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Everything posted by Umma

  1. looks younger to me if the walls are anything to go by and where's the mess?
  2. Almost as cute minus the Dublin accent of course...
  3. Umma


    ewwwwwwww sweaty as well as irritating
  4. Not seen any of them. I sort of took the approach that the films associated were probably too arty farty to be worth seeing and the music was probably more interesting as a stand alone. I'd like to hear what you think if you do get around to watching them. Obscured by Clouds (which I like better than More and Zabriskie Point) was the score to La Vallee... maybe you could include that one too if you haven't already.
  5. I cant, nor ever could see any comparison between Radiohead's whinging tunes and Pink Floyds.
  6. Cool... I'll have to buy a wristwatch
  7. Umma

    Small cars

    I've been toying with the idea of getting a smart car except I'd never be able to fit a sofa in the back...
  8. I remember it being featured on Tomorrows World as an indestructible replacement for vinyl. Only seems like yesterday
  9. yeah naming him 'love him' is one sure way to make his childhood miserable!
  10. so does that mean you can be two places at once without anybody noticing?
  11. Yeah I know... but I find it difficult to contain at times.
  12. Umma

    The Jena Six

    Hard to believe that people can still be so prejudiced in the 21st century. I suppose human nature will keep falling into the same stereotypical holes it always has.
  13. *Wonders how Shawn ever came across that one*
  14. Umma

    A suggestion

    You can use the widgets embeded here or in the Chat thread that method posted. You can go to http://www.meebo.com/room/beatking/ if you prefer. No need to join meebo although it does have some benefits if you're a member and a meebo account can handle most IM accounts so they're all in the same place. No client required. It's all browser based.
  15. Umma

    A suggestion

    if you care to scroll in a backwards direction you'll find a chat widget ... without having to go to meebo, join meebo, have anything to do with meebo etc etc. I hope that helps ... can't make it any simpler :rolleyes:
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