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Everything posted by rainbowdemon

  1. rainbowdemon

    Site speed

    By the way, what does this mean? Warn: (0%)
  2. rainbowdemon

    Site speed

    Well, sign up then. We would be glad to have you as a member!! :D
  3. rainbowdemon

    Site speed

    Yes, it has picked up a little. But I'm on dial-up, so I'm used to things being slow!!
  4. LMFAO!!!! :D : :D Seriously, I'd like to hear some myself!!
  5. I thought it was one of the funniest South Park episodes I have ever seen!!
  6. Nice to have you with us, Yoda!! :D
  7. It is starting to look real good. BF is putting a lot of work into this. It's begining to pay off!! :)
  8. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma. American car horns beep in the tone of F. No piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. 1 in every 4 Americans has appeared on television. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum. The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache. A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA." Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. The 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin. The first owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head on a Pez dispenser. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined. Adolph Hitler's mother seriously considered having an abortion but was talked out of it by her doctor. All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public. Walt Disney was afraid of mice. The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly. Pearls melt in vinegar. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. Richard Milhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word "criminal." The second? William Jefferson Clinton!
  9. Famous uses of the word "fuck" in history: "What the fuck was that?" -- Mayor of Hiroshima "Where did all these fucking Indians come from?" -- General Custer "That's not a real fucking gun." -- John Lennon "Who the fuck is gonna find out?" -- Richard Nixon "Heads are going to fucking roll." -- Anne Boleyn "It's someone's 100th fucking birthday today!" -- Willard Scott "Any fucking idiot could understand that." -- Albert Einstein "It does so fucking look like her!" -- Picasso "How the fuck did you work that out?" -- Pythagoras "You want what on the fucking ceiling?" -- Michaelangelo "Fuck a duck." -- Walt Disney "Why? Because it's fucking there, that's why!" Edmund Hilary "I don't suppose its gonna fucking rain?" -- Joan of Arc "She wants how much fucking money?!?!?" -- Donald Trump "Look! Almost every fucking kernel popped!" Orville Reddenbacher
  10. Great job so far, bud!!
  11. Queen II All early Uriah Heep
  12. Two old friends were just about to tee off at the first hole of their local golf course when a chap carrying a golf bag called out to them, Do you mind if I join you? My partner didn't turn up." Sure," they said, "You're welcome." So they started playing and enjoyed the game and the company of the newcomer. Part way around the course, one of the friends asked the newcomer, "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a hit man," was the reply. "You're joking!" was the response. "No, I'm not," he said, reaching into his golf bag, and pulling out a beautiful Martini sniper's rifle with a large telescopic sight. "Here are my tools." "That's a beautiful telescopic sight," said the other friend, "Can I take a look? I think I might be able to see my house from here." So he picked up the rifle and looked through the sight in the direction of his house. "Yeah, I can see my house all right. This sight is fantastic. I can see right in the window." "Wow, I can see my wife in the bedroom. Ha Ha, I can see she's naked! What's that? Wait a minute, that's my neighbour in there with her... He's naked as well! That bitch!" He turned to the hitman, "How much do you charge for a hit?" "I do a flat rate, for you, one thousand dollars every time I pull the trigger." "Can you do two for me now?" "Sure, what do you want?" "First, shoot my wife, she's always been mouthy, so shoot her in the mouth. Then the neighbor, he's a mate of mine, a bit of a lad, so just shoot his dick off to teach him a lesson." The hitman took the rifle and took aim, standing perfectly still for few minutes. "Are you going to do it or not?" said the friend impatiently. "Just wait a moment, be patient," said the hitman calmly, "I think I can save you a grand here..."
  13. why would you really want to get away from ZP ppl.....we are the best around :D Absolutely correct!!!! Or something like that.
