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Everything posted by DudeAsInCool

  1. Imperial? I thought Naomi said - 'Nothing tastes better than with Blue Bonnet on it!"
  2. I like her rock attitude, but I think she's a better actress than a musician
  3. Hopefully, this will be a lightening rod for change...
  4. Something like that - only the best for the Greek man!
  5. It's too bad that Ms. Schiavo could not have utilized this: Meet the mind readers Paralysed people can now control artificial limbs by thought alone. Ian Sample reports Thursday March 31, 2005 The Guardian There's a hand lying on the blanket on Matt Nagle's desk and he's staring at it intently, thinking "Close, close," as the scientists gathered around him look on. To their delight, the hand twitches and its outstretched fingers close around the open palm, clenching to a fist. http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/sto...1448140,00.html
  6. I can get you the plane provided you pay for the fuel
  7. The prosecution's case is looking weaker and weaker as the days go on..
  8. Way to go, Wolfie. Congratulations on breaking the 2000 mark barrier :bigsmile:
  9. the trend goes beyond politics--it is affecting our culture and our faiths.. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR In the Name of Politics By JOHN C. DANFORTH Published: March 30, 2005 St. Louis — BY a series of recent initiatives, Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christians. The elements of this transformation have included advocacy of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, opposition to stem cell research involving both frozen embryos and human cells in petri dishes, and the extraordinary effort to keep Terri Schiavo hooked up to a feeding tube. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/30/opinion/30danforth.html Fyi, according to Salon.com: Danforth is an Episcopal minister who presided at Ronald Reagan's funeral and knelt in prayer and listened to "Onward Christian Soldiers" with Clarence Thomas during the justice's contentious confirmation hearings, but he has never been a favorite of the religious right. As the Washington Post noted in a 2004 profile, Danforth "voted against abortion rights but shied away from a leadership role in the movement." As a senator, he opposed school prayer, opposed the death penalty, and was what his former chief of staff called "an extremely aggressive advocate of the separation of church and state." http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/index.html
  10. I wonder if its pre-programmed with the Stone's 'Start Me Up'
  11. The tail end of your last post is an old item that is posted somewhere earlier in the thread. The family took the 20 grand and bought a big tv and stereo, etc... FYI, I collect the news wherever I find it...pro and con...
  12. Yours or Koops If we got rid of the Republicans, it would be a good start
  13. Sure is - cant imagine that the case wont be appealed...
  14. Jacko: I was virgin till 32 By Daily Mail 30 March 2005 Tapes of phone calls in which Michael Jackson apparently reveals he was a virgin until he was 32 could be publicly released. The recordings were said to have been made when the star was in his 30s. In them, he also reportedly talks of his battle with anorexia, how he hated his hair and how he was desperate to sleep with a woman. They were made by the family of a nine-year-old boy from Utah the singer befriended in 1985. http://www.thisislondon.com/showbiz/articl...ce=Daily%20Mail
  15. Prosecution Witness Comes to Jackson's Aid http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151900,00.html
  16. Two-thirds of world's resources 'used up' Tim Radford, science editor Wednesday March 30, 2005 The Guardian The human race is living beyond its means. A report backed by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries - some of them world leaders in their fields - today warns that the almost two-thirds of the natural machinery that supports life on Earth is being degraded by human pressure. http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/st...1447863,00.html
  17. The thead is called major political changes in the us--the art mention signifires a trend--the dumbing down of America duie to the politics (ok, it was a stretch ) Maybe a better example is that people like this are actually taken seriously by some: http://www.ljworld.com/story200443.html
  18. China introduces new erotic kit for 'remote sex' March 28, 2005 The new hi-tech invention of the sex industry allows to enjoy the pleasure of "distant sex." Each kit contains: a computer board, headphones and a microphone for naughty communication online. Everything is complete with a vibrator or a vagina (depending on user's sex) - they are connected to personal computers through computer boards. According to instructions, a male partner can control the vibrator of a woman and talk to her on the microphone, whereas the female partner in her turn is able to manipulate the vagina used by a man. http://asiansexgazette.com/asg/china/china03news16.htm
  19. Starving for leadership Democrats missed a golden opportunity to reclaim the "moral values" debate in the Terri Schiavo case. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Arianna Huffington March 29, 2005 | This column is not about Terri Schiavo and the wrenching spectacle that has surrounded her tragic fate. May she rest in peace. It is about congressional Democrats and how they once again pathetically misread what moral values mean in a political context. May they miraculously wake from their persistent vegetative state -- or it won't be long before they are receiving their political last rites. Ever since November, Republicans (aided and abetted by a poorly worded exit poll) have not only succeeded in defining the last election as having been about moral values, they've succeeded in defining moral values. In the GOP's extraordinarily abridged moral dictionary, fighting against gay marriage is morally valuable; fighting against 12 million children living in poverty is not. Read more here: http://www.salon.com/opinion/huffington/20...iavo/index.html
  20. Lively Debate as Justices Address File Sharing By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: March 30, 2005 WASHINGTON, March 29 - The much-heralded Supreme Court showdown in the Grokster case between old-fashioned entertainment and newfangled technology found the justices surprisingly responsive on Tuesday to warnings from Grokster, the software maker that allows Internet users to share computer files on peer-to-peer networks, that a broad definition of copyright infringement could curtail innovation. Read all about it here: http://nytimes.com/2005/03/30/technology/3...artner=homepage
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