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Posts posted by eclectica

  1. There's a difficult line between being humorous and being offensive. I think that in order to be humorous one has to be a little offensive. The best type of humor makes fun of people who bring about and are responsible for their own state of existence, such as fat people or stupid morons. But the tsunami victims were innocent victims and it is bad protocol to make fun of them.

    As far as the firing goes it came from pressure by people making press conferences and writing angry letters, but one shouldn't let the public pressure be a deciding factor. It bothers me because it is like censorship.

    I do not get the satisfying feel that justice was served by the firing of the host. What would be ideal would be for some tsunami relatives or sympathizers to kidnap the host of the show and film him thrashing about while being drowned with his own parody song playing in the background, to the sadistic laughing of the people killing the guy. Then distribute the video to the public by way of p2p or through Zarqawi's blog in Iraq. That would give me the satisfaction that justice had been served for the radio show host.

  2. :good job: Here's to music

    :good job: Here's to filesharing

    :good job: Here's to Beat King

    Filesharing started out as a way for music lovers to share their music with each other. You at Beat King with your special focus on music represent the heart and soul of what filesharing is all about.

  3. My wife said that rapper 50 Cent lost his hand in something going wrong with the car door. She heard it on the radio a couple of hours ago. But I have not gotten any independent verification because I don't see it reported anywhere on the internet yet. Maybe because it is breaking news.

    (I'm not sure if this should be in the Music News subforum)

  4. What do people get out of classical music? I went to classical music concerts with my parents when I was younger, and saw many people wearing suits at such affairs. I believe that the majority of people who attend such events are not there for the love of the music, but to feel that they are cultured or are part of the elite. I have a cynical attitude towards people in general, and when they are attending art galleries, church, or music concerts, I believe that for most of them it is not for the purpose of enrichment, but for the image, to identify with the culture, and to feel better about oneself.

    In regards to classical music, I don't see how people could like symphony music. To me it is a clever orchestration of many instruments which people listen to as background music. I prefer the music in which it is one player or just a few playing, rather than symphony music.

    It would not surprise me to find that one's tastes in life are genetic and inherited, including what type of music one likes. It is harder to realize that because of the generation gaps that exist in music. But with classical music, there is no generation gap because it is all old. I have my father's taste in classical music, with an appreciation of Bach. My mother tends to like symphony music.

    The type of classical music I like is organ and harpsichord played by a single player. I prefer the sound of the harpsichord to the piano. I'm not sure why the piano is more popular. For me it sounds like crap compared to the harpsichord. The idiotic mutterings of Glenn Gould while playing Bach on a piano, which people liken to be a product of eccentric genius, disappoint me.

    I see the role of the player of music as hardly much different from the secretary typing papers for the boss at the office. If a player injects one's personality into the piece, such as Glenn Gould does playing Bach, the player is not a good one but is in fact becoming vain and failing at his mundane task which is hardly different from a monk writing a Bible by hand. To me the people of value are the composers and not the players. Nowadays all one has to do in order to get a player would be to transfer the sheet music into a midi file and have a synthesizer play it. That would be a good way to store lots of classical music in a compact form, as most of it is passed down by way of sheet music.

  5. Okay, one more post...my post count is up to 9 now.

    Maybe I need to change my chair, because this one I'm sitting in reclines and makes it hard to sit up and type on the keyboard.

  6. 10% sounds about right, but the bigger forums have an even smaller percentage. One thing you can do to clear out the dead weight would be to delete the accounts of zero posters who haven't visited the forums in a long time, or will they be members for life like over at Zeropaid?

  7. This site reminds me of the old MusicMagnet site which closed about a year ago.

    At one time UniteTheCows closed down and merged its old forum, posts, and members into PCTechTalk. Was that a deal that the owner Unite got paid for? My memory of the circumstances involving that is vague and I don't understand what happened with that whole thing.

  8. The problem with allowing members to delete threads is that it's not fair to the rest of the people who posted in the thread. Once other people post in a thread it is owned by the forum and not by the member who started it. It would be good if there were an option to allow members to delete threads which have zero replies. Can all posts except the first in a thread be deleted by members here?

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