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Posts posted by Wes

  1. I was never into country at all, I was too busy metalling, but when he died Mike Davies played Ring of Fire on the Punk show on Radio 1. It made me stop and listen. I enjoyed that, so I got a greatest hits. I can't get enough of him now. I've got all of his American albums and they're magnificent. I genuinely consider his last one to be the greatest release of last year.

  2. Does anyone out there know of this band?

    They're quite frankly, stunning. They hail from Sheffield and make music the likes of which I've never heard before. In some ways they have a drum n bass sound to them, but they are a band, and would be classed as such. They have guitars, but in many of their songs, they come second to the drums.

    They defy description because I genuinely can't compare them to anyone else.

    Please check out their MySpace

  3. I voted Bonham, but then I saw Grohl, and now I'm a little sad that I didn't see him before because he's downright amazing. Listen to the last few minutes of Song For The Dead, from QOTSA- Songs For The Deaf, you'll see what I mean

    Special mention to Raymond Herrera from Fear Factory. That guy is a machine. Also, the drummer from 65daysofstatic, I don't his name, but anyone who can lay down a drum n bass beat is ok by me.

  4. For me it'll have to be Dead Kennedies, Black Flag and Pennywise. I fucking love Pennywise, as far as I'm concerned, that band can do no wrong, to the point that I'm seriously considering a PW tattoo. If only I could persuade the Mrs to let me....how punk am I...

  5. Hmm, my first post is slagging off the Stones, dangerous....

    When Mick turns up on the cover of Saga magazine, wearing a stripy rugby shirt and promoting his movie production firm, I think it's safe to say they are no longer relevant. I wouldn't wish to detract from their earlier material, which was fantastic. I mean, Paint it Black sits in my top 10 ultimate songs, but they are just so bloody pedestrian these days. Mick did the soundtrack to the Jude Law remake of Alfie, and it's boring.

    The famous Saga shot


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