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Posts posted by slum_goddess

  1. thank you for pointing that out, Dude. not that anyone's interested (like i give a damn especially since sooo many people here told me of the moaning from a certain person when y'all asked me to be mod ---- hahahaha, who knew that i actually had friends who would tell me ALL over here?).

    back on-topic, Mark (Rock) is doing it all, 21st century style on his own label, to be designed by Chris (along w/album cover and 4 other tunes and licenced via Creative Commons/Open Source) and all to be promo'd by me and mine, a labor of love actually to which i laugh in his face when he first insisted on paying me (he gave up after the first 3x/spread over the last six-eight months or so). the above tunes will be updated to 21st century as well....i'm hoping a bit of techno/electro will be added but since i ain't the artist in question, i'm leaving it all to HIM.

    the reason the link got messed up is cause about a month or so back, i woke up one morning to find everything i had was gone; that is, as Chris explained, our server hiccupped and lost ALL my mp3s and vids i'd uploaded. this wasn't such a bad thing cause Chris had been moaning for ages that the only band whose music i had permission to upload was A3's and he was afraid the RIAA bots would seek out all the other stuff and bring both our sites down.

    personally, the publicity would've been nice (apart from Chrissie Hynde and Steve Earle who don't give a fuck where/how their music is used there were a shitload of other bands who don't care either). but i look upon semi-disasters like that as a very good thing, just in case (worst case scenario--if Chris's site went down he would be verily PISSED off at me and there'd go a beautiful friendship).

    the photo's of Mark at dinner w/me last saturday night when i told him 'duck --- one of your groupies is peering in'). i love that 'WHAT THE FUCK / are you fucking kidding me?' look, i immediately showed him the pic on my cameraphone and we laughed our asses off. ps, groupie girl (not grrl, obviously) saw us laughing inside and RAN like fuck. we saw her later at last week's gig and although he tried to ignore her, she persisted on reaching out to touch him /while he was playing/ and only split when i bopped over.

    i didn't have to say a word. she visibly shrank before me (and she's like a foot taller than me and totally gorgeous but a complete airhead). hilarity ensued, up on the stage where the band had been warned beforehand and down in front, as i tried to pity her but somehow couldn't.

    thanks again, Dude. :wub:


  2. i'm blissfully doing NOTHING this weekend and happy about it. i shall watch films, drink, smoke and perhaps see a few nearby friends; missing a full-line up Alabama 3 gig at the moment in St Albans but for the first time, i really don't care. was guestlisted on it as well as for their gig in Ireland tomorrow but passed them both up and am very pleased that i did. (although, if this was Fark one of the Band would be going 'shock ensued' lol)

    there's just so much excitement and partying i can take and i need/want my quiet time w/Hunter in order to recharge my batteries. as far as i know, i shall be doing nothing until 23.july when i fly over to Dublin, first time in Ireland and regarding the bunch of nutters i'll be with (both the Band and my friends), it's all gonna be 'watch out Dublin' :lol:

    GOOD LUCK, method. :)

    re Dude's heatwave: my dashboard tells me it's a blissful 13C right here in Bristol while in London it's 30C/86F and in NYC it's like 28C. i'm wearing my sweatshirt w/all the windows shut at the mo'. ahhhhh, i love summers in this part of England. :)

  3. today (and every day) i love my friend Mike/Dragnim who, last weekend, gave me the most beautiful thing ever, a limited edition signed and numbered screen print by Gee Vaucher (formerly of Crass).

    i'm having downloading probs (or else i'd post it) but basically it's a lithograph of the Statue of Liberty w/her hands covering her face, weeping. it can be seen here.

    i'm really touched and flattered that such a young kid (he's 30) thought of me and actually paid a lotta good money for this.

  4. So, from an international perspective, how will you remember Blair?

    as the preznit's puppet/lapdog and as a total failure to the people of the UK, as far as almost everything goes. i dug him when Clinton was president but since then? forget it...very very disappointing AFAIC.

