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Posts posted by Rivet

  1. "Atomic Anus" got knocked back by mein teacher.

    And if we could utilize a website, it'd have to be .com.au

    Thanks for your help guys, I'll let you know when a decision is made.

    But don't let that stop you if you can think of anything else :)

  2. Hey does anyone know a decent lyrics site? I'm looking for one I can kinda turn to by default. I'm into a LOT of different music.

    Suggestions would be muchly appreciated :)

  3. How about Deep Groves...Inspiration Station....Epiphany Junction (where the good ideas meet)?

    Sweet nice idea. I like Epiphany Junction. Although Atomic anus comes in a close second.. :lol:

    These comin from your own heads? Theyre great ideas!

  4. My suggestion would be to go for something slightly off the wall that people will remember.

    I think my all time favourite is/was a music shop in Minnesota called The Electric F(o)etus. Also there's a shop in the next town to me called The Left-Legged Pineapple. It doesn't have to make reference to music in the name, just go with what feels and sounds good to you.

    Excellent! Thankyou! Now I just have to figure out what that might be for me. The Electric Fetus is a great name, isn't it? It'll end up being something like that

  5. I'd go with:

    "Pimp Records"

    Haha! That got suggested to me in class! Also "So Puff Records" going with a stupid ad campaing plaguing our country.

    just a reminder: don't use Beatking Records. We'll sue

    Not gonna happen :P

    Keep the ideas flowing for me, guys

  6. My dear friend from Wagga, rural NSW, Australia, claimed to have screwed Suffa MC's (Hilltop Hoods) ex-girlfriend.

    So now Suffa hates him.

    And now the guy likes Pressure MC better.

    Well, I suppose it is possible.

    Especially how much this guy is into the live music scene.

    But come on!

  7. Thats true. Good idea.

    But I need the name before I find a specific location. Also there may never be a specific location. But then I could just make up a number. Thanks

  8. I first heard him a couple of months ago.

    He sounds very old school.

    He apparently had a lot of influence over the Beastie Boys back in the day.

    And is a real Reverend.

    What can you tell me about this guy?

  9. Business studies - create a business plan.


    EVERYTHING, from stock suppliers, location, floorspace, employees, costs...

    This is my favourite class.

    But I need a NAME! I'm doing a CD outlet, something kinda custom, you know?

    Not mainstream and commercial. Something you can come in to with a decent chance of the attendent knowing your rare tastes without having to look them up.

    Ideas? Please, be much appreciated.

  10. Hey I wrote about half a song a while back, but this is the only thing that's progressed. One day a tune and rhythm just appeared with it and now it gets stuck in my head. MY head, and I wrote it!? But yeah.

    It's a rock song, but this bridge is pretty metally. I've used brackets to indicate a screamer taking hold of those lyrics. It really doesn't seem like much, but I figured I might as well get it out there.

    (You have held on for way too long)

    I think it's time you paid your overdues

    (You think you're so strong and nothing ever gets to you)

    From birth to defection you'll see your reflection

    I can explain anything, and I know that last lyric could look like nothing, but I'll explain it now.

    Although I admit to thinking of it before realising it means something.

    It means that from the time (you) were born until the time something went/will go very wrong (that turning point in life) (you) only see what (you) think (you) are.


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