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Posts posted by Umma

  1. Who am I to judge that a gay/homsexual;s person's love life should not be equal to heterosexual's.

    The issue here isn't about judging anyone... it's about how a society needs to have standards. It's pretty much the same thing as the post about the Patty woman having a breakdown with something so simple as trying to organise an office party... these days everybody wants their rights... or they throw a tantrum

  2. i think the issue of marriage also has to do with economics--marriage couples get more benefits

    Economics has everything to do with it.

    What happened to the old rules of choice and consequence? You make a choice you live with the consequences. While there have been things in the law that need to improve, I cant see how this is one of them. If people choose to be homosexual they are rejecting traditional values... so now they want the values system turned on it's head to suit their choice. What about the 'rights' of the rest of society who view marriage as a contract between heterosexual people?

  3. Marriage has always been a legal contract that was largely for the benefit of children produced within that relationship. The family unit has been demoted over the past century to such an extent that a normal family unit is now something almost totally abnormal.

    Homosexual people (I resent them hijacking the word 'gay' .... it had better use in the language before the arrival of the homosexual movement) have no need to steal what little normality is left to traditional families. I see no reason why they cant quietly make a lifelong commitment to each other without the song and dance.

  4. LOL ... poor Patty

    Unfortunately we live in nations where we are completely spoiled for choice and have the freedom to use it accordingly. It's a shame we take it so much for granted to think that all things come as our 'right' and abuse the benefits we are so lucky to have.

  5. I was 'sick' hearing about the Darkness last year. They were like a plague that infected every radio station (apart from the country ones... not that I listen to those) and I slowly learned to get tired of them very quick. They were a reasonable sort of sound but too much of 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love'was just off putting overplay. They struck me as Queen wannabes (although they were pretty good wannabes) and I largely dismmissed them as a passing radio phase.

    I saw the singer bloke.... Justin Hawkins on the Frank Skinner show and realised he had a sense of humour. It was nice to see a personality coming out that radio promotion didnt give any sense of. It's noticable too in their video for 'Dont Let the Bells End'. They're cheeky rockers.

    While I havent heard any more of their music yet.... it'll be interesting to see how well they do in 2004.

  6. "After peeling the negative, the image needed to dry before it could be handled, so waving the photo helped it to dry more quickly."

    yeah those old cameras were built like bricks .... you had to put the pic in a metal sandwich thing and stick it somewhere warm (like an armpit) for so many minutes before you got to peel and shake...

  7. It's a shame that for the number of registrants on Beatking that it's the same old names that are continually providing the posting material. This post is in no way getting at those who diligently post interesting topics day in day out, but at those of you who have registered, who have an obvious interest in what this forum is about, but as yet have not felt the need to come out of the shadows and express your opinion on a regular basis.

    Granted, sometimes it's difficult to get the right frame of mind and actually string a coherent and readable sentence together, but hey... it would be nice to see some feedback to the efforts that are being made here. The whole idea in a forum is to give you an avenue to express what you think, whether anyone agrees with you or not is irrelevant. In fact, it's probably more interesting if opinions differ in some way and a new perspective is given.

    So go on.... post it :D

  8. " As many of you already know, Dead Can Dance is the ultimate listening experience. DCD has been the defining element in many circles of music. Few groups have been so influential and self-defining. Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry are the catalysts for Dead Can Dance who's music may be gothic, new age, world, ethereal, neo-classical and dark wave. These words simlpy cannot describe the awesome music this duo creates. Trying to catagorize or describe their music leaves one with a loss for words... it simply cannot be done." Click here to read more


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