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Everything posted by DudeAsInCool

  1. State of Independence - By Joy Stolen Moments by Oliver Nelson (Jazz featured on KCRW's Cafe in LA)
  2. I know how you feel Windows Server 2003 - come on over to Apple - we don't have any security holes - come on over, be Happy, big Mac will take care of you
  3. DudeAsInCool


    Once you've had a Mac, you'll never go back (to that trailer park PC trash) :bigsmile:
  4. Yeah, a lot of the ordering is f*cked up...I never liked the Jackson 5. But its a good resource as they include just about everything...
  5. Adventures In Sucess by Will Powers (Great funky guitar and horns)
  6. Mike Jones rules around here... http://www.beatking.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3889
  7. DudeAsInCool


    Almost everyone in the entertainment business uses Macs - no Redneck computer geeks here Redneck Computer Geek You might be a redneck addicted to the world of computers if... If yer computer stand is made of a stack of old tires or 2 x 8's and cinderblocks. Ya think www. in a url is a logo for a wrestlin' organization. Someone tells ya they're "locked up" and ya ask if they need bail money. Ya've ever been too drunk to chat. Ya think a hard drive is a trip to Uncle Bubba's. Yer mouse keeps knocking over yer spit can. Ya think a surge suppressor is a pill for diarrhea. Ya keep trying to figure out why yer scanner won't pick up police radio calls. Ya think a megabyte is a new sandwich at McDonalds. Ya have to ask someone how to spell LOL. Yer stomach overlaps half of yer keyboard Ya think a PC compares to the Big Mac
  8. The Late Show Why Duke Ellington's late work deserves our attention. By Stanley Crouch Posted Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2005, at 3:36 PM PT Like most artists of heroic proportion, Duke Ellington's sweep is difficult to comprehend. His output of original compositions and co-compositions is estimated to number between 1,000 and 3,000 works, ranging from starkly simple pieces to complex adventures in long composition, from the lowest low-down blues (the swamp water virtually runs off the notes) to the most urbane renditions of the big city (its people, its architecture, its pulse, and its dreamy, private situations). His grand aesthetic vision was to bring work songs, spirituals, blues, and ragtime together with jazz, that aesthetic idiom of great latitude. Ellington combined his sources with more blistering force, imagination, and understatement than anyone had before him, inventing variations and grooves along the way. He produced music that would not only extend the reaches of jazz but would become one of the largest and most original bodies of American music ever created. Ellington's early classics, produced between 1927 and 1940, have been often and rightly praised; his late work has been largely neglected. But the late work offers plenty of masterworks for the listener of sufficiently refined taste, or the one willing to sophisticate his or her taste. Put simply, Ellington's late work is largely a secret treasure. Anyone purporting to be civilized, or who desires to be, should have as many late Ellington recordings as possible in his or her audio collection. Read more here: http://www.slate.com/id/2112112/
  9. Your friend absolutely should have asked you... Hope all turns out ok
  10. A power trio comprised of members of Bright Eyes' backing band, Desaparecidos, and the Good Life, the latest export from "Omaha's burgeoning music scene" (to cop a perplexingly behind-the-curve quote from the band's press bio) hews closest to the fizzy, furious pop-punk of Desaparecidos. Many sophisticated listeners have already clicked the "Back" arrow on their browser at the first mention of pop-punk, the Disneyland of musical genres, but those who remain might be in for a pleasant surprise. Read more here: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-revie...the-earth.shtml
  11. http://www.salon.com/tt/post/2004/12/29/post/index.html
  12. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../nyr11501142107
  13. DudeAsInCool


    Apple has $6.4 billion in cash, a seemingly small sum next to Microsoft's $64 billion. But it is Microsoft, the poor little rich kid, who must be envious of Apple. All of the billions in its corporate treasury, all of the personal billions of the co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen, all of the money in the world, cannot buy the ability to fathom the metaphysical mystery of cool. NY Times • 1/15/05 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/16/business...qIJTeEP/VAh5Rvw :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  14. http://www.post-gazette.com/tv/19990630commercial4.asp
  15. Those lists are hot! The orders within may not
  16. This is an experimental band reminiscent of The Who in flourishes...but the end result is mixed. The critics love them...but a lot of people hate em.
  17. DudeAsInCool


    Take this, PC neck http://www.apple.com/imac/ :fight: :fight:
  18. DudeAsInCool


    You sir are due a Mac attack :duck hunt: :shootin:
  19. DudeAsInCool


    You sir, have been warned
  20. Kid Rock was taken off the bill due to the Christian conservative outrage
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