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Posts posted by MoonMan

  1. I assume this is you ?

    [16:59] ::: Joins: lobster11([email protected])

    [16:59] ::: Quits: lobster11([email protected]): QUIT: lobster11

    (Don't worry, it's encrypted.)

    You got on, but you closed the page prematurely. Give it time to connect to the server etc. Once you think you are on, type /nick DudeAsInCool and it will change your name to that.

    I'm actually headed to take a nap, and I am not sure anyone else is in there.. so if/when you do finally get it, don't be sad that it is quiet.

    Good luck man. :)

  2. Sorry for not doing this sooner but between me getting banned at Zeropaid and my own forum picking up, I've gotton a bit side tracked. Enough of that though! You guys deserve better, and I want to deliver.

    Here is several chat options you can pick from:

    <a href="javascript:window.open('http://p2pchat.net/chat/p2pchat.php?nickname=lobster11&channel=beatbox&theme=blue','Chat','width=800, height=550, resizable=yes'); void(0);">

    This is your basic java script "chat window". It's nice, simple and easy. Preferably linked to an image.

    <div align="left">
    <script language="javascript">
    //p2pchat solutions by p2pchat. Copyright © www.p2pchat.net
    function ChatWindow() {
    window.open("http://www.p2pchat.net/chat/chatintro.html","chatwindow","toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,directories=no, status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=600")
    // -->
    <FORM ACTION="http://www.p2pchat.net/chat/p2pchat.php" target="chatwindow" onsubmit="ChatWindow()" METHOD="POST">
    <TD align=left>Nickname<br>
    <input TYPE=TEXT NAME="nickname" value="lobster11" SIZE=15></TD>
    <TD COLSPAN=2 align=center>
    <INPUT  type="submit" name="Submit" value="Enter Chat"><TD>
    <input type=hidden NAME="channel"  value="beatbox">
    <input type=hidden NAME="theme"  value="red">

    This is a nice little box that can fit anywhere on a site.

    <iframe border=0 height="650" FRAMEBORDER="0" width="100%" MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 scrolling=no src="http://p2pchat.net/chat/p2pchat.php?nickname=lobster11&channel=beatbox&theme=blue" title="p2pchat" ></iframe>

    And of course.. iframes.

    Feel free to edit any of this. A page that can help you customize your options is this page -> http://www.p2pchat.net/addjava.php I would recommend testing each option.

    To be honest, they are all really nice. I like the first one though, because it is simple and stylish.

    BTW: If you don't like java or do not support it, use mIRC!

    server - irc.p2pchat.net

    port - 6667

    channel - #beatbox

    download mirc

    This is a short, and to the point post. If anyone has any questions or requests do not hesitate to post. Your comments are welcome. Again, I'm sorry for stalling.

  3. Well first of all, yes Yoda you are appreciated too. You help make the room fun as well. I am still just a little bit angry at you for that link, but I am slowly getting over it.

    Second, the java applet and any coding will be supplied by me. It won't be a complex thing, and will most likely be hosted at p2pchat.net unless someone disagrees with this.

    Lastly, we have no problem with the name beatking.. but we want to make a name that has no association with any one site. We are a single entity, not the tail feathers of another. Get what I mean ? lol probably not. I haven't had much sleep!

    P.S. - Thanks for all the warm responses. In all honesty, I was fearful of a bunch of negative replies... I even had a dream about this thread turning into an 18 pager with a flame war ensuing. Yeah it's sad that I DREAM about forums, but that is besides the point.

  4. Isn't it odd how, instead of deleting the post, he just closed the thread because of one comment which was unrelated to the whole thread and was made by someone who has not been at Zeropaid very long (in terms of posts).


  5. If Epitaph.com wants to "advertaise" here then they can buy ad space like everyone else.

    Until then i dont care what alerts they send out to get people to spam for them but i dont think we should allow it because then we should allow anyone who wants to spam for whatever interest group to freely to do it. This type of post have just caused flaming in the past and hence why they get closed.

    Oh wait! I'm not Sephiroth! :blink:


    That's awesome, haven't heard from them in a while... Nice to see you post here MoonMan...

    lol.. thought I was on some bad acid trip for a moment.

  6. This site is loaded with so many different topic forums, that it is hard for one to choose an appropriate area to find interesting threads.

    Anyone got some newbie advice on what I should look at first ? What would be the most interesting area for a new person to start in to get in the groove of things ?

    I'm overwhelmed! :shootin:

  7. Third, Crazy Diamond ? Whoa. If you are who I think you are, it has been quite some time. Handles like that are not duplicated often. I hope you are doing well. Do you remember me ? *cough* MusicCity *cough*

    Again, even if it isn't you the irony is as thick as a tree trunk. We are in the "Alternative" music posting area.

    You're going to have to refresh my memory. I need a little more to go on than Music City

    How about some buzz words and phrases.





    Remember me ? Moony aka Mike ? lol. Whether or not you cannot remember or would rather just leaves this as a dead subjects, I don't care. It's nice to know that you are doing alright (if it is you).

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