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Everything posted by ASUmusicMAN

  1. welcome back!!! Now i'm off to Maui for ten days...i'll see y'all if I can find free wifi!
  2. yeah...but it looks like miami's going to be a powerhouse next year
  3. Holy shit...i'm SOOOO pissed. I was willing to take a little bit, and give a liitle bit. Give Bush a chance, and i've been hanging in there with him through all his bullshit of this second term. But this http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/new.../printstory.jsp holy christ...we're soo fucked if we have this many retards believing in this complete and utter nonsense. To quote on of my favorite biology professor's blogs: "Here I am, a biologist living in the 21st century in one of the richest countries in the world, and one of the two biology teachers in my kids’ high school is a creationist. Last year, the education commissioner in my state tried to subvert the recommendations for the state science standards by packing a hand-picked ‘minority report’ committee to push for required instruction in intelligent design creationism in our schools. All across the country, we have these lunatics trying to stuff pseudoscientific religious garbage into our schools and museums and zoos. This is insane. Please don’t try to tell me that you object to the tone of our complaints. Our only problem is that we aren’t martial enough, or vigorous enough, or loud enough, or angry enough. The only appropriate responses should involve some form of righteous fury, much butt-kicking, and the public firing and humiliation of some teachers, many schoolboard members, and vast numbers of sleazy far-right politicians." aaaaahhhh...too goddamn pissed to think.
  4. funny because all the GSM providers here have waaay shitty service. My verizon never drops out anywhere. The only time it doesn't work is in basements of all the buildings at school. But from Winter Park, Colorado to Maui my phone is great. All my friends with t-mobile complain about all the dropped calls.
  5. I can't WAIT for football. At least madden is coming out in like a week...that'll tide me over until regular season. That and all the preseason games in tempe. wooooo.
  6. oh man...that's great!!!
  7. christ that's a lot of "Add Reply" sheeesh
  8. My roommate is big into the whole wrestling thing...and i'm kinda bummed to see hassan go...he was one of my favorite characters on there
  9. Cooking with the family back in NM this weekend, and I head back to tempe for a couple days on sunday.
  10. oh yeah...I saw that on the daily show a night or two ago. I loved it...I believe jon stewart said "don't you love that second term?"
  11. I don't understand why we would be over there if we weren't there combatting terrorism. Yes, mistakes have been made, but I honestly believe that we are over there to root out and kill all terrorists. War is not something taken lightly, and even if Bush is as evil as people claim I don't think he'd send people over there just for Haliburton.
  12. that was waaaaaaaaaay cool. Makes me want to do something crazy and stupid.
  13. Yeah, ok. So we're pushin' some of our ideals on them. Wrong? People are going to bitch either way. We go in and try to help people and everyone bitches about the way we do it (which IMO is probably the *most* harmless of the options. Perfect no. But most harmless, yes), and then you look at Africa, and we just let them be and people throw rock concerts and have huge shit fits about how we ignore them. So either way, as a leader/politician your going to eat shit from people. Also on the life thing, I understand where most are coming from, but I also understand/empathize with our leaders. Look if i'm leader of the US here's my priority of protection. A) my citizens B) my damn citizens C) ally citizens D) everyone else I'm pretty sure that the people in charge have a similiar stance on priority of life.
  14. I'm more capitalist than the next guy, I mean I love it here, but this corporate shit I keep reading about recently (WalMart screwing over workers, people complaining of the tyco guy getting a raw deal, *this*) makes me freakin' sick. :sick: Makes anyone who wants to either own their own company or try to rise through the business ranks seem like a heartless asshole.
  15. :rolleyes: although that's what I thought when I saw the previews...
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