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Unsigned Hero

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Posts posted by Unsigned Hero

  1. In an unsigned band? Know an unsigned band?

    Airwalk is holding the annual Unsigned Hero event for the fifth year in a row, once again offering bands a chance to play at huge shows, earning nationwide recognition, and winning cold hard cash.

    This year Airwalk is going bigger than ever, teaming up with Alternative Press Magazine for some serious band notoriety. Fans aren't left in the cold though! Simply nominating a band gives you a shot at some rad Airwalk swag, so read on if you want to know how to get involved...

    How it works:

    Starting <b>June 1st</b> and ending <b>June 30th</b>, fans and bands can go to Airwalk.com/ush to enter their nominations for who they think the best unsigned band is. (Only bands that are unsigned (have no record label or sponsors) will be considered for the event).

    When the month is up, Airwalk will select 10 semi finalists from the entries and announce them to the world! Best part? Whoever <b>nominates those 10 bands</b> gets a Custom Airwalk engraved Flip video camera sent to them!

    Things get intense from there on in; we will be sending photographers to all 10 bands, giving behind the scenes interviews and video footage to help the bands promote themselves, then, starting August 1st we open up the voting phase, allowing friends and fans to vote for who they think rocks hard enough to earn the Grand Prize:

    -$5,000 cash

    -An all-expense paid opportunity to play select dates of AP’s Fall Tour

    -Attendance on location at the Airwalk photoshoot

    -Featured in the 2011 Airwalk music campaign

    So that's it! Take a couple of minutes to nominate a music group at Airwalk.com before June 30th, and your band or an unsigned band you love could experience something worth breaking a guitar over:
    Becoming the next Airwalk Unsigned Hero!


  2. Yes, we realize you read a million music posts a day, but literally, this is all about taking 2 minutes to support and promote unsigned talent and giving musicians and fans the power to really help bands get somewhere. That's what it's all about isn't it?

    Airwalk.com is in the midst of it's 2009-2010 Unsigned Hero event; a once a year but once in a lifetime opportunity giving unknown musicians the chance to achieve exposure, recognition, and the ultimate prize: 5,000$ cash and an all-expense paid trip to Austin, Texas to play multiple showcases during South By Southwest, the biggest music festival of the year.

    Fans not only have the ability to nominate and support the unsigned band they love, but have the chance to win custom engraved iPods just for signing up!

    Full prize package includes but is not limited to:

    -All hotel and travel expenses paid to (and from) Austin, TX

    -2 Showcases, mutiple shows right on 6th Street

    -Video interview with Spin magazine

    -Hang out with big bands @ Airwalk musician suite

    -Access to A&R and Industry Reps on MusicGorilla.com

    -5,000$ Spending cash

    Airwalk will also be sending out a film crew to the top 10 semi finalists to record band interviews and spotlights for behind the scenes videos!

    So that's it! Take a couple of minutes to sign up at Airwalk.com before June 30th, and your band or an unsigned band you worship could experience something worth breaking a guitar over. :D




  3. In a band? Know someone in a band? Know someone who knows someone in a band??

    Click over to Airwalk.com to sign bands up for the 2009 Airwalk Unsigned Hero event; a once a year but once in a lifetime opportunity giving unknown musicians the chance to achieve exposure, recognition, and the ultimate prize: 5,000$ cash and An all-expense paid trip to Austin, Texas to play multiple showcases during South By Southwest, the biggest music festival of the year.

    Fans not only have the ability to nominate and support the unsigned band they love, but have the chance to win custom engraved iPods just for signing up!

    Full prize package includes but is not limited to:

    -All expenses paid to Austin.

    -2 Showcases, mutiple shows right on 6th Street

    -Interview with Spin magazine

    -Hang out with big bands @ Airwalk musician suite

    -Access to A&R and Industry Reps on MusicGorilla.com

    -5,000$ Spending cash

    We will also be sending out a film crew to the top 10 semi finalists to record band interviews and and spotlights for behind the scenes videos!

    Do you have what it takes? Do you know a band that does?

    Sign up at Airwalk.com to prove it, and we'll see you in Austin, 2010.


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