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  1. lol way to go fw thanks for :horny:
  2. Thanks roadblock for unmoderating me at p2p consortium--AS I am not a trouble maker or a troll I am sure your are addressing others....I am glad that you really do want a place for p2p apps and forums to meet and become united---'united we are strong' speaking with one voice well get attention and move the freedom of speech in the net forward...I do wish though that you and many of your other moderators would not bash es5 and er as they do have a place in peer to peer file sharing.....If all is forgiven all around......why not post at es5 and also extend your warm welcome out...? Just as Sharepro has been seen to be a formable enemy he is also a very good person, look how he has stood by filehoover when zeropaid had issues with the head developer filehoover-Sharepro took on all people connected with zeropaid.......if you could have Sharepro on your side you and all p2p members and apps would be far ahead......
  3. Yes great Idea spud--tell them to drop it also. I am sick and tired of the constant fighting...all I want to do is have freedom on the net like most people, but people who have some other agenda's keep interfering with everyone's free speech..But that aside I am glad you welcomed me here, thanks
  4. lol--well that number was a mistake..lol But glad that you threw the knife anyways--But as far as welcoming es5 people as you have seen our forums are connected by our members. I hope you will also feel free to visit our forums as I hear es5 is about the only forum/p2p portal that has cd art available--and of course we also have an espew mirror called ER music--and all sorts of other great stuff to offer ;)
  5. yes Pab and Fw are very special to es5 forums--Fw is was the offical p2p news person and Pablo is our very own software beta tester... Also about CONsortium rastax scanned my computer and dos attacked my computer when I was on consortium, why would a P2p forum do this--unless they had an agenda to verify people by their i.p.'s---I don't also really follow the politics either but I just want to warn peope about the dangers as they are real.......Riaa is offering a reward for snitching on file sharers--so don't off up how many mp3 you are sharing on your computer..
  6. If so then why are they banning es5 or anyone who even mentions the name--Even Hunter is against anonymous file sharing---makes ya wonder why--And as far as CONsortium not being a zeropaid satellite forum, just look at the persona names, all belong to an inner circle of p2p forums with zeropaid being the nucleus--peerweb,slyck,p2p forums and many more---all are mods on one or more satellite forums of zeropaid- Crucial forums and peerweb forums merged last year, but the low down is that this was a way of the Riaa/Mpaa to get into the 'inner circle' of p2p file forums to see who the big players are....... anyway thanks for welcoming to beatnick forums do you know Freakinweasel?
  7. I joined CONsortium and Hunter put me on moderation because I belong to Earthstation 5--(es5) The whole place at Consortium is run by zeropaid a know drm company..Join if you wish but be warned as Shakespeare says 'there is something rotten in Demark" :yup: btw I would like to thank Freakinweasel for inviting me to join these forums..
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