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Everything posted by Potato

  1. For some reason, it seems like he has more birthdays than anyone. Enjoy it rd! :)
  2. Wedding today, dad's birthday tomorrow. Not my wedding, btw.
  3. 20 -- I blame my stupid fascination with numbers, dates and patterns.
  4. Potato


    awwwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hey CTC come buy a place in MN and I'll rent. This weekend.... an old friend is getting married, haven't seen her since 9th grade. I'm stopping by the reception. Otherwise, just workin'
  6. Thanks for the kind words :) I've taken today to just chill, it's been nice. Still feeling like I haven't slept in about a week though. They say all the bad shit happens in threes.... this better be my three.
  7. Potato


    He broke his wrist and bruised a lung in that fall. I can't believe he walked away after that...
  8. She's irritating beyond belief.
  9. If only my reasons for not being around were so simple! On Wednesday, the bridge over the Mississippi in Mpls fell during rush hour. Cell phone networks were clogged, I couldn't reach anyone so I was frantic for a while because I didn't know if my best friend was alright. She used that bridge every day going to and from work. Even for the next few days, it was crazy because it just didn't feel real. Basically, if you live in the area and ever have to drive anywhere, chances are pretty high that you've been on that bridge at least once. Knowing that just about anyone could have been on it really shook me up. I felt fortunate that nobody close was hurt. Til.... Saturday. I found out that a distant family member was on it when it fell. She was pregnant. The baby was delivered OK but she is in a coma. On Sunday, the people who were going to finish off my friend's basement so I could live there began their work. One of them, my friend's father, had a heart attack and passed away. A thousand "what if's" have been running through my head since. They didn't know he had any heart problems. Her and I have known each other since 8th grade but were never really friends ourselves. We have a bunch of the same friends though. I met her father once, the day after they moved into the new townhouse. What I noticed most was that her family had this really unique dynamic that I thought was really special. They seemed close. The wake was last night. He had 7 siblings, the place was packed. Everyone had nice things to say about him... I overheard, "I don't think anyone didn't like him," a few times from different people. On Monday, I found out that the husband of a girl I used to work with was in a coma and they weren't expecting him to come out of it. He was in a car accident and was not wearing a seat belt. He'd recently come back after spending two years in Iraq. They were separated a few months ago and she had moved out. I met him a few times and he seemed OK, nice anyways. I hope he can recover and I hope she doesn't end up back with him out of guilt. She's not on my list of favorite people but at the same time, it doesn't mean I hope anvils fall on her head. Now, I'm not directly connected to any of these things, but it's still a little too close for comfort.
  10. Hope you have a great birthday! :)
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. http://mentalfloss.com/ The trivia section is pretty sweet.
  13. I'd wear that shirt with pride.
  14. Sounds like a great weekend for all! :) (the pathetic-looking car isn't getting in my way of fun.... and insurance IS covering it)
  15. Can't get it in til Tuesday. :( But tonight, might be going to the Taste of Minnesota!!
  16. That's part of the broken mirror.
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