    BTW, my friends organised a party for Big Toe leaving, SICKNOTE/TAXI FOR MR BLAIR, rented a boat on the Thames last week; it was a huge success :lol:

    Boudicca organised the entire thing (she's up in Manc):

    'In 1997 Tony Blair portrayed himself as an electric guitar wielding Rock 'N' Roll Labour leader. After ten years that image has faded and all that's left is a legacy of an illegal war, a nanny state and ASBO nation. As the sun sets on the 27th June and Mr Blair bids farewell to 10 Downing St a group of artists and musicians have decided to throw a leaving party. Tony Blair will have the honour of attending this party in central London courtesy of a Cardiff band Sicknote, the Rev. D Wayne (Alabama 3) DJ set + guests.

    Mr Blair has little excuse not to attend, as a taxi will be waiting for him outside Downing St to whisk him away for a night of fun and frolicks. This may be the last opportunity for Mr Blair to get down with the people and prove to "Cool Britannia" that he truly is Rock 'N' Roll.'

    i so wanted to be there; those who were gave me detailed reports and as usual, a good time was had by all. :)

  5. How do they get away with this kind of crap? Oh yeah, public apathy, the media doesn't cover it so people aren't well informed, and and the government is corrupt .

    yup, yup and yup. as well, wasn't it printed and/or online that only half of US votes? disgusting, to say the least.

    to Dude: it's not only the recent decisions AFAIC, it's ALL the shite that's been done to US and the rest of the world in the last seven years. disgusting. back in april when i landed at JFK this young Customs cop began to talk to me, very politely excusing himself for butting in, but as he put it (i'm paraphrasing) he told me that by my demeanor and my clothing as well as the fact i was entering the States from England, he felt he could talk to me. i asked him (politely) if it was obvious who i'd voted for in the last pres. 'elections' and he went 'yeah'. then he told me his sob story (and i don't use that term lightly), how he's making a bit more than minimum wage and he remembers how in NYC public schools, things like music and art et al. were givens when he was growing up (as they were when i was). then he went on to tell me how thanks to bu$hCo, they've pulled all that 'liberal arts' stuff out of the public schools; his kids' friends (who were wealthy and went to 20,000$/year schools) were being taught all the things that his kids were missing.

    it was awful...we talked for a long time, about half an hour. i felt really bad especially when he told me he couldn't confide his complaints to any of his police colleagues.

    nobody speaks up, nobody of importance and/or w/political clout and when they do, there are never any good results or they're smothered or marginalised by asshats like hannity and coulter (cunt!). horrible, just horrible. the World Court has failed US already as well, by blithing permitting bu$hCo to do as they please. i refuse to go on cause mostly, i'd NEVER shut up, lol.

  6. i dont believe the blackmail thing... the people in office either have no guts or convictions, or they are bought off

    i have neither the time, patience nor the inner strength to go back and find articles listing ALL the times some political figure (most of them of the Democratic Party) raised his/her voice against the current bu$hCo regime; they were ALL invited to the whitehouse to talk it over and ALL of them came out, and took back whatever in hell they originally said.

    i still think blackmail/NSA. i wish i were wrong but nothing's yet happened to change my mind.

  7. CHRIST ON A CRUTCH! i grew up w/Joel Siegel, i remember him when he was just beginning. then again, i think i remember that after december 2K he went over to the Dark Side, but not sure (and i hope my shite memory's wrong about this). but still, i feel for his family and friends.


    A: no, of course not.

    RIP, Joel. :(

  8. Malicious, if you're working in any way, shape or form for Sainsbury's, i'd like a word w/your managers. basically (and i have no idea if this falls under your job requirements) they have nothing but shite answers when i ask them things like 'why do you have XXX brand's of wotever and not include the flavors/types available in the States or the EU?

    pure bullshit but told me very politely, of course. then i deflect and feel guilty that i bothered them. but i'm truly interested in why this happens, e.g., Haagen Dazs and/or Ben and Jerry's flavors and Kelloggs cereals (but only the unpopular ones Stateside or horribly disturbing combos i've never seen before and tastewise, even my British friends are disgusted). very confusing to me.

  9. There are many, many problems with the NHS, but given that leaving people without insurance to die is the alternative, I'm fully behind it. A society can not call itself civilised when it leaves people to die because they can't afford medician - let alone people dying when they have been paying.


