papa John: A Music Legend's Shattering Journey Through Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll," by John Phillips) Photograph: AP/Wide World e 415 645-9200 | Fax 415 645-9204 E-mail | Salon.com Privacy Policy | Terms of Service
  6. Study links mobile phones, benign tumors - - - - - - - - - - - - By MATT MOORE Oct. 14, 2004 | STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- A Swedish study suggests that people who use a cell phone for at least 10 years might increase their risk of developing a rare benign tumor along a nerve on the side of the head where they hold the phone. http://www.salon.com/news/wire/2004/10/14/phones/index.html
  7. Justices won't weigh Net music lawsuit tactics Published: October 12, 2004, 8:18 AM PDT By Reuters The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to consider whether recording-industry investigators may use a favorite tactic to find out who may be copying their songs over the Internet. Read the full story here: http://news.com.com/Justices+wont+weigh+Ne...ml?tag=nefd.top
  8. Congrats on surpassing the two thousand post mark! :strumma: :good job: :strumma: :frog: :frog:
  9. Anyone remember Scanlans? It was a terrific spinoff from the founders of Ramparts that published articles that were too hot for the mainstream to publish. I wish they would bring it back..
  10. DudeAsInCool


  11. Bump - Over 22,000 views! :good job:
  12. Third grader suspended for taking butter knife in lunch From NBC12 News Thursday, October 14, 2004 A King William County woman is questioning the county school district's zero-tolerance policy on weapons. Joyce Heath says her eight-year-old son returned to school yesterday after being suspended for seven days, because he carried a butter knife to school with his lunch. http://www.nbc12.com/servlet/Satellite?pag...d=1031778530651
  13. Technology - PC World Almost One in Four Businesses Pirate Software Thu Oct 14, 2:00 PM ET Jason Tuohey, Medill News Service The study, released earlier this week by the BSA, confirms that almost one in four businesses (23 percent) runs software without licenses in the workplace. Yet, paradoxically, 89 percent of the 1500 professionals polled agree that illegal software is "a risk no business can afford to take." The alliance, which represents digital safety issues for 24 companies, including Microsoft, Adobe, and Cisco Systems, also announced that it reaped more than $2 million in settlements with 25 companies for software copyright violations. "It shows us that there's work to be done in continuing to raise awareness" of software copyright law, Kruger says. To find out "Why Do they Do it?", read on: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...56&sid=95612683
  14. Though Interpol couldn't be expected to surpass their previous heights, it's difficult to imagine a savvier or more satisfying second step. But the real revelation is that the band has wisely ignored a shortsighted perception of their career which dictates that where Bright Lights was an audacious plunge from a great height, Antics is the crucial landing. Even on those terms the band has succeeded. However, their liberation of form emphasizes the fact that, in the grand scheme of Interpol's career, this is only one in a series of great, if not Great, albums. Antics shows Interpol shedding the weight of their accumulated baggage and (hopefully) staying a while. -David Moore, September 27th, 2004 http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-revie...ol/antics.shtml
  15. For many months, Wynton Marsalis has written in a spiral-bound red notebook. The notes, in a small, neat pencil script, deal with how to create the new $128 million performing arts complex for Jazz at Lincoln Center, of which he is the artistic director. The notes reflect Mr. Marsalis's cast of mind: he starts with grand theories and gradually translates them into mundane details. Ultimately, that philosophy has shaped the programming for the inaugural season of Jazz at Lincoln Center's three new theaters, which begins on Monday. (PBS will cover the event live.) http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/15/arts/music/15JAZZ.html
  16. Election 2004: Even the Astrologers Can't Agree on the Outcome Astrologers are foreseeing surprises--even mayhem-- this unpredictable political season. By Shelley Ackerman With the presidential race down to the wire, and the horoscopes and supplemental charts of George W. Bush, John F. Kerry, Richard Cheney, John Edwards, Laura Bush, Teresa Heinz Kerry, the USA, and election day itself studied and rehashed over the last several months, you'd think the astrologers of the world would have the 2004 presidential outcome nailed by now. But instead of forecasting the election results in a unified voice, we (the astrological community) seem to be just as divided as the nation itself. How is it that so many accomplished astrologers can earnestly and painstakingly study the exact same sets of data and yet come up with a different interpretation of what it all means? The answer is: This election will be closer than the one in 2000. That nearly all the astrologers agree upon, making it next to impossible to call. Several specific sets of degrees in the charts ofboth sets of candidates are being activated at the same time, thereby confounding the best astro-analysts. Interpretation of astrological data is a fine art, one that is subject to the individual astrologer’s life experiences, personal biases, and years of observation. By their very nature, interpretations do vary and legitimately so. Often the planets suggest a range of likely manifestations, and responsible astrologers are in the habit of providing several possible ways in which the given aspects and transits could play out. Astrologers all know of many instances where a specific transit has shown itself in a variety of similar but not identical way. Through constant observation, we continue to study, learn and to improve with experience. The question at hand is: Come November 2, 2004, will Saturn, Lord of Karma (now returning to George W. Bush’s natal Saturn) stand firm and teach the 43rd President a much-needed lesson, or reward him (as Saturn does) for lessons learned and responsibilities well executed? Here is how several leading astrologers have called November 2, 2004: "Jupiter in Libra will be transiting Kerry’s 11th house giving him a freer life, while Saturn turns retrograde in his 8th signifying rejection. Bush will be trapped in the White House and O’Reilly will be thrilled (but he’s about the only one). With the same old Mercury problem happening at the conventions (Mercury retro after the DNC and Mercury stationary direct at the end of the GOP’s), I can’t tell which disaster is worse: Florida or Kerry’s wife." --Michael Lutin, Vanity Fair astrologer. "Kerry's energy renews, slowly but constantly, as election time draws near. Kerry's element is fire; and his message burns clearer to voters. President Bush's campaign, however, takes on the element of water. Bush sees cloudier days since his convention bounce. Confusion and loss of vision characterize his campaign, and his lead in the polls eventually dissolves on election day." --Robert Cohen Ph.D., mathematics professor and astrologer for 35 years. John F. Kerry: Born Dec 11, 1943 @ 8:03 AM Denver, CO. Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini, Sagittarius Rising. Positives: Venus and Jupiter on his midheaven could deliver the goods on election day. The October 28 lunar eclipse on his Venus can lend a last-minute helping hand; Jupiter stationing at the time of the Inauguration favorably aspects his Sun and Moon. This same Jupiter station is on the IC of the chart of the announcement of the Kerry/Edwards ticket (July 6, 2004 @ 7:30 AM Pittsburgh, PA) suggesting something about a "win" for the team. Negatives: Kerry declared his candidacy on a void of course moon, accepted his party’s nomination (July 29, 2004 @ 10:22 PM EDT Boston) on not-so-thrilling aspects; Neptune on his natal midheaven provides glamour but can also point to martyrdom or victimization; Progressed Saturn (ruling responsibility) being challenged by Pluto now (more or less responsibility at hand?); transiting Saturn not playing a strong enough role. Richard Cheney: Born January 30, 1941 @ 7:30 PM CST Lincoln, NE. Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Pisces, Virgo Rising. Some are stunned that Cheney is still on the ticket. Neptune has been on his Sun which has contributed to his air of mystery but also to weakening his life force. Positives: Jupiter in Libra making a favorable aspect to his Aquarian Sun; Progressed Moon about to conjoin his midheaven, making for a stronger connection to the public. Negatives: Transiting Pluto about to square his Moon (prolonged emotional upheaval over the next year). Transiting Saturn opposing his Venus (rules his house of career, will there be a change or ending of present employment?). Progressed midheaven about to conjoin Pluto, signifying a complete transformation in career and overall destiny. Could he be the next president? And if so will his heart hold out? In October 2005, Mars stations on his Uranus, the ruler of his Sun (possibly indicating health problems or unexpected change in status). Uranus moves to his 7th house cusp (a change in partnership? And since a divorce from Lynne is unlikely, is it a divorce from his working partner, George W. Bush?). John Edwards: Born June 10, 1953 @ 7:02 AM EST Seneca, SC. Sun in Gemini, Moon in Gemini, Cancer Rising. Positives: Transiting Venus and Jupiter makes favorable aspects to his Moon Jupiter on Election Day pointing to popularity and exuberance; his progressed midheaven lines up with the ascendant for the chart on Inauguration Day (14 degrees Taurus); same day (January 20), transiting Jupiter favorably aspects progressed Jupiter; the October 28 lunar Eclipse on his Venus could give him an extra "shove" towards Washington. Negatives: Transiting Pluto opposite his Sun could prove to be volcanic and unsettling; Saturn squaring his Saturn/Neptune combo may begin to wear him down. Ponder this: His natal ascendant on Bush’s Sun and his progressed Sun on George W’s ascendant could make for the most unlikely political bedfellows ever! Laura Bush: Born November 4, 1946 @ 6 PM CST Midland, TX (birth time is approximate). Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces, Taurus Rising. Overall, The First Lady’s chart activity at this time points to more freedom. Her progressed Venus (as of November 1) has changed from conservative Capricorn to freedom-loving Aquarius. Her progressed Moon is at 29 Aries (another ending) forming a hard and "concluding" aspect to her midheaven. If Mrs. Bush remains in the White House, expect a different and less "confined" tone. Don’t be fooled by her super-pleasant demeanor: Laura’s a powerhouse. And in case you’re wondering, the last Scorpio first lady with the Moon in Pisces was Hillary Rodham Clinton! Teresa Heinz Kerry: Born October 5, 1938 @ 6:18 PM EET Maputo, Mozambique. Sun in Libra, Moon in Aquarius (conjunct the USA chart’s Moon), Aries Rising. Lucky Jupiter is hovering around her Mercury and Sun in November and stations in late January on her 7th house cusp, the part of the chart describing marriage, social popularity, and increased visibility before the public. This could mean she’s more in the public eye, or she gets her husband back and more time with him. Jupiter will also form a pleasant aspect to her progressed Sun (now conjoining her husband’s Sun). This, along with the new moon on her midheaven in January ’05 could strongly suggest a political team to be reckoned with. If Teresa becomes the next First Lady she will be the first Libra since Eleanor Roosevelt.
  17. Thanx Mr T for broadening our musical scope here at Beatking.
  18. Kerry once again bested Bush--he's just too good a debater. But the third debate seemed more subdued than the other two in my opinion, and Bush was a little more relaxed, as the candidates were more respectful of each other and civil despite their differences. The above article captured the highlights.
  19. While Martínez slogged through six innings at Yankee Stadium, Lieber subdued the mighty offense of the Boston Red Sox, leading the Yankees to a 3-1 victory in Game 2 of the American League Championship Series. The Yankees lead the best-of-seven-game series, two games to none, after shelling Curt Schilling on Tuesday and handling Martínez last night. "These two games were huge, especially tonight," Torre, the Yankees' manager, said. "Curt didn't have his best stuff yesterday, but Pedro was Pedro. To beat him when he had stuff like this, it really gives us a lot of confidence."
  20. I visited a Walmart for the first time last weekend with a friend. Otherwise, I would have never gone. I dont do business with corporations that put the small guys out of business
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