  14. Christmas in West Virginia Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the shack Not a creature was stirrin', cept the lice on muh back. The Skoal cans wuz nailed to the screen door with care, With hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The children were sleepin', all snug in their beds, While visions of tractor pulls danced in their heads. And Ma in her nightgown all stained with pound cake. Had just settled down to watch Ricki Lake. When out in the driveway, a loud noise I heard, I opened the winder to check muh T-bird. I ran to the door, like I's on a mission, But I tripped on some parts from muh granny's transmission. The moon shone outside, the hound dog wuz barkin'. Muh daughter weren't home yet, she wuz still out parkin'. When what to muh whiskey blind eyes should I see But a Chevy S-10, pulled by eight flyin' sheep. With a fat nasty driver, so disgustin' and sick I said, "Shoot Fire! That must be St. Nick! More rapid than X-lax his wooly sheep came And he belched and he hollered, and he called 'em by name. Now CLIFFORD! Now VERNON! Now LESTER and ENUS! On FESTUS! On ELMER! On ROSCOE and CLETUS! From the top of the shack to them there garbage bins Now Dash Away! Dash Away! Dash Away youins! I heard a loud sound on the roof of muh shack. Pud down muh beer and went fer muh gun rack. He fell through the roof, plum killed my dog, I swear that ole' Santa looked just like Boss Hog. He wore a T-shirt, rebel flag on the front, And his jeans were all bloody from that morning's hunt. A big nekkid lady tattooed on his arm, And he wore black boots that he'd picked up in 'Nam. His eyes, how they glazed from too much Wild Turkey. From the side of his mouth hung a stick of beef jerky. A scar on his cheek from a fight with the cops. The veins on his face looked ready to pop. The butt of a Marlboro clung to his lip He wore a hip pack full of B-B-Q chips. He had a fat face and a hairy beer belly. I ain't seen one that big since muh ex-wife Shelly. He was gap-toothed and dumb with an I.Q. of three And I laughed cause that redneck was smarter than me. A wink of his eye, a fierce shake of his head, From his hair came a rat that ran under the bed. He reached in his sack, sipped his gin and tonic, Then filled the kid's stockings with Hooked on Phonics. His toys came from Big Lots and they weren't very nice But he had lots of them and yuh can't beat the price. He gave us a tape of them hound dogs that sing Jingle Bells. Some Crisco, some Spam, some Oatmeal Cream pies, And a Nascar T-shirt in Double X size. When the presents were gone and he had no more, He staggered and stumbled right through muh screen door. He hopped in his truck, to his sheep gave an order "Hurry up youins! To the Tennessee border!" And I heard him cry out, with a strong southern drawl, "MERRY CHRISTMAS, YOU REDNECKS! MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL... YEE HAWWWW!
  15. In the 70's we called that a shotgun!!
  16. Yea,man. Real crazy!! I never heard anything about that!!
  17. 40 Things Never Said By Southerners 40. Oh I just couldn't. Hell, she's only sixteen. 39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex. 38. Duct tape won't fix that. 37. Lisa Marie was lucky to catch Michael. 36. Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineken. 35. We don't keep firearms in this house. 34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer? 33. You can't feed that to the dog. 32. I thought Graceland was tacky. 31. No kids in the back of the pickup, it's just not safe. 30. Wrasslin's fake. 29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace? 28. We're vegetarians. 27. Do you think my gut is too big? 26. I'll have grapefruit and grapes instead of biscuits and gravy. 25. Honey, we don't need another dog. 24. Who's Richard Petty? 23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds. 22. Too many deer heads detract from the decor. 21. Spittin is such a nasty habit. 20. I just couldn't find a thing at Walmart today. 19. Trim the fat off that steak. 18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso. 17. The tires on that truck are too big. 16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad. 15. I've got it all on the C drive. 14. Unsweetened tea tastes better. 13. Would you like your salmon poached or broiled? 12. My fiance, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany's. 11. I've got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl. 10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat grams. 09. Checkmate. 08. She's too young to be wearing a bikini. 07. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts? 06. Hey, here's an episode of "Hee Haw" that we haven't seen. 05. I don't have a favorite college team. 04. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side. 03. I believe you cooked those green beans too long. 02. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla. 01. Nope, no more for me. I'm drivin tonight. )
  18. I recall a People magazine article about one of Butterfly's members diappearing without a trace. But I never heard anymore beyond that.
  19. Never liked much of it anyway! :angry:
  20. It's hard to tell. There are no moderators yet. B)
  21. I remember reading that somewhere a long time ago.
  22. Just a couple of forum addicts, I guess! LOL :D
  23. Who remembers the first album they ever bought? Mine was " Tommy James And The Shondells Greatest Hits"
  24. The way I heard it is that when that song was being written, one of the band members was very drunk. He was trying to say "In A Garden Of Eden" and they decided to leave it that way. Excellent song anyway. One of the first real long ones that were to become popular in the 70's.
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