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Posts posted by djsoulfinger

  1. I think that's going to change. You guys starting to see applications becoming web-based? This is the direction we are moving to. Web-based applications. Microsoft is not seeing the shift or is slow to respond. Think about it. Everyone uses a web-based email account because you can check it from anywhere. Don't you think outlook should be web-based? There are other applications that are moving to web-based. Google is already seeing it and they will be where Microsoft was years ago when IBM said "it's the hardware that sells not the software Bill".

  2. I can say this. The major labels are in serious trouble. They have not realized that the people will become the new distributors via myspace and other social networks. Social networks will be how music is distributed and listened to online. I walk around and don't see anyone with a portable CD player anymore. They are almost obsolete. When the shift takes place and the people become the new distributors, the major distribution channels monopolized by the major labels will cease to exist. Just watch.

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