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  1. the establishment finaly gobbles anarchy up and spits it out in a walk of fame... :(
  2. Its the biggest cover up in history! The Twin Towers were brought down with explosives, watch all the evidence on these chilling videos of footage on the day showing bomb squibs soming out the building as it goes down. How else was the concrete turned to dust? just by collapsing? i think not. Download the videos they are free. Loose Change - download 350 mb DVD Quality right click "save target as" 1hr 55 seconds. "...IF 21 YEAR-OLD WASHINGTON, DC RISING INTERNET MEDIA STAR DYLAN AVERY CAN EASILY RECOGNIZE CLEAR EVIDENCE OF A GOVERNMENT COVER-UP OF THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS, WHY CAN'T AMERICANS OF ALL AGES? " TOM FLOCCO "...The best packaged DVD footage for sharing actual TV coverage & interviews shown only once during WTC / Pentagon attacks--evidence strangely removed from repeat broadcasts ...striking visual and narrative analysis--shown frame by frame--pointing to government-linked mass murder and a new Pearl Harbor ...every school class should see this footage for historical reasons alone." "Here we're talking about plastic knives, and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building, and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center." Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, in an interview with Parade Magazine on October 12, 2001, from the Pentagon "...credible and shocking enough to predict outcries to arrest George W. Bush, U.S. officials, Congress intel. members & media execs for criminal acts and obstruction of justice if millions of Americans view & understand this evidence." Pat Dawson, NBC NEWS reporter: "I spoke with the Chief of Safety for the FDNY. He received word of a secondary device, that is, another bomb going off...he said there was another explosion which took place. And then an hour after the first hit...there was another explosion that took place. He thinks that there were actually devices that were placed in the building. We are continuing to hear explosions here downtown." "You will never feel the same about the 911 attacks after viewing these DVDs...it gave me chills." Tom Flocco Loose Change - download 350 mb DVD Quality right click "save target as" 1hr 55 seconds. 9/11 Video archive download and streaming movies Post this on other Forums, open text file copy and paste.
  3. All the tracks are now free! hope you like them? http://www.migandi.org.uk/mans_hate/mans_hate.htm
  4. Man's hate website Man's Hate was the vehicle of protest for one Andi-Xport between 1980 and 1987 (or there abouts!), The music was mainly distributed by mail on the then massive underground network of bands and artists predating the internet, Man's hate featured on many compilation albums from cassette to vinyl and released Five albums in total from which some of these tracks on "Looking back at anger" are taken, Also featured are previously unreleased material. Often described as "Steam driven protest punk" Man's Hate sang about subjects most bands would keep well clear of. With a passion and verve "Looking back at anger" recaptures the essence of Man's Hate and fires it unceremoniously into 2005 and beyond. "Pin back your ears" Looking back at anger (Double CD album available in MP3 for download) All tracks are High Quality MP3 (MPEG Layer 3 320 k/bit/s 48,000 Hz Stereo) CD1 (suggested playlist order) Man's Hate - Men and women on horses with dogs.mp3 Man's Hate - New song.mp3 Man's Hate - Surburbia.mp3 Man's Hate - Island in the sun.mp3 Man's Hate - Cheap cheep.mp3 Man's Hate - Plane crash.mp3 Man's Hate - Icarus.mp3 Man's Hate - Baby blue.mp3 Man's Hate - Hidden terror.mp3 Man's Hate - Murder most fowl.mp3 Man's Hate - 30th centuary.mp3 Man's Hate - President botha kills children as well.mp3 Man's Hate - Fight government torture brush with new liberation.mp3 Man's Hate - Cruel operation.mp3 Man's Hate - It's in the mail.mp3 CD2 (suggested playlist order) Man's Hate - Porton down torture town.mp3 Man's Hate - 2009.mp3 Man's Hate - Peace and freedom band.mp3 Man's Hate - Royal blood.mp3 Man's Hate - Freedom of speech.mp3 Man's Hate - Trees with leaves.mp3 Man's Hate - Frying tonight.mp3 Man's Hate - The struggle.mp3 Man's Hate - Rocket to the moon.mp3 Man's Hate - Nazi thugs on crack.mp3 Man's Hate - Carousel.mp3 Man's Hate - Helpless.mp3 Man's Hate - Final Dream.mp3 Man's Hate - Ding dong avon calling.mp3 Man's Hate - Nature.mp3
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