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Posts posted by Yoda

  1. Can see you what's so funny about this one?

    By the way, the person who pointed this out mentioned this phone company is only in the States.

    YES! And it's hilarious, hehehe. The Good Sam club is a North American entity ... and, as you can see in the lower right hand corner of the photo, there's an NBC logo ... meaning the ad was broadcast in the USA.

    The funny part? Hehehe, take a REAL good look at what side of the road that camper is driving on. If he continues to drive on the left side of the road in USA, he won't be "on the road" for long.

    No the NBC thing is on there cause it was on Jay Leno one night for Headlines. I remember that one.

  2. Source

    The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has just filed another batch of lawsuits against p2p users that are uploading files over the internet. This is now the RIAA's 3rd batch of lawsuits. The RIAA has now risen its total number of individuals sued by the RIAA to 382.

    The RIAA plans on keeping up the lawsuits and now is mailing letters to 90 individuals vnunet.com reports. The letters are a way for the chance to reach a settlement with the RIAA before the cases go to trial.

    RIAA president Cary Sherman said in a statement. "This is an ongoing strategy, and the way to let people know that there is a risk of consequences is to continue the programme,"

    "You don't set up a speed trap for one day and stop enforcement thereafter. It has to be consistent."

    The RIAA The RIAA has reportedly settled for around $3,000 per person and has reached agreement with 220 people so far.

    Are users safe from the RIAA? You cannot be to safe if you are filesharing. The RIAA seems to be averaging around 90 people or higher everytime they file lawsuits against swappers. But the RIAA still seems to be sueing users that are on the FastTrack Network and The Gnutella Network. Smaller networks including Ares, have not yet been touched by the RIAA.

    Full Story

  3. No Round 2 isnt gonna happen <_>

    They will send me to the bad school (Where the pot heads go) I dont think I would last there. This is the first time I have ever been suspended!

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