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Everything posted by Ethan27

  1. "Many people think political science is about something uninteresting. Furthermore, because of a number of unfortunate events in the world related to politics, this decline has a bad reputation. As a result, students prefer not to pursue a political science major in college. Nonetheless, a number of factors can influence your decision to pursue a political science degree or even begin a career in this field. To begin with, everyone should realize that everything that has to do with politics and government affects everyone in the country. As a result, political science isn't about something far away. It's about our day-to-day lives. The next important consideration is that political science is not solely concerned with politics. It brings together a diverse set of disciplines such as international relations and communication. So, expect to be pleasantly surprised because this educational program is both interesting and intriguing. Finally, a degree can help you get started on the career path of your dreams. It will be welcomed by a variety of businesses all over the world." institute-of-governance.org/
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