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Posts posted by riseofthevalk

  1. Well then it won't help at all if we have Obama completely reverse the situation. At this point in time big oil has a foothold in the resource business that the growing international market wants as much as we do and even more. Why is it smart in any case to spit on these companies as if they are the demons of the world when they are simply going by what needs to be done? I've said it before - the price is high because the demand is high. What Barack Obama wants to do is say 'hey oil companies, I'm not allowing you to make any more money. Money that you need to buy high priced oil because China, India, Russia and the EU are all competing to get it. So what are you going to do???'. Naturally these companies are going to have to do one thing - raise the price higher.

    Regulation in this case just will not work. Our dependence has us by the balls and until we can not be so dependent, we have to accept the fact. But we cannot be self reliant until Congress allows us to be. This is a very vicious circle.

  2. Well no one ever said Huckabee was anything less than an idiot.

    Let me clarify something here though. I'm not for McCain - I'm just against Obama. I don't think that for one second the Federal Government should have any hand in the economy. Seeing how Obama really wants that to happen, I am inclined to vote for the other guy. As I told you in PM, I could care less who really is President. As long as they free the citizens of this nation from handcuffs administered by the House and the Oval Office and let us do what we best then I have no issue whatsoever.

    If Obama came out tomorrow and said 'I won't regulate anything. I want cap anything. I won't block people from making business' you will see me GLADLY going out and voting for him.

  3. I like Bob Barr. The Libertarian ticket is a scary one but this guy isn't as weird as he could be. Sadly no one besides people who watch Glenn Beck(:wub:)know him. If Barr could have a decent shot I'd vote for him. His national security positions are a little different from mine but almost everything else I'm on board with him with.

    But back to the candidates who people know. Obama has to do the following to beat McCain - 1) try and turn the mid west States 2) get Pennsylvania. I hate to micro it down to such a small goal but it's true. There will only be a few dark horses here and Penns is prob the biggest one. So far McCain has the advantage and the Republicans know that. Did you see any snippets from the NRA Convention today? Everyone who made a speech slammed Obama on his foreign policy. This will only continue into the Fall: the courting of the old, white vote and firmly stamp them into McCain's crowd.

  4. But it's already begun! They're not stupid people. They know to never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake - and that mistake right now is the ongoing civil war between the Democrats. Sure, after Obama gets the nomination officially some of the more reasonable Democrats will rally behind him. But there will still be the chunk of Hillary supporters - the die hard ones - who won't. Half already admitted they would vote for McCain in that scenario. The other half won't vote at all. And that will hurt him.

  5. I think they'll be okay. The Republicans are going to win all the traditional Republican states and maybe rack in Pennslysvania. That's a win for McCain right there. Obama has to face an uphill climb in the swing states. Obama camp said they could take Florida. But with him not having the Jewish vote OR the old white vote I don't see how that's possible.

    I fully expect that in June 3rd when the Democratic Primaries are over the Republicans are going to start their offensive on Obama. It's already begun in trickles - bashing them on their Iran policies and some quotes Michelle Obama made a few months ago. They're just waiting for the Dems to finish fighting each other. Then they'll move in.

  6. (Note: in no way am I defending the majority Bush's policies other than Iraq and maybe a few others)

    But for Obama -

    His positions contradict one another. He wants to make gas cheaper yet his ideas for doing so would only make them higher. He wants to strengthen our Army yet he wants to cap gun registration which would lead to a slow in the Arms Industry - in turn doing the opposite and weakening our Armed Forces. Not to mention he wants to cap oil profits. With the demand so high, cutting the amount of money the companies make(and for no other reason than 'its not fair :'(') will only force them to make the prices HIGHER. Now on top of all of that, attempting to socialize health care (and a plethora of other areas) could only be envisioned through taxing people more. A number of states already introducing new taxes(California is considering putting a new tax on everything). With the fragile finances of the average citizen as is, any one of these routes that Obama wants to take is reason enough to believe we'll have an even harder time under him.

    Now I'd be lying if I said I LOVED Mccain. I think at best he'll be a fair President but I really don't think he's our ideal savior either. I would actually prefer Mr. Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate. He's the only person who is willing to not have the Government interfere with economy. This country has enough coal to power itself for a very long time but the Congress won't allow the companies to convert coal to oil. Why? Eighty five percent of our off shore areas are off limits to the oil companies for drilling. Why? We could be completely energy independent in ten - fifteen years but the Congress is keeping handcuffs on the Captains of Industry.

  7. Yes. Never try to shop them to an actual company. Chances are they'll never be listened to. Best bet for someone in your position is to secure yourself legally and try to hook up with an indie artist or group. Best way to do that? Hang around clubs, music stores, etc(My personal favorite is music schools) and try to meet people.

  8. Between tonight and tomorrow afternoon I'm going to be wrapping up the war system. Some pieces like air/naval technology aren't fully incorporated to the certain aerial/naval attacks. But they should be within the next twenty four hours. :)

  9. Heh. I made some updates today to keep things balanced.

    4-15-08 - There are now price jumps for banks and labor unions. At certain levels the upkeep price will jump up a bit, keeping it balanced for new players and old. I'll make a table with everything a little later. Some may already notice an increase in the upkeep but the numbers have been crafted carefully and you all should be able to pay it off.

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