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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Jesus Tap-dancing Christ has a point here. At some level, there is overwhelming common ground between the overwhelming majorities of people on Earth with regards to sexuality. You'd be hard pressed to find a human being who wouldn't have a problem with sexual contact with small children, for instance. It seems there are some deep, unspoken values between lots of people, regardless of all the "free-thinking" which sometimes seems to suggest complete subjectivity (which I find funny considering that's an oxymoron). So in conclusion, I can see where he's coming from with this statement and the rest of the article, sans the religious connotation. I think what he fails to realize is that the reasons why we are "more than just animals" could have to do with something other than spirituality. After all, the human brain is barely understood, and we humans are rather unusual.
  2. I'm not easily suprised by statistcs, but 10% is actually a bit of a suprise to me. Oh by the way. The article was informative (perhaps a bit jumbled though) until we came to the part called "Awakening". Then it turned into a religious sermon. However, this little snippet, disregarding the content before and after it, is an interesting look: Also......... That's not necessarily true. There are also a few South American native tribes that don't purposefully shield their genitalia (if at all). His insinuation that “modesty” in this context is related to something more than a product of one’s social environment doesn’t seem correct to me. What about nudists? Perhaps that’s one of many instances where his religion clashes with my lack thereof.
  3. You didn't even have to post that. Everyone could have guessed. Wow, what a coincidence! It's almost as if they made this "announcement" in a desperate bid to increase sales of the new installment of the game! How much did Guinness get paid I wonder?
  4. Most of it does look contrived (like the stuff about staplers), but the stuff about Toronto being the capital of Canada might genuine (I'm afraid). It doesn't matter really. Interviewing a hand full of people from the United States is only good for what they're doing, a joke. It shouldn't "amaze" anyone because it means nothing.
  5. I like me some Cleveland engines. Got my own special sauce with dem engines over an open flame. yeeehawww.
  6. Somebody should just drop kick her and get it over with. Celebrities assault people because they think they're above any repercussion legal or otherwise (due to wealth and status), and because they're spoiled rich children at heart. We need an official celebrity ass-beater. I'd do it but I don't have the time. Any volunteers?
  7. Now if they had just kept with the violence and language, nobody would have cared about the stupid game. Anybody can make a game full of swearing or people being beaten to death with a tire iron (or both) but you put sexual content into a game and you're gold. I'm surprised they didn't cram the site with advertisements to maximize profits even further. If I was a greedy rich prick, that's what I would have done.
  8. Wow. He must really like getting things shoved up his ass. (I'm sorry but there really is no other way to put it.)
  9. I like the layout the way it is. Nothing fancy. Easy on the eyes. No annoying flash or slow loading Java. Mostly text oriented.
  10. Dear Future, Sorry for the mess. Sincerely, Ken
  11. In other news.... Pete Doherty is absolutely insane. Better lock him in a round room so he doesn't shit in the corners.
  12. Biehn always dies. He survived "American Dragons", but the movie sucked so bad he probably wished he had died.
  13. It's very simple. The amount of truly good movies has dropped sharply. What did they think was going to happen?
  14. It wasn't a "bad" solo. I agree it isn't exactly the best, but I think he just wasn't a fan of the band, as is evident by his disdain for their "image" as "rockers" (whatever that means). On that point, I think he's a fucking idiot and should go back to shooting up heroin while getting snake tattoos on his back. Stop writing jerk-off. Boston was a technically sound band. They could play their instruments with the best of them. Who cares if it was forced or contrived? It still sounded good. Most of the selections from this article have to do with the author's contempt for everything but the solo.
  15. I never did see an episode of Siliconewatch. If at anytime I ever felt the need for sexual stimulation through video/image, I wouldn't sit there and watch some plastic Hollywood Barbie doll and her thousand (+) dollar chest. Sometimes?
  16. I just wish Chavez wasn't so authoritarian and paranoid at home. You can have a socialist country without jailing political dissidents. What the hell is wrong with him? He’s ruining the chance to prove you can have the best of both worlds (non-totalitarian communism mixed with capitalism). I don’t get it; his people did elect him. I know the CIA attempted to oust him (and failed), but you don’t solve that by becoming oppressive to your people. That doesn’t help.
  17. Comes with accessories(needles, etc..)!
  18. Looks like fabricated/fake video to me.
  19. And if they're really into making movies about video games, where is the fucking Zelda movie? That might be interesting. Mother-fucking fuckity fuck fuckers.
  20. A remake of Police Academy? Check. A remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Check. More sequels than are really necessary? Check. Video game (recent) and comic books based movies? Check. Pac Man and Fraggle Rock movies? Chec......what the fuck? Yes, it's official. Hollywood will be producing the same old garbage through 2009, plus two very odd entries which I believe might be a mistake, or a misprint that someone included on accident because it appeared in one of their recent nightmares.
  21. The Terminator owns all ass... The Terminator (1984) Its studio-friendly sequels and slick '80s action sequences may make this appear part of the Hollywood establishment, but look a little more closely. Behind the impressive effects you'll see an untried director, an obscure leading man and a (relatively) shoestring budget - in fact, all the hallmarks of an indie movie. If you want an example of independent spirit, there's no finer example than the man behind The Terminator's apocalyptic vision. A nobody on the verge of being fired from his job on a silly horror flick about piranhas, James Cameron was fired up by a vivid nightmare he had one night about an unstoppable metal assassin. Hastily scribbling a screenplay and assembling a crew, he threw himself body and soul into the shoot, creating a whole new genre of techno-noir along the way. That the Terminator spawned one of the biggest sequels ever is testament to what a high concept and assured execution can do. Of course, it helps to have a healthy dose of iconic lines and, in Arnold Schwarzenegger, an unstoppable machine from the future - sorry, Austria - poised on the very brink of superstardom. On one of the DVD releases (with a bonus disc) all the original sketches that Cameron did are included, even the one from his fever-driven "nightmare"; a picture of an endoskeleton Terminator emerging from a flaming pile of ruin. There's also a bunch of story board type sketches with the flying HK units and the futuristic soldiers (complete with ruined city imagery like wrecked buildings and skulls, and even written comments about the scenes). I'd post them if not for copyright issues. It's just a very neat reason to make a movie: vivid inspiration from a dream. Also, the bonus disc I got also has a "making of" which lends a lot of credence to just how indie this film really was and some of the very basic guerilla film making tactics that Cameron used to get some of the shots.
  22. Well, at least The Terminator made the top 3. Me being a SciFi/Fantasy fan more so than anything (except comedy and a few other exceptions), I would have liked to have seen it ranked #1.
  23. I passed the test. I didn't blink or vomit. I'm infallible.
  24. There are exceptions that I make Dude. I donate to some projects (especially useful opensource projects like SpyBot Search and Destroy, etc..). I have even purchased a license for NewsBin Pro; it's a lifetime key though, so they aren't exactly asking for one of my kidneys every 6 months or so. It all depends on the situation, but one thing is certain: I’ll pirate Microsoft products any day of the week.
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