  10. very pleased to see you back here, Cerebral. i was gonna PM you some time back but that meant that i had to come back here again and /that/ means that the next time, when i have more time, my 'new posts' list won't show what i've missed from before i logged in to PM.

    nb: i understand the above and if nobody else does, well, sorry.


    moving right along, i'm amazed that for once, i remember something that obviously Dude doesn't; i remember that some time back on another thread, Method related his born-in-Canada story.

    DUDE! watch that memory thing....you're getting really bad when i can remember stuff and you can't :lol:

  12. they're not the only band dogged by tragedy but they've been around so long, i'm sure if one made a list of all the horrid shite that's happened to them (beginning way before Brian Jones died, way before Keith broke his nose and way before Altamount), anyway it would be a very long list. gah, it all reminds me of how much and how long i loved the Stones until they went semi-disco (late 70s) and then in the mid-90s w/the ticket prices going through the roof, i just totally quit being interested especially since i didn't care for much of the music; this was the first tour i didn't get to see in over 3 decades. then when Donald Trump threw his hissy fit over his crap seats, i was pleased i no longer cared. i mean, c'mon, donald fuckin' trump is suddenly a fan? gimme a break.

    on another site for another band (alabama rama lama dingdong 3 of course) there's a longass thread going strong, since so many of the band and their fans have suffered injuries at/after their gigs. one chick (a good friend of the band for ages now) broke both her legs after she was part of the video that was made for 'woke up this morning' (long before the Sopranos; the first WUTM vid in 1998). and a week later, she broke her left ankle (so she basically suffered 3 broken bones in one week and this grrl is no idiot---she's a librarian at one of the Unis in London). after seeing them the 2nd time, i was on a cane for weeks. the lead singer fell off the stage in cardiff two years back and almost broke his neck, was sitting down (very unusual for him) for the rest of the tour. the guitar player fell down a staircase and broke his nose right before a gig (and he wasn't high or drunk at the time).

    we all waited for hours until they fixed him up in hospital and then when he reappeared (he got a nurse to drive him back, lol), the gig went on. when those of the Band answered on the thread, it like opened the floodgates for the rest of us to post of their injuries. as well, my friend Pam had to have her shoulder replaced w/a steel plate thingy a coupla years ago directly after leaving a gig. anyway, my point is, there are over 50 replies on the 'injuries thanks to the Band' thread. i'd post the URL but people wouldn't be able to see anything since it's in the backstage area of the forums and one must go through a tedious signing-up process in order to even read it. but the horrors continue...ODs, broken bones, cancer, other horrid illnesses and accidents.

    apart from having to rely on a cane almost 7 years ago, two years back some new fans (very young, who'd just discovered A3) began an impromptu moshpit at a major gig at the London Astoria. they were really drunk and since i was up front, every time they pushed/threw each other, i was pushed up against the chainlink fence, to the point my breath was knocked out of me too many times and each time i was crushed and it hurt more and more the lead singers (directly above me) looked down at one point and noticed the huge crush of people pushing me into the fence and pleaded w/the rowdy newbies to 'cut the shit...they'll be in huge trouble if this grrl gets hurt'. they didn't listen and the band quit playing until the bouncers were called in to remove the assholes (about 20, 30 of them). i had the impressions of the chainlink fence in bruises on my front for weeks afterwards. it was horrible and very painful.

    from what i've read here and there about other bands (a lot of them classified as heavy metal and a lot not), i think that some bands are totally followed by a weird kind of karma that nobody reallly wants nor can anyone explain.

  13. Sounds like a great weekend for all! :)

    (the pathetic-looking car isn't getting in my way of fun.... and insurance IS covering it)

    good on you, potato. i'm glad it was only your car and not you.

    practically forgot what i did last weekend just about now. oh right, i was in london at two parties after the Showband gigs. they were pretty wild, complete w/girls crying at the end, plenty of extra-legals and a LOT of broken hearts (not mine). poor liddle girls.

  14. the public has spoken - i dont understand why Congress has stalled on putting what they want in action - getting out of Iraq now

    how can you not understand, Dude? thanks to the NSA wiretapping, they've got blackmail on everyone.

    we're sooooooo fucked.

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