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Crazy Diamond

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Posts posted by Crazy Diamond

  1. When that turned out to be BS, I went to town.

    That made me laugh.

    And I'm with Slum on this one, I don't believe in Marrage.

    People are shocked by my number (they usually think it's a lot higher ... not sure what to think about that)

  2. I read that exact article in the paper yesterday.

    No one really disputes if Jesus lived or not anymore. This argument is more about if he had any remains. It's pissing off the Church because they believed Jesus was resurrected and floated on up to Heaven. According to them there shouldn’t be any bones. Not to mention the implication that he had a son.

    Two things to note in the article: 1) Ancient texts are difficult to decipher; there's a chance they could have read the names wrong. 2) Very common names at the time.

    One thing I find hilarious is that a couple of those articles say shit like "James Cameron discovered the remains of Jesus". He's a producer, not an archeologist. The remains were discovered in the 80s and this isn't the first documentary on the subject. The man works in the entertainment business for Christ sakes (no pun intended). It's his job to create stories and get big reactions. And all these puppets are going for it.

  3. When I saw this title I thought to myself .... I don't think I can even name 10 white rappers.

    Apparently neither can he. Looks like it was just naming anyone he could.

    Kid Rock and Fred Durst are in a category all their own. If I were a rapper, a white one even, I'd be offended that they were recognized as rappers (even if it was a "Worst of all time" list).

    House of Pain I can agrue being there but I really liked Everlast's second album. "What It's Like" was an amazing song.

  4. duh? WHY, CD? :lol:

    in all actuality those who are termed as 'punk' these days don't do it for me (e.g., green day or whatever). feel free to yousendit whatever you'd dig me hearing (but not if i have to sign in to hear it, there are ways around that).

    Heh, barely anything I listen to can be considered new ... So I understand what you mean.

  5. I'm referring to fictional movies that have a heavy musical influence, but aren't necessarily biographies or documentaries. Movies like Hard Core Logo, High Fidelity, Dazed and Confused or Empire Records etc and the list goes on.

    What are your favorites?

  6. there's what they call an 'old punk movement' still in existence here in the UK and that's one of the main reasons i love living here. nobody looks at me as if i'm crazy. when i last visited my fam in NYC (last february), three different people (all strangers) came up to me on the streets and asked me what band i'm in. i was all WHAT THE FUCK? they ALL went 'your hair' and i tried to be nice but couldn't prevent rolling my eyes. morons.

    Oh man that shit pisses me off. My favorite though is if I'm wearing a band t-shirt and people start shouting lyrics at you from across the street. Or, even better, they come over to you and start talking about the band and you have to correct them every step of the way.

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