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Posts posted by Potato

  1. Amber: Come visit Minnesota sometime in the winter, we will share the cold weather with you. It gets chilly where you are too! At some point, I think, it just is "cold" and numbers no longer matter.

    My dad used to work outside at the airport. I was telling him yesterday, "Aren't you glad you don't have to do this anymore??"

    A few friends are baggage handlers at Continental. Luckily MSP isn't a hub for them so they don't get as many flights and don't have to be outside as much as NWA (aka Delta) employees.

    It's currently -22F, with a -37F windchill. This is getting old!

  2. My friend heard this song he liked. I don't remember it and apparently all he remembers is the following:

    - the line "and it lasts all day" is repeated throughout

    - there is a female singer (he thinks there also may be a male, but who knows)

    It's on the rotation at this sushi place we go to. I have no idea where to start. I've searched Google and various music lyrics sites. Anyone have any other ideas? Anything is appreciated.

  3. Chinese buffet! Elbow! I'm jealous.

    Went to Red Dragon on Friday, then CC Club... both are total dive bars in Minneapolis. Had a ton of fun though with people I hadn't seen in years.

    After only getting 4 hours of sleep Friday night, I slept off and on Saturday afternoon. Then I went to Swing Vote, and fell asleep watching Juno. Very low-key and exactly what I needed.

    Today I've played a ton of Mario Kart, and am now starting on weekend chores. :(

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